Eighth Crown

Chapter 1019: The decisive battle started by the princess (3/3)

"I can't work with the guy who came to destroy our world!"

This Yaga, who was probably Atalanta's right and left hand, made a loud announcement to everyone present.

"……Me too!"

"Add me!"


After the remaining Yaga looked at each other in dismay, some raised their hands in indignation, while others fell into silence and did not say a word.

"The guy who destroyed the world..."

Fujimaru Tachika froze in place, "That means..."


Esdes stood at the door of the conference room, and when he heard the words, the corners of his lips curled slightly, as if he felt interesting.

"...Sorry, Rika."

Atalanta's face changed endlessly. Under the scorching gazes of several Yaga who were full of expectation, she gritted her teeth, and she relaxed and finally made a choice.

"I can't watch these children disappear in front of me, please forgive me."

Atalanta loves children.

That was something that Fujimaru Rika knew when she was in Chaldea. For the sake of children, she was even willing to fall into evil ways. If it was for those Yaga children, she would part ways with her, which is also expected. .


"So... why exactly?"

The red-haired girl bit her lip and asked Atalanta and the Yaga in front of her with a puzzled look.


Atalanta silently looked at her at first, but did not answer, but her eyes were full of apology.

"It's hilarious!"

A cold voice came from behind, and Esdes' words crossed Tatsuka Fujimaru and stabbed Atalanta on the opposite side.

"What do you mean, the dozens of children in front of you, even if it expands to the entire Lost Belt, are only tens of thousands, but they are actually more important than the hundreds of millions of children in the entire Pan-Human history? The hundreds of millions of Pan-Human History. The weight of a child, even the weight of tens of thousands in the Lost Belt, can't be compared, this side should live, and that side should die?"

Esdes' tone was full of ridicule.

Laugh at Atalanta's innocence, hilarity, and hilarity.

Tens of thousands and hundreds of millions, if they are weighed on the scale, there is no need to hesitate at all, and anyone will choose the one with the heavier weight.

But Atalanta went the opposite way and chose the lighter side.

For the tens of thousands, choose to give up the hundreds of millions.

No matter who it is, at the moment of knowing her choice, it will feel incredible, even funny.


Atalanta still didn't speak, but her head was lowered, making it impossible to see her face, only to see her body trembling slightly.

"Don't say any more!"

Yaga, who was the first to speak, was full of anger and looked at the two people at the door angrily.

"You don't need to disguise now! We are not the same as you. For the sake of your help in the past few days, we will not do it. You should leave!"

"That's right! Leave!"

The other Yaga also raised their fists and drank, and the eyes of Fujimaru Rika also became indignant and hatred.


The red-haired girl opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but she felt as though her lips were heavy, and she couldn't speak at all.

Estes narrowed his eyes slightly, and a dangerous color appeared in his eyes.

Except for Liu Xia, no one has ever dared to yell at her. After casting hateful eyes, she dared to tell her to leave. Usually, people who do that don't even have corpses left.

"Report—! Report!"

Just when the two sides fell into a deadlock, suddenly a scout shouted in panic and came to the conference room.

"It's not good! It's not good, boss! I observed a large number of soldiers approaching the stronghold! The number is at least 10,000! It is speculated that it is most likely an army from Moscow!"


Frightened voices quickly filled the entire conference room.


below the cliff.

More than 10,000 Yaga soldiers all wore cold coats and marched in the mountains against the blizzard. The army formed several long dragons.

At this moment, this army was encircling the position of the rebel stronghold from all directions.

After the arrival of this army was detected, panic quickly spread throughout the rebel stronghold, and screams and cries of children filled more than a hundred houses of all sizes.

"...It is indeed the army of Moscow!"

Atalanta stood on the watchtower, looking down at the long dragon marching below, her face became very ugly.

"But why did Moscow's troops suddenly appear here?"

I haven't received any news at all before, and there is no sign at all!

Fujimaru Rika and Esdes, together with the Yaga who quarreled before, came to the gate of the fortress and observed the movement of the army below.

Although there were signs of division in the conference room before, but at this moment, the matter is urgent, and the biggest threat at present is the tsarist army that has hit his feet.

"This Russia has blizzards all year round and visibility is extremely low."

Liu Xia's figure appeared in the field unknowingly, and the unpredictable steps of the ghosts surprised the Yaga present, and they all became nervous, for fear that Liu Xia would do something to them.

They all know that this beautiful and outrageous old man is the terrifying existence that killed that Ivan the Terrible! Don't look thin and thin, but it has terrifying power beyond imagination.

"Moreover, those troops have traces of spells on their bodies."

Liu Xia's eyes swept back and forth among the army at the foot of the mountain for a while, and said, "The level of the spell is quite high, even I have only seen it in my life, and it is no worse than the Tamamo from Chaldea."

Conjuration and magic are not exactly the same.

Although they are all techniques used to change phenomena, the essence of magic is a program for arranging existing things, and the essence of magic is a program for arranging one's own body as a material.

Generally speaking, incantation is more likely to appear in eastern island countries or isolated indigenous tribes. It is essentially a small-scale spread of spells. In the clock tower, it is even despised as only second-rate magicians will study.

And on the army at the foot of the mountain, there are traces of large-scale spells.

Using extremely high-level spells to cover the marching marks, coupled with the natural blizzard to cover up, basically it is impossible to find their whereabouts before the eyes.

"that is--?!"

Fujimaru Rika suddenly narrowed her eyes, and with the help of her eyes that had been strengthened with a very small amount of magic power in her body, she saw the figure of the commander standing at the forefront of the army.

It was a girl with long white hair covering up, wearing a long snow-white dress, holding a faceless golden-haired doll in her arms, and was commanding the army with a stern expression at the moment.


He led the slaughter hunters to invade Chaldea, frozen the entire Chaldea, and belonged to Kadok's servants!

Now he actually took the initiative to hit the rebel stronghold?

Does this mean a decisive battle?

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