Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 418: : Send the flower **** to the clubhouse to be the oiran

【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】


A sharp and shrill scream sounded like a demon. It was a flower demon hidden in the sea of ​​flowers, and they were all affected at this time.

The evil spirits were also howling, and Lin Chen recreated Purgatory in the sea of ​​flowers on the other side, making these evil spirits suffer endless torture in the sea of ​​flames.

"You can feel the divine crystals here, dig them all out, and leave this place to me."

Lin Chen said to Master Gu with his last rationality.

Master Bone and the chain youth nodded, and finally left quickly. Although those ghosts are quite valuable and good miners, they definitely don't want to provoke Lin Chen at this time.

Their time is running out, there are still five minutes, but their speed is extremely fast, and they can also perceive the location of a large area of ​​the **** crystal. Within five minutes, they can do a lot of things.

"No! We are not trying to steal your anger."

"Leave us alone, ah! It's so hot and painful!"

"What kind of fire is this? It's so powerful!"

All the ghosts were howling in pain, and even those incomparable mythical ghosts who were 10,000 people were screaming.

However, Lin Chen's anger did not ease at all.

The heat of the red fire technique is so high that these ghosts can't compete at all. Some fierce gods melt instantly, and the ghost king and ghost king are equally uncomfortable. It seems that they can all be killed in a few seconds.

However, Lin Chen didn't want to let it go so simply. The fact that these ghosts were able to survive in the fire was actually the reason why he intentionally controlled them.

Countless bottles of medicine flew out of him.

This is the healing medicine accumulated by the system lottery.

For other people and ghosts, this medicine is definitely a holy medicine, but Lin Chen just let them sprinkle it in the air like useless ordinary water.

The wounds of those ghosts decreased immediately, but soon, they were severely burned again.

Week after week!

In the air, the Tongtian Ghost and True King Good Fortune from the outside world looked stern, but they didn't speak out.

Threats are not afraid of threats.

Criticism doesn't make any sense.

The opponent is not even a ghost!

The magic mirror is damaged, they can only see the picture and hear the sound, but they can no longer interfere. They can only listen to the wailing of the ghosts below, watching the favored children of heaven that they have cultivated by themselves, being tortured in the fire, and at the same time Also very angry.

"Kill me! Wretch, kill me!"

"Damn morning, you are a devil!"

"Ah! Why don't the elders stop attacking? I'm in so much pain. "

The flames continued to burn. Although Flora did not leave, she just stood there silently and did not intend to interfere. Moreover, she was waiting for Lin Chen to calm down and wanted to discuss something with Lin Chen.

Love ghost broke into reincarnation with his life and turned into anger. Lin Chen couldn't punish himself, but he would never let go of any of these ghosts who blocked him!

He wants to make these ghosts all fall into a painful cycle of reincarnation!

Time passed minute by minute.

In less than five minutes, Master Gu and the young man Tie Lian returned excitedly, and after leaving Lin Chen with twenty crystals, they were teleported away.

Huashen sighed secretly, the large area of ​​Wangchuan Island was almost hollowed out by those two ghosts!

The scene is like purgatory, and all ghosts are being punished.

Finally, Kong Qin in the air couldn't hold back anymore, and said: "Chen, stop, what's the point of you going on like this?"

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Lin Chen sneered and said, "Old ghost, I wish I could burn you in the fire, burn your dirty ghost blood, and refine your disgusting soul!"

"Hehe, with your strength, you can't threaten us. In fact, when the sea of ​​flowers is over, you still have to come out. At that time, you will face the wrath of the sky." Before Kong Qin could speak, Qiu Ling directly sneered.

"Qiu Ling, right, let me tell you something, I am very vengeful, if you slap me three times, I will give you three palms back to your Shazhou, those three palms will be the hand that destroys the world, and your Shazhou will collapse The land subsidence and the sea of ​​fire descended, turning the land of one continent into the darkness of the restricted area of ​​the ghost domain

place. " Lin Chen said.


Qiu Ling sneered disdainfully and snorted.

The holy medicine had disappeared, and Lin Chen's rationality finally returned to his brain after venting for a while. He controlled the spread of the sea of ​​flames, and instead of burning those ghosts, they scattered outward.

And the ghosts in the field, whether they were Shinhwa or the ghost king, were all broken to the extreme, lying on the ground, powerless to resist.

Lin Chen took out the happy plate blade and walked slowly.

He stepped on Mo Kai's chest and looked at him indifferently, that ruthless and cold gaze made Mo Kai unforgettable forever.


The next moment, even though Mo Kai was already powerless, he still couldn't help but growl in pain.

Like a demon, Lin Chen directly cut off his waist and Huang Quan.

The pain was so painful that he couldn't bear it.

The iron pot flashed, and Mo Kai was put into the iron pot.

Lin Chen walked to the next one.

He is like a wandering ghost, even weirder and more terrifying than these real ghosts, constantly harvesting.

The ghost clan who noticed the situation of other ghosts was frightened violently.

Especially the ghosts of Yinhuangzhou, who have already started to play tricks.

