Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 415: : The group of ghosts is defeated, Tongtian makes a move!

【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

No time to mess with them.

The love ghost was already like a flower in the wind, Lin Chen immediately started to explode with all his strength.

"Anyone who stops me will be killed!"

Lin Chen said coldly.

His strength shocked all the ghosts, even the four Tongtians in the air were moved.

Intensely powerful.

The perfect ghost realm is like a perfect world, surrounded by the sun and the moon, a little girl with a stern face, and a black tiger roaring angrily.

They all felt Lin Chen's emotions.

"Law heaven and earth, create holy body!"

Lin Chen roared, his size skyrocketed, and he turned into a giant in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, even Huashen's expression changed, and she was shocked by Lin Chen's strength. Even if it was her, she had never encountered such a powerful existence among the ghost kings.

Lin Chen's aura was like an abyss like a prison, and the world surrounded by the sun and moon shrank and fell behind him like a divine ring.

Even the newly obtained divine energy is being amplified at this time.

Lin Chen's unprecedented full firepower!


Lin Chen punched.

This time, the rule barrier finally began to vibrate.

"Mu Yun, stop!"

Lin Chen punched again and persuaded Mu Yun, he is a human being, why should he reincarnate?

A higher life beyond ghosts?

He is!

"She can't stop, the rules are already running," Huashen said.

"shut up!"

Lin Chen pointed at her.

He was yelling at the gods.

At the same time, Lin Chen's body radiated anger, completely turned into a human being, and lifted his ghost body. At this time, he didn't care about exposing anything.

"Is your rule to let anger appear in a living person? I am alive, why do you make a lover sacrifice?"


"The ghost is a human?"

"Who the **** is he?"

All the ghosts watching were dumbfounded, not only Lin Chen's strength shocked them, but Lin Chen's aura at this time, even a fierce **** could tell that the other party was an out-and-out human being.

"He is Chen! He is Chen!"

At this time, a ghost from Yinhuangzhou screamed on the spot. It was a hidden ghost king. He had guessed when he saw Mu Yun offering sacrifices to the ghost.

After Lin Chen's breath turned into a human being, he felt the familiar ghost power, and he immediately guessed the truth.

However, this truth almost scared his heart out! The bottom of his heart was extremely cold.

"What? Is he really human?"

"Chen! He turned out to be Chen, how is this possible, Chen and Ye are the same person!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

The ghosts of Yinhuangzhou were inexplicably shocked. During this period of time, the name of Chen had spread throughout the entire Yinhuangzhou. Even they were extremely afraid of that ability and talent. When talking about it, many ghosts thought that the only genius in the frightening world was Hunshi Ghosts can stand shoulder to shoulder with it.

But no one thought that the two turned out to be the same person!

Although the other ghosts of the Three Continents had never heard of Chen, it was still shocking for a human being to become a ghost and come here with such powerful strength.

The flower **** was stunned, a sluggish look appeared on her beautiful face, after Lin Chen turned into a human, the scene became completely chaotic, even she, the host, was a little dazed.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

The ghost is a human being? Then what kind of reincarnation? Does this comply with the rules? It does not comply! But the sacrifice has already started, and there is no way to stop it!

"Meng Guang! You brought a human to the sea of ​​flowers on the other side, and killed so many ghosts. This is a great crime."

In the air, the voice of the hills' fury sounded.

Surprise flashed in the eyes of the Great Elder, but he said with a blank and innocent face: "I don't know, I don't know him well..."

"I don't know your size, you bastard!" Qiu Ling said angrily.

bastards are people

, and he is still a ferocious person, so is there any way for those ghosts down there to survive?

This combat power, those ghosts and myths, all the horrors are going to happen!

"The power of ten yuan!"

Lin Chen turned on the strongest state, fused with ten different energies in his body, and blasted towards the regular barrier with a punch.

"The power of twelve yuan!"

With another punch, Lin Chen's physical strength seemed to be infinite, and he continued to explode, like a crazy attack, which was about to break through the barrier.

However, that barrier is really indestructible. Until now, there hasn't been a single crack, it's just constantly turbulent.

"Stop him!"

Qiu Ling's cold and angry voice came, and the stunned ghosts below finally reacted and attacked again. This time, even the ghosts from Yinhuangzhou and some weak evil spirits attacked.

Especially the Nightmare Ghost, who hid in the dark and did not appear. He has always had a grudge against the Hunshi Ghost, and immediately used his natal skills and opened his ghost domain.

Hundreds of haunted realms spread across the sky!

The yin energy emitted can freeze the space, and the current power is unimaginable.

However, Lin Chen's perfect ghost domain was just a shock.

More than 90% of the ghost domain was shattered on the spot, and only the myths of the three thousand people in Dishazhou and the myths of more than 5,000 people in the ghost domain were struggling to support them.

"He is too strong to keep his hand. If this continues, he may really break the barrier of rules."

"Why didn't Lord Flower God stop him?"

"He is a human being, Lord Flower God must be hesitating, everything has gone into chaos."

The ghosts of Gengsheng Prefecture who specialize in ghost power, three thousand-level mythical ghost powers emerge, like three fast-moving black rivers, everything they encounter melts into the river on the spot.

