Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 421: : Pull Yan Wang into the water.

【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

The depression in Lin Chen's heart dissipated and he returned to the villa.

This time, Qiu Ziwen and the three ghosts informed Lin Chen of Blue Star's current situation.

When Lin Chen heard it at the beginning, he was indeed a little shocked, but soon, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Only ghosts from the hall and below? Didn't this send me money?"

"At present, it has exploded on the Internet, you can search and see."

When Lin Chen heard this, he looked in the chat system and player forums, then used his mobile phone to surf the Internet and opened some information software.

"Tianyuan Building in Linjiang City is haunted! The commercial building opened at eight o'clock, but there was no movement until nine o'clock. After opening it, it was found that all the security guards on duty at night were missing, and the ground was soaked in blood."

"All the residents of the three buildings of Happy Home are missing. If the player in blue clothes hadn't arrived in time, the whole community would have been in great trouble!"

"At midnight, you must not take the No. 21 bus, and the blue clothes have already started to search. "

The society fell into panic, and some cities have been sealed off for silence. Every night, members of the big groups and blue clothes are patrolling.

Lin Chen squinted his eyes: "These ghosts seem to be very low-key. It seems that the invading ghosts dare not show their heads too much due to their limited strength."

The strength of the ghosts, the strength of the Blue Star players, and various factors caused some ghosts to choose to hide.

After all, whoever wants to stand up and start a killing spree will probably be destroyed by the concentrated power of the players immediately.

Under various conditions, it has quickly entered a certain balance.

"It is estimated that the ghosts who dare to kill are also too vicious. Some ghosts with real wisdom are still hiding."

Not only Lin Chen, but also other players have noticed this. This sentence is in the forum center of the chat system.

For the ghost race, these players are also analyzing.

Blue Star is a feast for ghosts, and it is also an opportunity for players.

Heroes come out of troubled times, and any ghost has a bounty, ghost coins, ghost objects, rights, wealth, etc. Some casual players have established ghost hunting clubs.

Lin Chen took a general look, and became very interested in it. No matter what angle he looked at, he would never let go of ghosts.

"Hey, Lao Zhou and the others also contacted me."

Lin Chen said softly.

"Teacher, do you want to join the blue clothes?" Qiu Ziwen was very flexible and thought of something instantly.

Lin Chen laughed, and said: "With my current strength, I can only say that Lan Yi joined me and served me."

"That's right." Qiu Ziwen also laughed. He didn't know that Lin Chen was already a six-star, but even if he was a five-star, Lin Chen's strength could be called the top existence in Blue Star.

Entering the blue clothes, you will not be bound by anything, and you will get the resources of the blue clothes.

Iron chains can't hold the dragon.

"Blue Star's situation is worrisome. I've lived here for so many years. Without the care of the old dean, I probably starved to death on the street. Anyway, I should really do my part."

Lin Chen thought about it and decided to meet Zhou Geng.

His appearance has been exposed, although it is not open to the public, but to Zhou Geng and the others, it is definitely no longer a secret.

As soon as the news of the ghost was spread, it was immediately clear when the faces were compared.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Therefore, Lin Chen didn't plan to hide his face anymore.

In the past, he hid because his secrets and systems could not be known by others, but now his strength, even if he showed his true face, was enough to block all coveted prying eyes.

"But before seeing Zhou Geng, let's deal with these guys, and the old man should also go and see."

Before leaving the sea of ​​flowers, the elder elder's seemingly angry words contained hidden information.

"On the top of the sea of ​​clouds, above the mountains..."

Lin Chen always felt that something was wrong. When dealing with ghosts, he thought about it and understood.

Isn't this the Alpine Park of Yunhai City?

Thinking of the Great Elder saying that he likes dancing

There was a dance, well, the park dance was included, and Lin Chen became more and more convinced that his guess was right.

The other party wants to see him!

Although Lin Chen didn't know why, he could feel that the Great Elder had no ill intentions towards him, otherwise he wouldn't have betrayed him at a critical moment, pitted the hills, and blocked the crucial blow.

