Eighth Crown

Chapter 1007: Inside Leidi's bedroom (3/3)

While on the submarine, Sherlock Holmes once asked him several things, one of which was to investigate whether there was any shadow of the Master of Group A in Lei Di's palace.

If there are really seven Lostbelts, then maybe there are seven people in Group A, each of whom is responsible for one.

They are currently in a state of asking three questions, and there are many things they want to ask the seven people in Group A. This time is obviously an opportunity.

"Now we are far behind the other Lost News belts. If we don't work hard, we will not be able to win. In this case, your wish will not be fulfilled."

Kadok's eyes darkened and he laughed self-deprecatingly.

"I'm not a genius like Kirshtalia and Debit, and I don't have a mysterious origin like Pepeloncino and Mustard. All I can do is redouble my efforts. If I can't even do this, I will take What to fight with them?"

Debit, Peperoncino, Mustard Hinako... These are the names of other people in Group A.

Are they also competitive?

Liuxia listened to the conversation between the two and quickly memorized these words.

According to the information provided by Sherlock Holmes, Goldruff and others, among the seven people in Group A, Kadok is undoubtedly the lowest.

His level of magic is only average, even below the average, and his family history is only about two hundred years old. It is no different from an infant in front of an ancient family that is often measured in thousands of years. One of the seven in Group A.

He himself is also very conscious of this, so he often appears to be very inferior, and his words are often pessimistic, but when he realizes this, he will put in several times the efforts of others in order to achieve the expectations of others. He is an obvious hard worker, and the dark circles under his eyes often stay up late.

"Don't be so inferior, in my opinion, you are good enough."

Anastasia showed a somewhat troubled look, as if she was confused about how to comfort her Master, but because the fluctuations in her expression were too small, it was difficult for people to notice such a look.

Immediately afterwards, her eyes flashed.

"someone is coming."

Kadok's expression tightened slightly, and then he fell silent.

Liu Xia was still leaning against the wall, without any intention of making an appearance. He knew that what the two were talking about was not him, and they couldn't find his breath.

"Oh? Are you two here?"

Soon, a middle-aged man appeared from the corridor on the side.

He has a very obvious Oriental face, with sharp edges and corners, his short and medium black hair is slightly rolled up, and he is wearing a black priest's uniform.

"I was looking for you."

The priest man came to the garden with a smile without the slightest smile, and stared straight at the two people in front of him with his swarthy pupils.

"Bishop McCulley, what's the matter?"

The moment Kadok saw him, there was a little bit of alertness in his eyes, and then he asked quietly.

"nothing special."

The priest and the man smiled unwaveringly, "It's just that Leidi woke up and called to see his concubine, which is you, Anastasia."


At the moment of hearing such news, Kadok's expression suddenly froze, and a little intolerable disgust appeared on his face.

"No way, then let's go together. I just have something to report. You won't stop me, will you, Bishop McCully?"

"Is not likely to."

The smile on the priest's man's face remained unchanged, and his expression was calm.

"I am Lei Di's teacher. Of course, everything will be considered for Lei Di and this Russian Lostbelt... Therefore, it is necessary to keep Lei Di asleep all the time."

"Tsk! The guy who doesn't like it as always..."

Kadok clicked his tongue, and the look of alertness on his face was almost beyond words.

"It's alright, Caddock."

Anastasia came up and shook her head at Kadok.

"Bishop McCulley is like us, and I think he's trustworthy."

Caddock fell silent without a word.

To be honest, he doesn’t like this man who calls himself McCully. Of course, it’s also possible that he doesn’t like this guy named Kotomine Kirei that the other party relies on. In front of him, all of his actions feel as if he was being abused. Annoying to watch as a monkey show.

But for some reason, Anastasia trusts him so much that he is always confused.

"Let's go, go see Lei Di."

Under the leadership of the pseudo-servant who claimed to be McCarley, the three walked towards the depths of the palace.

Liu Xia hid her breath and followed behind the three of them.

According to the conversation between the three, this Anastasia seems to be Lei Di's favorite concubine, not the last princess, but there is no legend that that concubine can control the ice in history.

Could it be that this woman is not a pan-human history, but a Servant with the memory and strength of the Lost Belt?

The Lostbelt is essentially one of the history of mankind. If you choose the memory of one of the Lostbelts to summon when summoning a Servant, then the summoned will naturally be a heroic spirit that is inconsistent with the legends of the pan-human history. This woman It makes sense to be so strong.

"However, Kotomine Kirei... Is the soil and water in Fuyuki City so good?"

Lucia looked at the man who called himself McCarley at the front.

He knew him. When he participated in the Fifth Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City, he knew the other party and read the information about him, but he didn't expect to meet him here again.

Chiko Murama who came on the basis of Shirou Emiya, Ishtar who came on the basis of Rin Tohsaka, Parvati who came on the basis of Sakura Matou, here comes another Kotomine Kirei... ... Fuyuki City is amazing.


the depths of the palace.

"Ding dong dong-"

Before he got close, he heard the sound of a piano.

The sweet voice flows through the heart like a smooth stream, making people feel much better without realizing it.

Whether it was Kotomine Kirei, who claimed to be McCarley, or Kadok and Anastasia, hearing this piano sound seemed to be accustomed to, and there was no sign of surprise.

After walking through the long aisle and pushing open the heavy door, behind the door is Lei Di's bedroom.

In the empty palace, only a few candles were lit around the room, barely spreading the light all over the room.

A piano was placed in the corner of the room, and a musician Servant with a mask on his face was sitting in front of the piano, playing classical music repertoire smoothly.

And in the center of the room.

A huge bed was placed there, surrounded by gauze curtains, so that people couldn't see the scene there, only a huge black shadow curled up there.

"Oh, my beloved concubine Anastasia, I heard the door open, are you here?"

From the gauze curtain, there was a low but confused voice.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Anastasia came to the gauze tent with a cold look in her eyes.

"I'm here. Now there is peace everywhere in the country. The czar's prestige spreads all over the world. Do you have any orders?"

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