Even the water of the River of Forgetfulness seemed to be infused with the power of the three ghosts.


Lin Chen snorted coldly, and the second ghost power gushed out, which also turned into a big river, resisting the ghost power of the three ghosts.

His ghost power has been boosted many times, coupled with the **** crystal of the eternal god, it has already surpassed the imagination of these ghosts, and even one enemy and three can equalize!

"What a monster!"

"How can there be such a human being?"

"too terrifying!"

Although Lin Chen has never taken the initiative to attack them, his power has already frightened some ghosts out of their courage.

It seemed that all of them teamed up, and they couldn't do anything to Lin Chen now.

In fact, the ten thousand ghosts are not weak, but Lin Chen is too strong, and he explodes unreservedly. If these ghosts are the original ghosts in the dungeon, and they are boosted by the dungeon, in this style of play, Lin Chen Chen may still be defeated.

In the air, the youthful old ghost Qiuling's ghostly power surged.

"I can't stay anymore, Lord Flower God, please forgive me for taking the liberty."

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

After all, a palm came down from the sky, and in a short period of time, he actually drove the magic mirror, broke the rules again, increased his authority, and issued a palm.

This palm is very powerful, when it first appeared, it was like a world-destroying hand, with time, space, and endless energy entangled in the palm.

However, under the power of layers of rules, the power of this palm is gradually decreasing.

By the time Lin Chen was in the sky, it had shrunk to the extreme, but even so, it was still not a force that the ghost king could contend with.

"Damn it!"

Lin Chen gritted his teeth. He didn't care about continuing to attack the barrier. He could only fight back with his fist. The giant palm locked him, and he couldn't dodge it.

He was not careless, all the energy in his body fused together.

"With the power of twelve yuan, ten slaps and the tenth slap to the ghost, the ghost will have regrets. "

After all, Lin Chen has a limit. After this palm, his strength will also be damaged, but he can't care about other things at this time.

Immeasurable light bloomed on Lin Chen, like a giant **** welcoming the end of the world.

Behind him, the three perfect ghost domains also exploded, and the flowers and plants in the main ghost domain withered instantly, passing the power to Lin Chen.


Between the heaven and the earth, there was a sound of explosions, and the horror of the sound waves directly wiped out some fierce gods on the spot. The ghost king even spat out ghost blood and fell out.

Even the myths of the seven ten thousand people were pale at this moment.

Lin Chen stood upright and punched the hand that destroyed the world. This scene has been frozen in their hearts, and it has become an unimaginable shock, which will never be forgotten in their lives.

After the dust settled, cracks appeared on Lin Chen's body, but he still stood tall and straight on the ground.

"He...he resisted the power of Tongtian Ghost?"

"How is this possible?"

All the ghosts gritted their teeth and looked at the battlefield. The next moment, they were dumbfounded, and their eyes almost popped out.

Lin Chen blocked it. Although he was seriously injured, he still blocked it. In front of the ghosts of the four continents, after today, Chen's name will completely resound throughout the horror world!

However, Lin Chen didn't relax, he looked at the sky coldly, a trace of blood was spilling from the corner of his mouth, he was almost at the limit, but this was just a casual blow from Tongtian Gui.

Under the eyes of his divine attachment, the second palm has appeared, and it was photographed at high altitude.

"Stop it...my fate is doomed, you go away..."

Mu Yun burst into tears, not because she was sad for herself, but because she felt sorry for Lin Chen, and she was also moved by Lin Chen.

"I'll get you out!"

Lin Chen said firmly, he glanced at Mu Yun, looked at Mu Yun's illusory body, Lin Chen's heart was completely turbulent, and an inexplicable pain appeared, he held back his emotions, and finally suddenly laughed:

"You try to resist the power of the altar, and wait for me. After you are rescued, I will fall in love with you. There is no difference between a human and a ghost. I am narrow-minded. Wait for me, you must wait for me, I I’ll take you to the movies, go shopping, let’s go back to Blue Star, I still have 400 million r in hand~www.wuxiamtl.com~ What do you want to buy? I."

The giant palm fell.

Within 10,000 meters, the ground collapsed on the spot, Lin Chen's figure disappeared, his voice stopped abruptly, everything seemed to be over.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"do you died?"

"If this human being is not eradicated, even across continents, I will feel uneasy."

"This palm, even if his **** descended into the world, it is difficult to escape."

The ghosts were terrified, and Lin Chen's peerless figure had already brought them fear.

"It's just a reptile, trying to block our chance."

"Just kill it, old ghost Meng, you owe me a favor for helping you eliminate a monstrous opponent."

In the air, Tongtian Ghost's voice also came out, with a sense of relief. In their eyes, Lin Chen was indeed too dead to die.

However, when the dust settled, all voices stopped, as if being choked.

I saw that under the ruins, not only did Lin Chen's figure not disappear, but two more figures appeared.

A dry old man and a young man in chains suddenly appeared.

They wore tattered sackcloth uniforms.

He was muttering, and said with a voice of surprise:

"My lord envoy, you really are so capable, you actually let us out!"

"Is this the light? Is this the light? I haven't seen it in too many years!"

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