Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 434: : The road to 7 stars from 6 stars

[Eighteen years of catching tricks, I have entered the horror game] Read novels for free, please collect 17 novels【】

In the face of absolute strength, even an iron wall can be shattered.

And these ghosts are just a mess of loose sand combined for a short time with the same interests.

After discovering the danger and wrongness, the situation was messed up on the spot.

Of course, this has a lot to do with their real leader, Chong Lan, who ran away first.

"I declare that you are surrounded by me." Lin Chen shouted loudly.

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched, but they were all excited.

These are thirty halls and one hundred ghost monarchs. If they are all killed, the entire Hua Kingdom will have nothing to worry about in a short time.

There are not many ghost kings and palaces entering Blue Star, and this wave even emptied all the high-level ghosts in the border of Huaguo.

"Unite together, don't mess around." The original leader of the hall shouted loudly.

These ghosts have reached this level, so they naturally understand this point, if they can't escape, they can only fight.

It's just that they don't have a bottom line in their hearts.

Lin Chen's power is too strong, it is definitely not as simple as a newcomer to the palace.

Here today, the tragedy of the sea of ​​flowers on the other side may be staged.

Under the crisis, they agreed on a countermeasure, and half of the ghosts came to hold Lin Chen and those six stars.

The rest will bombard the space barrier with all their strength.

"Whoo! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

One after another, the palace ghosts rushed forward, their ghost powers broke out completely, and the continuous battle began in a blink of an eye.

The six-star players on the human side were not soft on their hands either. Although Lin Chen stood up, they had no intention of idling. With the high fighting spirit, the one-on-one situation had already taken advantage.

And Lin Chen also sneered, increasing the defense of the space barrier, driven by the holy power of the fusion of three kinds of energy, and attached to it with divinity.

After that, his own figure flickered continuously.

He harvests in the field, and every time he appears, he will descend behind a certain hall, and he will be knocked unconscious with a slap on the back of the head.

Today, his physique has gone through a big leap and has reached the sixth stage, and he is not the kind of beginner.

In terms of physical strength, no hall-level ghost can compete with him.

Just pure physical strength, combined with the stun effect of the upper back attack, is enough to stun the palace.

Under the watchful eyes of the camera and the crowd at the scene, Lin Chen appeared like a phantom, appearing from behind different ghost clans, almost slapping each other.

Even if a ghost reacted in advance, it would not be able to dodge in time.

"Wow! It really is a ghost with one punch!"

"Li Shen is too strong, he is a harvester!"

Even the scene became boiling.

The situation was one-sided, and the ghost clan had no room to resist at all.

This kind of battle, even a six-star player has never seen it before.

"Boy Chen, is that how you killed in the sea of ​​flowers on the other side? It really was fun!" Zhou Geng laughed.

The ghost clan can't send high-level ghosts into the blue star continuously. Killing all these ghosts is equivalent to getting rid of the haze over Huaguo, which is exciting enough.

And this was also designed by Zhou Geng from the very beginning.

When he heard that the ghosts in the black group had thoughts about Lin Chen, he took the initiative to disclose his position and recruited ten six-stars to sit in charge. It seemed to increase the momentum, but in fact it gave the ghosts an illusion .

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