Eighth Crown

Chapter 996: Reunion with Chaldea

It wasn't until she saw the figures of Liu Xia and the others that Fujimaru Rika understood what the villagers mean when they said "men are so beautiful, women can't tell them apart".

is not it!

Ryuxia-chan is really pretty!

Although he is now using the appearance of a young man, his unique magical charm still allows Fujimaru Rika to see his true body at a glance.

Although according to his own words, this demonic appearance is also obtained because of having a different bloodline.

And women can't tell the difference, because Yaga's aesthetics are different from humans, and they don't know the beauty and ugliness in the eyes of humans, just as humans can't distinguish the beauty and ugliness of Yaga.

Although in the eyes of humans, both Esdes and Dotya are beautiful, but in the eyes of Yaga, they are just strange-looking aliens.

"Lixiang, why are you here?"

Liu Xia looked at the red-haired girl who ran over in small steps, and her eyes were full of surprise.

To be honest, he really did not expect to meet Fujimaru Tatsuka here, the only Master of Chaldea, and a girl who had become acquainted when he was in the country, and had an extraordinary affinity.

"I still want to ask you!"

The red-haired girl came to Liu Xia's side, with a bright smile without any impurities on her face.

"Where did you go after you left Chaldea? How did you come to such a place?"

The girl was obviously very happy to be able to reunite with Liu Xia here.

"Mr. Liangyi, long time no see!"

Behind her, the girl with pink blindfolded short hair also trotted to the two of them, and bowed politely to Liu Xia, with an undisguised surprise in her expression.

"Let's get out of here first."

Liu Xia glanced around, although he didn't care about the anger and fear of these Yaga, but such a noisy environment is obviously not suitable for reunion.

"Okay! By the way, Mr. Patsch's side... eh?"

Fujimaru Tachika responded bluntly, and then looked in the direction from which she came.

She just wanted to say hello to the werewolf brother from before, but when she looked at it again, there was no other person in the crowd, which made her stunned for a moment.

"Senior, our existence will only affect Mr. Patsch."

Mathura tugged on the sleeve of Toumaru Rika and whispered: "Although it is very sad, let's pretend you don't know him here. This is also for his own good."

"……It can only be the."

The girl rubbed her long hair in annoyance, and finally sighed helplessly, "Mr. Patsch is a good man, and we really can't implicate him."

"Let's go."

Liu Xia didn't pay attention to who Patzi was, but left the village with the people behind him, under the pointing eyes of the villagers.


Everyone quickly left Smolensk and re-entered the blizzard.

"Di Di!"

Before a few people could talk, the silver bracelet on Fujimaru Rika's wrist suddenly flashed.

Immediately after Fujimaru Rika connected, an azure-blue screen appeared in front of her, from which an image appeared that seemed to be located in a narrow space full of electronic devices.

"Hello? Lixiang? Are you alright there?"

A girl with long black wavy curly hair quickly jumped out of the screen, her height was close to that of Liu Xia's youth, and she was holding a wand of the same style as Da Vinci's.

If you look closely, even the girl's dress seems to be very similar to Da Vinci, just like a character like her daughter.

"A somewhat familiar spirit base state has been detected here? And it's just by your side, which means you're meeting, right?"

After the girl jumped out of the screen, her blue eyes turned around, and her eyes quickly focused on Liu Xia.

"Oh! I thought maybe it was a malfunction of the machine, or someone else who was specious, but I didn't expect it to be you, Mr. Liangyi! Oh, for us now, your presence is undoubtedly the most important thing. What an exciting development!"

Although the girl's face was full of innocent smiles, she seemed to know Liu Xia well.

As a result, Esdes, who was on the side, cast a dissatisfied look at Liuxia again, wondering if he had a relationship with some beautiful girl behind her back.

This is nothing new. Even if it was only in Chaldea, there was obviously no intersection. Later, there was a servant named Parsonlip, who showed extraordinary goodwill and enthusiasm for him?

"You are Da Vinci... how did you shrink?"

Liu Xia recognized the girl's identity at a glance. Although the size was different, the wording and tone of speech became full of girlishness, but the girl was Da Vinci himself.

"There are various reasons for this!"

Little Da Vinci curled his lips, looking reluctant to talk about this topic.

"Compared to this, Mr. Liangyi, how long have you been here? Do you know where it is?"

It seems that because they just arrived, they are completely confused about the situation here, and they are in a state of confusion. They originally planned to find out about Patzi, but they did not expect this incident in the middle.

However, compared to the information here, being able to join Liu Xia is the biggest gain in Da Vinci's heart.

After all, the current Chaldea has really reached the most vulnerable time in history, and it really needs the addition of heroic spirits, not to mention the type of Liuxia who is very strong and often drags his family.

Da Vinci glanced at Esdes and Dotya beside him.

Not to mention Liuxia herself, Miss Esdes is undoubtedly a super-strong existence, and Miss Dotya herself is a very accomplished alchemist, and she even got Paracelsus and others when she was in Chaldea. Highly recognized, and impeccable as a logistics staff.

Uh-huh! It's amazing!

It's just... what's the matter with the free-standing chicken next to him?

Even Da Vinci couldn't help but look weird when he saw Fituria, who was round and round, and the style of the painting didn't match!

"I just arrived, but I got a lot of information about this Lost Belt from the mayor just now."

Lucia paused and glanced at Da Vinci and the narrow electronic instrument room behind her.

"It seems that you have had a very hard time over there during this period of time. Just in time, let's exchange the information we each have."

"That's how it should be...! Hey, Holmes, why are you busy!"

Da Vinci just wanted to make a sound, but the picture shook for a while.

Then when she waved and yelled, the screen suddenly switched to another room.

"Sorry, let me confirm the information about the information."

A beautiful young man wearing a neat gentleman's uniform, with his black hair trimmed to shine, and holding a smooth pipe in his hand appeared in the picture.

"Please allow my rude behavior, but I do have a lot of questions that I want to confirm with Mr. Liang Yi."

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