Moreover, even if there is a problem, Lin Chen is not afraid.

Now everyone is a hall, among the same level, even if you are the incarnation of Tongtian Ghost, you may not be able to defeat me!

Big deal, I'll go to the mining area to invite Lord Bone!

Lin Chen thought of this, took out the iron pot, and released the two figures after a slight shake.

A big man with red hair and a beautiful girl were released.

"Flame King! Flame Girl!"

The three ghosts exclaimed.

"Where is this place? Why is there so little yin energy?" Yannv asked in surprise, looking around with amazement on her face.

Her memory of the outside still remains the scene before the sea of ​​flowers on the other side entered the iron pot.

"It's not right..."

King Yan's heart moved slightly, feeling the surrounding environment, and seeing the "ghost of the world" full of human breath, his pupils shrank immediately.

Here is Blue Star!

He was much smoother and smarter than his daughter, and he realized something immediately.

"King Yan, what are you looking at?" Lin Chen jokingly asked.


King Yan was at a loss for words, and if Chen was released to him in this kind of place, there were all possibilities of what he would do, which made him nervous.

In the end, he hugged Niu Ritian and said, "This is my son-in-law, my in-laws!"


Lin Chen rolled his eyes and said: "I'm not his father, to tell you the truth, all the ghosts in the sea of ​​flowers on the other side have been wiped out by me, not only humans and ghosts, but my actions can be said to have offended the entire horror world Over and over again, so we are enemies."

"No! It's the in-laws!" Yan Wang had a great desire to survive, regardless of the white eyes of the three ghosts and the blush of his daughter, and they were close to each other.

"So it's our own?" Lin Chen laughed.

"Of course it is. When I was in Banjie Mountain, I had a high opinion of you. Although you killed my disciple Mo Yan, that kid's talent is not bad. I don't like mental skills." King Yan said hastily.

In fact, he was also feeling emotional in his heart.

The little fierce **** who used to be, now has come in front of him, and has the strength to crush him. He used to be the king of Yan, aloof, but now he is Xiaoyan, struggling to survive... This makes him somewhat unbalanced.

However, after all, the situation is stronger than the ghost, so it is impossible for him to say more.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"It's good to be my own person. I have a business in the horror world and I need a right-hand man. I think you are suitable." Lin Chen said.

"What business..." King Yan realized something was wrong and asked cautiously.

Could it be the Devil's Restaurant, isn't there a bandage ghost?

The three ghosts thought.

"I formed a group of gods..."

Lin Chen opened his mouth slowly, told the situation of his God Group, and asked Yan Wang to help him transport some goods.

Yan Wang was a little surprised at first, then he was shocked, shocked, and finally widened his eyes and said: "You kill me!"

Good guy!

Isn't this the evil church?

What the **** group of gods?

Using the so-called "sacred medicine" to control the members, increase their strength, and finally wipe them out, Chen's heart is broken!

And he can foresee that if the holy medicine is really terrifying, the whole horror world will be in great danger, no ghost can resist the temptation to become stronger! They will release the devil in their hearts!

But he knows that this holy medicine is poisonous, extremely poisonous! It must not be touched.

"0.5 Fang Shenjing per month, which is what you call the god-level ghost stone. In addition, every time the group of gods expands, I will give you a little commission."

Lin Chen didn't use any violence, and the reason why Yan Wang stayed behind was because of the other party and Niu Ri.

Tian's relationship is unusual, and he doesn't have a lot of grievances on him, otherwise he would have been sent to the mining area together.

In the group of gods, Xu Sheng is just a fire starter, and his combat power is really insufficient. He needs stronger people to help him run. Yan Wang, who is already close to the palace, is naturally the best ghost choice.

"0.5 Fang? There is also a commission." Yan Wang was shocked, his mouth was wide open, and his body trembled a little from the shock of this data.

