Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 413: : Ask your heart on the bridge of Naihe

【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Outside, the ghosts inside were a little dazed watching the group of ghosts desperately trying to get into Lin Chen's iron pot.

what happened?

Why did the scene become so chaotic?

Why did those myths of thousands of people make a move, and even killed their own ghost king?

What did the mysterious woman say?

The minds of the ghosts are full of mysteries.

At this stage, the so-called lip language can no longer be seen at a glance.


The four great elders are working together to drive the magical treasures to disperse the rules.

The picture that will be presented in the sea of ​​flowers is a magic mirror.

At this time, the divine light flourished, bursting out with immeasurable power, and began to disperse the rules.

The ghost power of the four elders was surging, like a peerless ghost emperor fighting against the heaven and the earth. The demon sea below was surging, and some giant sea beasts and undead that had approached were fleeing frantically.

Just when the outside world began to exert force.

The internal battle also started completely. The power of the eight mythological ghosts fluctuated. They did not target Lin Chen first, but instead attacked the lonely ghost clan.

On Lin Chen's side, two hundred ghosts have already been angrily collected.

Among them were some other ghosts from the Three Continents. They came desperately. When they came to Lin Chen, they saw that Lin Chen didn't reject them because of their identities, and they even shouted "Thank you".

In the end, it was not until King Yan flew into the iron pot with his daughter that he stopped.

"Brother, my own, Ritian and I are brothers."


This is the voice of Yan Wang and Yan Nu.

Lin Chen didn't make a sound, but with a twitch in his heart, he realized that King Yan had seen through him.

But it doesn't matter at this time, he is done with his ticket, and it is estimated that the elder will not be able to protect him, so he is going to slip away directly.

The top myths of the Yinhuang State, such as the witch Jing Yao and the angry demon, did not fly into the iron pot. Although they were not strong in the field, they obviously wanted to give it a go.

But now, Lin Chen is very satisfied. There are at least 500 ghosts, and they just fell into the trap.

Some miscellaneous fish were completely removed.

Lin Chen's eyes flashed, and he flew directly to the eight myths, ready to do it directly.

Since Flower God is within the rules and won't pay attention to others, then he doesn't have to hold back.

"Stop the fuck, if you dare to slaughter the weak in front of me who is as jealous as Qiu Ye, try my pot first!"

Lin Chen roared loudly.

The eight myths stumbled and almost fell.

It's a good thing we didn't target you, but you still dare to shout?

Especially Jisha, he sneered, and attacked Mo Kaihe without saying a word.

"Bang bang!"

Two loud sounds came out, even in the middle of the battle, they still attracted the attention of many ghosts.

Lin Chen in the air fought against the two Myths.

The seemingly unpretentious physical attack shattered the space.

Mo Kai let out a muffled snort, and flew out backwards. His strength was insufficient, and his defense was unparalleled, but the injury wasn't too serious.

Ji Sha was powerful and did not retreat, but his face was grinning brightly. Only then did he realize how terrifying Lin Chen's power was.

He and Mo Kai's combined left and right attacks can turn an iron mountain into a discus.

In the end, Lin Chen acted like a normal person, and instead shocked them.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

At this moment, he felt that his bones, which had been tempered so hard and could be called a ghost-killing machine, were out of place!

"Damn it!"

The power in Ji Sha's body surged again, Lin Chen sneered, and also took out the iron pot, just about to collect the ghost.

At this moment, the rules of the outside world finally began to slowly recede, and the voices of the four elders stopped for the first time.


The voice was loud, with great coercion, causing the bodies of the ghosts to burst, and the eight myths stopped immediately.

Jisha dodged back, glanced at Lin Chen fearfully, then looked up

To the air, where the sound came from.

"The opportunity is right in front of us, why kill each other?" Qiu Ling's hoarse voice came, full of anger.

Sha Linggui took a deep breath, he and Qiu Ling belonged to Earth Shazhou, so he quickly told the story.

"That's the way it is, but chances have their own destiny, and you must not continue to do it." Qiu Ling was stunned. Although the evil spirits only mentioned the specific situation, Qiu Ling immediately understood their thoughts.

Who is not a cruel and merciless generation?

It's just that for him, it doesn't matter who gets reincarnated from the dead in this group of ghosts, and he doesn't want to reduce the base number.


Even though they were unwilling, the ghosts still stopped.

Lin Chen curled his lips. He didn't expect ghosts to come out so soon to stop it, but how far can they influence?

This will take another look.

"According to the rules of the sea of ​​flowers on the other side, you Tongtian ghosts are not allowed to enter, go back." The flower **** said slowly, her face was calm, but at this moment she seemed a little calm, as if she was scolding Tongtian.

"Flower...Master Flower God, we won't interfere, and we can't enter. We just want to have a closer look at the opportunity to reincarnate from death."

Qiu Ling continued, although the strength of the flower **** is unknown, but as the incarnation of the sea of ​​flowers on the other side, he still gives him a lot of respect and calls him an adult.

Except for the society of Blue Star, where "net names" are taken randomly, it is definitely not easy to be called a **** in the horror world.

Either someone who is born with visions like the **** of the underworld, the world is gloomy, and all ghosts cry and howl, who aspires to become a god.

Or it is a real god!

That is the existence of ghosts and gods.

The Flower God in front of me is obviously the latter, although it is only the incarnation of God, it should not be underestimated.

"I have been here for thousands of years. Every thousand years, when the flowers bloom, we all come here as protectors, going through the sea of ​​demons and going through hardships."

