Eighth Crown

Chapter 1039: Those eyes that feel familiar (3/3)

The so-called "gods", generally considered to be similar to "elves", are existences after the tactile personification of the earth and nature itself.

However, the process of deity becoming deity, from conceptual incarnation to natural touch, is itself a depravity.

The existence of God is real, it is not transferred by conceptual changes and human consciousness, and it is a living conceptual incarnation.

However, the gods are dissolved in the concept of nature, will change with the change of the concept, and constantly change the shape with the progress of human consciousness and technology.

for example.

Take, for example, the gods and spirits of the concept of thunder and lightning.

In the process of human history development, human's understanding of thunder and lightning has changed from the gift of nature and the grace of God, to gradually understanding the secret of thunder and lightning, analyzing the principle of thunder and lightning, and finally becoming able to control and use thunder and lightning.

In this process, if it is the real Thor, his existence itself will not disappear because of the change in human's cognition of the concept of thunder and lightning. Even if humans understand the principle of thunder and lightning, Thor is still the **** of thunder, who controls thunder and lightning. power.

But the **** of thunder can't.

The gods have been integrated into the concept. When the human understanding of thunder and lightning remained in the primitive period, the gods of thunder were naturally gods, but once human beings understood the principles of thunder and lightning and believed that the gods who controlled thunder did not exist, the gods of thunder would not exist. are also affected and thus cease to exist.

This is the difference between a **** and a god—this is a difference in personalities, and Lucia can see through it at a glance.

Because the development of human beings is getting faster and faster, the scope of activities has gradually occupied the entire planet, so that the earth has derived physical rules suitable for human development, and human beings have also studied various natural phenomena more and more thoroughly.

Under such a rapid development, in the 21st century, there are almost no gods on the earth today. The real primordial gods have also adapted to human beings because of the rules of the planet, so they have left the surface of the world and went to a better place. high-dimensional place.

In the same way, the fantasy species also had to go to the inner sea of ​​stars because of the continuous expansion of the scope of activities by humans, adapting the planet to human beings and becoming unsuitable for the fantasy species to live in.

It is also because of the continuous development and expansion of human beings like locusts that the mystery after AD has gradually fallen into decline, so that the modern magic association has to "take the concealment of the mystery as the first action criterion".

From this point of view, Kirshtalia's ideal of returning the earth to the Age of Gods is actually justified, and there may be many staunch followers who agree with his philosophy.

"However, it's troublesome for me."

Liu Xia gradually fell from mid-air and landed on the snow, looking at somewhere in the sky that was unknown.

"The real living Primordial God, in a sense, is probably even more troublesome than Lei Di."

As a main god-level existence, Lei Di was unable to detect Liu Xia's peeping on him. It is true that he was not a **** and was sleeping, but the Primordial God here only noticed Liu Xia's peeping, and peeped in the opposite direction. come over.

Even if there is no level of strength, the level of difficulty has been divided.

The Nordic Lostbelt actually had such a primordial god, which was somewhat beyond Liu Xia's expectations.


With his current strength, even the Primordial God is not impossible to kill.

"Intelligence first."

Liu Xia turned around and walked out of the white snow.

"First find a way to find the temple of the Primordial God, and then figure out his identity and power."

But then again.

Those blood-red eyes—why did he always feel a little familiar?

Is it an illusion?

For a while, I couldn't remember where I saw those blood-red eyes, and Liu Xia couldn't tell if they were acquaintances.

"Let's find the single servant first."

Liu Xia gave up thinking about the miscellaneous thoughts in her mind, once again exerted the power of future vision, and began to look for the lone Servant in this Nordic Lost Belt.

In the Russian Lostbelt, in order to resist the invasion of the Lostbelt, the Russian land had spontaneously summoned Atalanta—although in the end she went directly to the enemy’s side.

In addition to Atalanta, there seem to be several other Servants who have been left alone, but because they have not encountered them, they are not considered.

But one thing can also be seen from this, that is, the land of each Lostbelt, in order to resist the invasion of the Lostbelt, will summon Servants on their own.

Then this Nordic Lost Belt must also have lone followers who were summoned by the land.

And they should have been in this Nordic Lost Belt for a long time, and they must have obtained a lot of information. Liu Xia's purpose is to find them and get the information of the Primordial God from their mouths.

Because the future can't see the location of the opponent's temple, it can only use this roundabout strategy.

After a while, Future Vision gave the answer.

There are two steps that can be calculated at present, which means that there are at least two single followers who are currently scattered in this Nordic Lost Belt.

Liu Xia decided to find one of them first, and it is best to know directly where the Primordial God is.


In the vast snow field.

The Valkyrie with light green hair and long hair walks on the snow-covered earth. The tall figure looks slim, the purple pupils contain kindness, and the quiet smile is a little lonely.

"Ah... Sigurd, where are you?"

She looked up at the sky, and there was a hollowness and a sigh in her lonely eyes.

No one answered her questions, just like no one answered why she appeared in this world.

Her whole body was wrapped in a sad atmosphere, and her beautiful face was full of loneliness. She looked very lovable, and people couldn't help but want to take good care of her.

She just appeared in this Lostbelt two days ago. She is a Servant belonging to the Pan-Human History side, and she also has relevant common sense in her mind, but she does not understand the meaning of her appearance here.

Therefore, she could only walk dazedly on this land, approaching Sigurd who was obsessively looking for her.

"Connected... The sisters are coming."

The sadness and unbearable look in her eyes became more and more intense.

"Please tell me, great god, what should I do... my father."

There is a special network connection between the Valkyries.

Even if one is Pan-Human History and the other is the Lost Belt, there is a possibility of interconnection between the two. Therefore, her whereabouts were detected not long after she appeared in this land.

—The Valkyries who were led by the Lost News.

The voice fell shortly after.

The sky suddenly darkened.

It's not that time has returned to the night, but one after another silhouettes galloping from a distance, appearing densely in the sky in front of her.

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