Eighth Crown

Chapter 1029: Go to cut down the fantasy tree

The storm had just stopped, and the entire cliff was in disarray.

The surviving Yaga were all faceless, looking at several people with eyes full of fear, their whole body could not stop shrinking into a ball, trembling, no longer the hatred and hatred they had before.

Liu Xia ignored the surviving Yaga, but looked in the direction of Kadok.

The guy disappeared without knowing when.

Because he is a member of the hider, it is entirely possible that he has other information hidden, so Liu Xia deliberately let the wind bypass him just now, intending to capture him later.

As a result, at that instant, a figure suddenly appeared there, protecting Kadok and Kotomine Kirei, and then disappeared without warning, taking the two away.

Liu Xia subconsciously opened the future vision, intending to recover Kadok, but did not expect that after entering the result into the future vision, the method and steps obtained were blank.

"No longer in this Lostbelt? Or is there a **** sheltering them?"

Liu Xia recalled the appearance of the person who rescued the two of them.

He has long pink curly hair, wearing a Russian military coat, glasses on his face, and golden pupils. Although his appearance is charming, his whole person is surrounded by an inhuman cruelty.

According to the descriptions of the people in Chaldea, such a feature is completely consistent with the woman Gaoyanskaya who fooled the fat director and destroyed the Chaldea both internally and externally.

"That woman is by no means easy to match."

Liu Xia made such a judgment in her heart, and then turned her attention to other people.

Not surprisingly, the battle situation everywhere was resolved.

Fujimaru Rika looked at the rebel base that had been reduced to ruins, and was speechless for a long time, unable to utter a single word.

This is a real murder, and there is no way to escape it. She has to bear it with all her strength. Next, what she has to face is all seven Lostbelts, including this one, silently. time, trampling on their lives and destroying their world.

In the silence, the girl smelled of blood and iron.

Now that she has decided to take this step, she can no longer regret it. She can only go to the dark side on this path. She has made it up to this wicked person!

"Di Di!"

In a trance, Chaldea sent a communication request.

The originally poor communication situation returned to normal because the magic power of this world was swept away by the Deviance Sword.

"...So it is, it is so."

After the communication was connected, Fujimaru Rika told everyone in the submarine what happened here, causing them to be silent for a while.

"Senior... are you all right?"

Matthew cast a worried look on the screen.

"Don't worry, Matthew, I wasn't hurt at all."

Fujimaru Rika patted her arm and made a strong posture, but the smile on her face was very far-fetched.

"I didn't mean that..."

Matthew hesitated for a moment, then gave up worrying, and a gentle healing smile appeared on his face.

"No, it's nothing, let's talk together after the senior comes back. I am willing to listen to the experience of the senior at any time!"

Matthew's heart is very delicate, and very considerate, not asking too much, but giving her time to buffer.

"After this battle, the living force of this Lost Belt should have been wiped out."

Sherlock Holmes turned the pipe in his hand and said thoughtfully: "I know it's very inhuman to say this at this time, but all we have to do next is to cut down the fantasy tree... Lixiang, do you want to come back and rest first? "

Sherlock Holmes is a detective.

A detective will maintain a very high level of rationality. In order to seek the truth, he will sometimes become inhumane. His personality is explained in "The Detectives of Sherlock Holmes".

"No, just cut down the fantasy tree in one go!"

Fujimaru Rika shook her head and gave a firm answer to Sherlock Holmes.

"Well, if you insist."

Sherlock Holmes did not say more, obeyed her answer, and then opened his mouth.

"To be honest, in order to find out our real enemy, I really want to observe the existence of the fantasy tree up close, so the submarine will now go all out to Moscow, and we will meet on the way."

"That's not necessary, just stay where you are."

When Liu Xia turned his hand, a purple crystal cube appeared in the palm of his hand.

"I have a Noble Phantasm capable of space transfer, which can send us all to the fantasy tree."

They were not allowed to appear before because the imaginary submarine was the last fortress of mankind and could not easily appear in the eyes of others. After all, once it was destroyed, it was all over. Now that all the enemies have been defeated, naturally there is no such shackles.

"What?! You still have this kind of thing? How many kinds of Noble Phantasm do you have?"

Little Da Vinci broke into the picture and shouted at Liu Xia, obviously quite dissatisfied.

After learning that Liu Xia possessed a Noble Phantasm that can move in long distances, the people of Chaldea were shocked again without any surprise, and asked why there is such an almighty Servant, which is much more reliable than the shrinking Da Vinci.

Little Da Vinci: "...the prices of all goods in the store will be doubled in the future!"


Accompanied by a buzzing sound, a purple square appeared at the feet of Liuxia and the others, teleporting them to the snow on the outskirts of Moscow.

After several people disappeared from sight, only the remaining Yaga finally breathed a sigh of relief, as if they were happy after the catastrophe.

However, they didn't know that the time they could spend happily was only the last few minutes left.


On the outskirts of the capital Moscow, where the fantasy tree is located.

After coming here last time, Liu Xia used Shangri-La to leave a space mark here.

Along with a purple square flashing by, the figures of Liu Xia, Fujimaru Rika and others also appeared on the icy and snowy land.


Another purple light flashed, Liu Xia opened the space marker on the submarine, and teleported the entire submarine, and everyone appeared directly under the fantasy tree.

Including Holmes and others, everyone raised their heads and looked up at the huge tree in front of them.

In front of him is a strange object called a "fantasy tree" by the hiders. It is similar to a cylinder, with a diameter of about 300 meters and a height of at least 5,000 meters.

Moreover, unlike the illusion that could be seen at a glance last time, the fantasy tree this time actually appeared there, and it was obvious that it had taken root.

The fully grown fantasy tree is silvery white as a whole and like ice and snow, sometimes accompanied by dark crevices like folds, revealing the unknown space inside it.

Not only that, the whole body of the tree exudes a strong tsunami-like magic power, and there is a huge canopy above its head, which seems to be enough to cover the entire Lost Belt.

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