"We four old ghosts, the ten thousand years of calamity is not far away, I hope Lord Flower God will be more accommodating and let me wait here to watch."

The Great Elders spoke out one after another, and there was a hint of threat in the last sentence. Ten thousand years of calamity is not far away, that is, death is not far away.

If you are in a hurry, you are willing to do anything.

Flower God is just an incarnation, they don't believe that they won't be afraid of turning their faces.


Flower God thought for a while and then nodded. He looked at the magic mirror in the sky and said, "Opening the way in the realm of gods is also in line with the rules, so let's start the ceremony first."

"Ghost, you come first."

The flower **** said so, which surprised all the ghosts.

The first ghost to come up is not necessarily a good one, but more or less has certain advantages.

The ghost of the world is too extraordinary to be valued by the incarnation of the god!

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

This made some people's myths turn red with envy.

Ji Sha, who had already resented Lin Chen for a long time, clenched his fists, filled with jealousy.

However, Lin Chen stood there, motionless.

"Ye, why don't you go quickly?" The voice of the Great Elder Hou Tomb sounded in the air, and it didn't sound like there were too many emotional fluctuations.

But all the ghosts outside knew that this Tongtian ghost was already very angry with the Hunshi ghost. After all, two of his ghosts from Kuimozhou had already died in Lin Chen's hands.

Although it's an iron pot that stuns the income, it's not difficult for them to see that it is the treasure of rules, and the treasure of rules has the ability to be unpredictable.

Those ghosts who are enemies of Lin Chen will be refined on the spot if they are brought into the iron pot.

That's why they judged the ghosts to be dead.

"I'm not going, I'm not interested."

Lin Chen shook his head and said.

? ? ?

All the ghosts are stunned, the god-given opportunity is in front of them, and the ghost of the world actually refuses on his own initiative, is he out of his mind?

Elder Meng Guangda, who was always said by the outside world that he was not familiar with ghosts, couldn't help but said, "Xiao Yezi, what are you doing, the chances will not be wrong, and there will be no false ones, why don't you go quickly?"

The first to play has the greatest chance, which is inevitable.

After saying this, the Great Elder saw all the ghosts around him looking at him faintly, and quickly smiled wryly: "Just a reminder, lest the God of Flowers be unhappy and affect everyone's chances, I don't know him well... .. "

"If you don't go, you won't go. If you say it, you're not interested."

Lin Chen shook his head.

He was so stubborn that he lost his eyes in shock.

At first they thought that Lin Chen was just putting on a show, but the attitude in front of them was obviously not the slightest interest at all.

In fact, Lin Chen really didn't have the need to step on it, cross the river of forgetfulness, and reincarnate from death.

He was alive!

Why is that kind of foreign anger?

In addition, sacrifices are needed. Lin Chen can only express that he has nothing on him, and he is willing to sacrifice to the flower god.

Flower God was also stunned, staring blankly at Lin Chen, and then said to Mu Yun, who was also somewhat absent-minded: "He seems to be very resistant."

Mu Yun burst into tears: "He was waiting for me, he promised to help me become a human, so he didn't want to get the chance, woo woo woo."

Flower God: "..."

"Since this is the case, then you can choose on your own. Those who want to go through it can go to the bridge first, but everyone present must go through it once."

All the ghosts were pleasantly surprised, and then Jisha's figure moved. As a ghost who tempered the ghost body, he was omnipotent in speed and strength. He was extremely fast, and he was the first to reach the bridge.

"it has started!"

Although the other ghosts were a little unwilling, they still watched intently.

"Brother Ye, since the fight is over, can those comrades be released?" Witch Jing Yao walked up to Lin Chen and asked cautiously.

Now that she knew Lin Chen's strength, her attitude towards Lin Chen naturally became cautious and subtle.

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Don't worry, as a strong man, he is serious about protecting them. Why, do you still suspect that I will kill them?"


The witch shook her head, but she always felt a little weird.

The Naihe bridge was very stable. Although Ji Sha was excited, his pace was still steady. He was adjusting his mentality and spent the time in the most complete posture.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

However, when his footsteps were halfway up the bridge ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ a sudden change in his face caused him to stop on the bridge.

"what happened?"

"What happened to Jisha?"

The faces of the ghosts changed slightly. They who were still annoyed at not getting the first chance just now began to secretly rejoice.

However, not long after, Jisha raised his head again, but there was a trace of bewilderment in his eyes, and he looked around.

An inexplicable sadness suddenly appeared on his face, full of pain, chagrin, and a sense of self-disgust.


He looked up to the sky and screamed, his voice was turbulent and scattered, and his power was really extraordinary.

"Why did this happen, what did he go through, we can't see anything!"

The hearts of all the ghosts were beating wildly, throbbing endlessly, and at the same time couldn't hold back the surprise in their hearts, they started discussing again and again.

At this time, the Great Elder who was watching from the air opened his mouth. They broke the rules and were still unable to enter, but they could completely perceive the sound and breath.

Houmu said: "It is said that when you pass through Nai, you will recall the memories of your previous life. Jisha should be affected by the sudden memory. Of course, this memory is not all, but some paintings that are engraved in your heart in the previous life."

"It seems that reincarnation from death is not that simple. This is just the first level. If he can't hold on, he may have two kinds of memory disorder in the past and present life, and become a new individual, like a demon but not a demon." Qiu Ling slowly Said slowly.

Just as their words fell, Jisha roared again, and jumped into the Wangchuan River like a madman!

"This level is called asking the heart."

Flower God said slowly.



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