In the sea of ​​flowers, he had obtained the original god-level ghost stone, and knew the mysterious characteristics of that thing. Moreover, as a veteran ghost king, he himself had a certain understanding of the god-level ghost rough stone.

Not to mention 0.5 fang, even 0.1 fang is enough to drive Diantang to do things!

It's not how exaggerated the increased ghost power is, but the divine energy attached to it is an unparalleled mysterious substance.

The ghost clan with divinity is far more powerful than those without.

Although the divinity that can be absorbed is different under various factors such as different realm potentials, basically nothing can be seen in the early stage.

But when it comes to the true king, good fortune, the difference is very visible.

"I agree!"

"No regrets?"

"Ghosts are fierce. Although I am a ghost, there is a high probability that I was once a human being. This is what I should do. This is a word of justice!"

The **** and the interests determine the head, and Yan Wang is strict in his words, for fear that Lin Chen will regret it. Even Lin Chen hesitated to sign the ghost slave contract before agreeing.

Those ghost masters who have achieved great fortune in the sea of ​​​​flowers have only obtained one or two god-level ghost stones, and he can do it with three months' salary!

Moreover, Lin Chen also promised that after everything was over, his ghost slave contract would be terminated.

"Okay, I will give you the holy medicine. Yancheng will be the core of the God Group in the future. As for the return, I will help you think about it." Lin Chen said.

"I have a fixed point in Yancheng, and I have a fixed-point teleportation talisman on my body, so I can go back." King Yan said.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

He is very anxious, eager to go back to do performance.

"It's better this way!" Lin Chen rejoiced. In a short time, he had no way to return to the horror world. The Ghost Restaurant fell into cooling, and the deserted village was also cooling down in the iron pot.

As for the fixed-point teleportation talisman, Lin Chen also ran out.

He has already made a decision. When he goes to the Horror World next time, he must find a way to buy more fixed-point teleportation symbols. Those things are sky-high prices for other ghosts.

But to him, it's nothing, it's just that this item is rare even in the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce. Last time he bought two, he had to adjust a lot of goods in the city to get them together.

Lin Chen exchanged tens of thousands of bottles of Obedient Water with Shengui Coins, all of which were given to King Yan, including the palace-level Obedient Water. In addition, he informed King Yan of Xu Sheng's characteristics.

"This is 2 god-level ghost stones~www.wuxiamtl.com~ mainly refining ghost power. With your background, it is enough to condense ghost power and improve the quality. I will pay you four months' salary in advance, but don't think about it any more. It will become a myth." Lin Chen said coldly.

"Understood." King Yan nodded, already having such a great connection with Chen, it is impossible for him to refine human flesh and blood.

In fact, the energy of the two god-level ghost raw stones has surpassed that of human flesh and blood by a lot. Their refining method is different from Lin Chen's waste method.

"My grievances and grievances with King Mu are settled, don't think about making trouble for him because of me."

Lin Chen made another point.

King Yan was surprised, but still nodded, and finally said goodbye to his daughter and left Blue Star.

Yannv stayed with Niu Ritian, Lin Chen didn't care too much, and after that, he let Ayin out again.

This poor yin beast has been in his bag for almost a month, and it's time to come out and let the wind go.

Ah Yin, who just came out, was very excited, looking up to the sky and about to roar, but after seeing Lin Chen's strength, the roar stopped abruptly, and the dog's eyes almost popped out. In the end, he honestly turned into Erha, lying on the sofa already Autistic.

Ling'er and Heihu, Lin Chen also let them walk out of the ghost domain.

Without the two, Lin Chen can still use the energy of the three ghost domains, and the two are just extra special effects on the two small ghost domains.

It's just an increase.

Back to Blue Star, they will naturally not be restrained.

The villa Lin Chen rented was big enough, and he didn't worry about being crowded. On the contrary, after everyone came out, the whole villa instantly became lively, and it was no longer so deserted.

At this moment, only the last ghost remained on Lin Chen's body.

That is the abyss ghost who has an excellent relationship with Mu Yun, Ming Rou!

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