But Lin Chen never let go of those who were stubborn or howled and begged for mercy.

One ghost domain, one kidney, and these ghosts were all dealt with by him.

He passed by King Mu and stopped.

This ghost was not harmed by the flames from the beginning to the end, but just sat on the ground in a daze. Mu Yun's death dealt a great blow to him.

"There will be no enmity between you and me, but I don't want to see you kill again."

Enmity and resentment, human and ghost confrontation, under a certain kind of neutralization, Lin Chen let Mu Wang go.

King Mu killed someone else. Although he was the devil, Mu Yun died because of him. How could he harm Mu Yun's father again?

Of course, if King Mu is still his enemy as before, Lin Chen will not hold back too much, and at worst, seal it up, neither to kill nor to sell.

King Mu didn't respond.

Lin Chen continued to harvest until finally, all the ghosts fell into his iron pot.

A total of 600 ghosts!

It can be described as a bumper harvest, but this time, Lin Chen didn't feel too much joy. These ghosts are not killed, but he wants to improve his strength. One day, he will go to the other three continents to settle the case.

"I should call you Dawn."

The flower **** floated down, and said slowly.

Lin Chen looked at her indifferently. Although Huashen followed the rules, she was also one of the culprits.

"I want to ask, are those two ghosts really from another world?"

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Seeing that Lin Chen ignored her, Huashen spoke up anyway.

"Do you want to go? I can help you." Lin Chen sneered secretly.

Flower God was taken aback for a moment, and then said pleasantly, "Can you send me to another world?"

"nature. " Lin Chen nodded.

The flower **** didn't doubt Lin Chen's ability, because Lin Chen's ability to summon two ghosts from other worlds in the sea of ​​flowers has already proved this point.

But Lin Chen's straightforwardness still made her hesitate.

In the end, she nodded and said: "Then please send me away. In return, I can give you another large piece of divine crystal."

Flower God took out the ten-direction crystal and placed it in front of Lin Chen.

Lin Chen glanced at it, and then said, "Yes!"

Although she is a god, her ghost power still proves that this woman is a ghost, but she is an extremely special ghost.

Special enough to sell your own ghost...

Lin Chen took out the pink sack and said, "Come in, and you will appear in another world."

The Flower God was startled, his face froze, and he said, "You can't be tricking me, are you?"

"It's fine if you don't believe me, I have only one way." Lin Chen said.

Flower God hesitated, in fact, she was already in the pink sack

She felt a special kind of energy, but that kind of energy made her a little uneasy.

But in the end, she agreed. In fact, as she said, she is just an avatar, and her real body is Wangchuan Island and the sea of ​​flowers on the other side. Even if there is a problem with the avatar, she can reunite.

This flower **** just represents her senses and will, which can be cut off after death and condensed into a new incarnation.

"Yes, I believe you." Flower God nodded.

Immediately, it really took the initiative to fly into the pink sack.

"System, resell, sell to a brothel, that clubhouse!" Lin Chen shouted in the system immediately.

Is it the God of Flowers, is it magnificent, is it not! It is unparalleled in beauty, right, I will send you to pick up the guests!

[Successful reselling, the incarnation of ghosts and gods, seven stars, and 100 million divine coins! 】

The huge amount of magical coins was credited to the account on the spot, which was directly a small goal.

Seven-star ghosts are real king-level ghosts, but they can’t actually be sold at this price. The premium price has something to do with the other party being the incarnation of ghosts and gods, and also has something to do with the other party’s beauty.

"Is there really another world? It's incredible."

"The ghost still has to be captured, dig out his secrets, and anger is still born. Although so many ghosts have been lost, it is still worth it."

"The most important thing is that we know the truth about reincarnation from the dead~www.wuxiamtl.com~Although there are very few love ghosts, I don't think it can't be copied."

The four Tongtian in the air all sighed.

But Lin Chen couldn't care about these anymore.

The other party is an incarnation, which proves that the main body is still here. After discovering the situation, big things will happen at any time.

Lin Chen's ghost power erupted, and he teleported directly to the altar.

He remembered that Master Bone said that this thing is a fetish imitating reincarnation, it is absolutely good, and if the God of Flowers is sold, he must not let it go.

Lin Chen tried to lift it up, but the altar was extremely heavy, even if it was him, he could only lift it a little bit, and couldn't lift it anymore.

"Hehe, how can such a holy object be so heavy that you can move it in a single hall?"

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"It's ridiculous, if you can move it, it's a good thing, just bring us the altar."

"It's just a child with a yellow mouth. Humans are greedy and too naive."

The three elders spoke slowly, as if they didn't think Lin Chen could move the altar.

However, the next moment, their eyes widened.

I saw that Lin Chen took out the pink sack again, facing the altar, the mouth of the bag instantly enlarged, and sucked it in directly.

"how is this possible?"

"What kind of bag is that?"

The ghosts in the air were dumbfounded, but when Lin Chen heard the voice, he just looked at the air indifferently and said, "I'll be back."

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