Eighth Crown

Chapter 1004: Diagnosis of Mathura Lingji (3/3)

"Speaking of which, I noticed something earlier."

Sherlock Holmes pondered: "When I was in Smolensk before, I remembered that the slaughter hunters and the citizens there seemed to mention the rebel army, right?"

That being said, it is.

The mayor at that time sold Liuxia and the others backhand just because he was afraid of being killed by the slaughter hunters as a rebel army.

Since they mentioned it, it is probably not groundless. It is very likely that there is an organization of the Rebel Army, on this earth, resisting Lei Di's reign of terror.

"I plan to ask Lixiang to find the rebels and get in touch with them."

Sherlock Holmes suggested: "It would be great if we could have friendly contact with them and form an alliance against Thunder Emperor."

To be honest, if you go to the location of the rebel army as an old species, you will undoubtedly be on high alert, and the possibility of friendly contact is really low.

But now that they have abundant combat power, there is no reason to make full use of them. If Esdes and the others are willing to act together with Fujimaru Rika, they will be able to protect themselves.

"Alright, after that, let's divide the troops in two ways."

Lucia nodded in agreement.

"I'm going to Moscow, and Esdes and Fittoria are going to the rebels with Rika."

This is currently the most efficient approach.

If he went to Moscow alone, he would be able to evacuate at any time without any burden.

Estes curled her lips aside, although she was reluctant, but if it involved a mission, there was nothing she could do. She knew the importance of the mission better than anyone else.

Not only for Liu Xia, but also for herself, because the more tasks Liu Xia completes, the closer she is to recovering her feelings, so that she can take advantage of it.

"As for the location of the rebel army, it's up to you, Mr. Liangyi!"

Holmes smiled and looked at Lucia.

Nothing makes finding someone easier than futuristic.


Lucia responded calmly.


After confirming the next battle plan, Fujimaru Tachika and others were busy preparing, while Liu Xia planned to set off directly.

"Wait a minute, Lucia-chan!"

But just before he set off, little Da Vinci suddenly stopped him and waved to him.

"Come here, there is something I want you to look at for me!"

Lucia didn't speak.

Just silently turned around and walked in the direction of little Da Vinci.

Medical room.

The room is not large, only about 20 square meters. The walls of the room are painted white. There is a single bed in the room, and some medical equipment such as stethoscopes are hung on the side.

Matthew is waiting here at the moment, because the air conditioner is always on in the car, so he took off his bloated down jacket and changed back to his usual clothes.

Fufu was also standing on the table next to her, tilting her head, wondering what she was thinking.

"Da Vinci, are you here?"

After hearing the door open, Matthew raised his head, then froze for a moment.

"Mr. Liangyi? Why are you here?"

Entering from outside the door, it was Da Vinci and Liu Xia who was called by her.

"Do you mean Matthew when you told me you wanted me to help you?"

Liu Xia looked at Da Vinci beside him and asked her.

"That's right!"

Little Da Vinci showed an inexplicably proud smile, looking at Matthew as if he saw a promising parent with a child.

"Maybe you don't know yet, the reason why we were able to escape from Chaldea was Matthew's great credit. Before meeting you, she was the one who protected Lixiang!"

"So, what do you mean?"

Liu Xia raised her brows slightly, and there was a faint guess in her heart.

"Although it is a bit reluctant, Mash has regained the power of the subordinates!"

Little Da Vinci made the announcement proudly, but then lowered his head and sighed.

"But it's really reluctant. After only a few minutes of fighting, you will become immobile. I have been examining her body recently, and I have come to some conclusions."

At the beginning of Chaldea, there was a plan called "Subservient Experiment".

Matthew is the test-tube baby born according to that plan. Although it is not an artificial life form, it is very close.

Growing up in a sterile room, she was deliberately kept in the purest posture by the entire Chaldea, with the cleanest mind. If she were to face her face to face, I believe that many criminals would cry bitterly, willing to Let's get right.

She became a test item of the subordinate plan, and was used by Chaldea to summon the heroic spirit named Galahad by using the "Fate Summoning System", and she became a subordinate with the power of heroic spirits. By.

When Humani was burned, she and Fujimaru Rika set foot on each singularity point of walking, used Galahad's power, and shouldered the heavy responsibility of protecting Fujimaru Rika.

But after the restoration of human nature, she lost that power.

According to Chaldea's inspection, it was the heroic spirit named Galahad who left very suddenly, causing Matthew to lose Galahad's power and become an ordinary person.


Looking at it now, even if Galahad's power was lost, Matthew didn't really turn back into an ordinary person, otherwise, Da Vinci would not have said that she had regained the power of a subservient.

"Although Galahad left and his power disappeared, the spiritual foundation did not disappear."

Little Da Vinci explained: "According to my previous speculation, it should be that the spiritual foundation lost Galahad's power and became a blank spiritual foundation, a blank shield knight's power. Lingji."

Lucia suddenly understood.

Just like when he traded with BB and went to the computer labyrinth, after BB absorbed the power of another BB's spiritual foundation and remodeled it, what was left to Liuxia was a blank Alterego spiritual foundation.

After Liu Xia absorbed the blank spiritual foundation, his [Advanced Servant] skill has remained at the lowest E rank so far.

Mash's situation was the same as Luca's.

Although Galahad's power is gone, she has been given a blank Shielder astral foundation.

But it is precisely because the spiritual base is blank that Matthew cannot control it. Not only is the burden huge, he will become immobile after a few minutes, and his strength is greatly reduced, far less than before.

"After getting the blank Shielder spirit base, Matthew fell into a state of [self-poisoning] for a long time, and was unable to use this power until Chaldea was attacked. Incentive, barely used Shielder's power."

Little Da Vinci looked at Liu Xia, a star-like flash appeared in his eyes, full of anticipation.

"You are also a subservient, right? So I thought, can you help Matthew solve this problem... how about it? Can it be done?"

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