Eighth Crown

Chapter 1035: Earth after human bleaching

That is the real sense, and it is a pale world at a glance.

In addition to pale, the whole world has no other color left.

There are no mountains, no rivers, no flora and fauna, no people and no buildings.

Those colorful things that originally existed on the earth, as if they did not exist from the beginning, the whole earth has become a world of nothingness, and there is a sense of cleanliness after everything has been bleached.

Imprinted into the eyes, only the endless snow-white wasteland.

Just looking at such a scene, many employees, including Director Fat, have already decided to give up thinking.

"This is really...a bit too much!"

Musashi came up from the corner and looked at the bleached earth, his face became solemn.

After the Russian Lostbelt disappeared, she and Liuxia boarded the submarine together.

According to her own words, there is still at least half a month before she is excluded from the current world. During this time, she can act with Liu Xia.

So I'm currently fighting with Esdesz.

By the way, Dotya, who has a weak sense of presence, sat in the position of the technician and was familiar with the various instruments and operations of the submarine.

She herself is very satisfied with this kind of logistical work. After all, this world is too dangerous, and everyone is burned and bleached. She doesn't want to get out of this submarine at all. Gou is done.

Fittoria, on the other hand, was drowsy from the beginning, watching everyone's discussion with a dazed expression, and some couldn't understand what they were talking about.

"According to the detection, there are no mountains of more than 1,000 meters on the earth now, and the rivers and seas have all disappeared."

Little Da Vinci's figure emerged from the screen, her eyebrows wrinkled cutely, and she let out a long sigh from her pink lips.

"However, the composition of the atmosphere has not changed. Apart from sunlight, there is no excess radiation in the air. It should be no problem to go out for a walk."

But in this empty world, there is no need to go out and walk around.

Just looking at the images fed back on the screen, you can know how empty the earth is now.

Just as they had guessed before, everything on Earth disappeared.

If there is anything that is the same as before, it is only the sun hanging high in the sky, radiating light and heat as always.

In such a world, let alone a place to live, even basic resources such as food and water will become a problem, and it is not an environment for human beings to survive at all.

On the present earth, perhaps the entire human race has perished.

"Is there really nothing left?"

Fujimaru Rika looked at the snow-white wasteland that could not be seen on the screen, and let out a deep sigh.

Although I already knew about this before, I actually felt a very clear feeling when I saw it.

Although there were also cases in those years that burned the three thousand years of human history, but because she stayed in Chaldea at that time and had never been to the outside world, she basically did not experience the hot world of thousands of miles away. , This is the first time to feel the desolation and loneliness of the real world.

"There are only seven Lostbelts left on Earth right now."

Little Da Vinci took over the words and shrugged helplessly.

"No, to be precise, after the Russian Lostbelt disappeared, there were only six Lostbelts left, but there should be something similar to the Wall of Storms covering it, and the submarine's equipment couldn't detect it yet. Internal events."

Ophelia is responsible for the Nordic Lostbelt.

Mustard Hinako is responsible for the Chinese Lostbelt.

The Lostbelt of India led by Pepeloncino.

Kirshtalia's Atlantic Lostbelt.

Beryl is responsible for the British Lostbelt.

Debit's South American Lostbelts.

This is what I learned from Kadok, and the six Lost Belts that the remaining six hiders are responsible for are also the enemies they need to deal with with all their hearts.

"I don't know where Mr. Caddock disappeared to."

Matthew's expression on the side was slightly lowered, and there was a little worry in his expression.

Kadok, who was rescued from the rebel stronghold, knew that it was a woman named Goyanskaya who rescued him under Lucia's report, but he didn't know what happened to him now.

According to Kadok's description before, there is also a competitive relationship between the seven Lost Belts, and the seven hiders are not one piece of iron.

"Huh? Eh? Ehhh—?!"

While everyone was silent, Munir, who was driving the submarine, suddenly let out an exclamation that shocked everyone.

"Really, is there such a thing?!"

"What's the matter, Munir-kun?"

Sherlock Holmes could not help raising his eyebrows and looked in surprise.

"Is there any other situation that is more shocking than the scene in front of you?"

"Yes! There really is, Sherlock Holmes!"

Munir's face became extremely excited, and his face flushed.

"Listen, just now, we received a communication! We received a communication! There are still survivors on this earth!"


"real or fake!"

At this moment, everyone including Sherlock Holmes, Little Da Vinci, Musashi, Fujimaru Tatsuka, Matthew and others uttered inexplicable surprises.

"What is the content of the communication?"

Fujimaru Rika stepped forward to the driver's seat and looked at the instrument in front of her.

"The communication is encrypted and is being cracked... The cracking is complete, and it will be played soon!"

Another employee, who was cracking the communication, unraveled the communication after one operation, and then actively read it.

Even Liu Xia couldn't help but listen.

He also expressed a certain interest in beings who can escape the bleaching of human nature.

"—I, the magician of pan-human history."

"—I, the magician of correct history."

"—If anyone receives this signal, please request a rendezvous."

The Magician of Pan-Human History!

Just hearing this kind of news lifted everyone's spirits.

On this earth, there are survivors of pan-human history!

"—Here are the Baldanders, now moving in the North Atlantic."

"—waiting for survivors, repeating, waiting for survivors of correct history."

"—Please go to the following coordinates to meet."

"—Here is the Baldanders, which is the [Wandering Sea]."

Wandering sea!

That is a name that is absolutely unfamiliar to almost all magicians.

"Sea of ​​Wandering? Could it be the Sea of ​​Wandering?"

The fat director reacted the most, his eyes widened, the mustache on his lips could not help but lift up, his expression was full of disbelief.

"One of the three major organizations in the magic world, along with the Clock Tower in London and the Atlas House in Egypt, the island of the Age of Gods hidden in the North Sea, the oldest magic school - the Wandering Sea...!"

"Is that still there?!"

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