Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 410: : Myth of Defeating Thousands of People

【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"The information shows that she has not refined more than ten thousand people, but this ghost power is definitely not fake. This is a myth that more than ten thousand people have been refined."

"Wanbao Chamber of Commerce's information is not false, it must be that her strength has improved again."

"Anyway, if the Mythical Ghost Monarch with the level of 10,000 people is on the stage, the Hunshigui will suffer a big loss, and it is estimated that he will be hated on the spot."

The ghosts exclaimed.

And the eight myths also spoke out.

"Ji Sha, it seems that your Kui Mo Island is hidden very deeply, there are actually four mythical ghost kings."

"I originally thought that you, Kuimozhou, would become the weakest one. It seems that we underestimated you."

The myths of thousands of people on different continents speak with a special meaning.

But Jisha shook his head and said, "There is no hidden idea. Chiying's potential and talent cannot become a ghost king of thousands of people. Even if she has resources, it is not enough. On the ark, I personally helped her, and this is what she achieved." With a Mythic strength of 10,000 people, I believe it is enough to deal with this ghost."


Just as Ji Sha was speaking confidently, Hou Tomb, the Great Elder of Kui Mozhou outside, cursed angrily.

Hunshigui has shown so much strength, yet Jisha is still so careless, which makes him very angry.

That red shadow facing the ghost of the world alone is definitely looking for a dead end!

If Kui Mozhou loses two myths as soon as it comes up, then there will be no need to fight for the next opportunity!

In the ark behind him, the faces of the elders from the same family as Chi Ying turned pale. Seeing the confident Chi Ying, his heart was already trembling violently.

A myth of ten thousand people can definitely protect a family's power for thousands of years when he grows up, so they are naturally extremely worried.

Therefore, although Chi Ying was full of fighting spirit, they were terrified.

I can't wait to rush in and pull Chiying out, tell her to stop beating, let's go home!

"Ghost, your road has come to an end, it's time to stop."

Chi Ying spoke slowly, her face was full of confidence and fighting spirit, she seemed to be a very war-loving ghost clan.

Seeing this, Lin Chen raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"It's good to have this energy, it's a good seed for mining."

Chi Ying was full of energy, and Lin Chen was naturally very satisfied.

Seeing that there was no fear on Lin Chen's face, Chi Ying frowned, as if very dissatisfied.

The myth of tens of thousands of people is a big threshold. Only after crossing this level can one know how vast the sky is.

At the very least, her strength has fully doubled from approaching 10,000 to crossing the threshold.

This sudden increase in power also made her very inflated.


Chi Ying stood still, clenched her little white hands tightly, and punched out loudly.

"it has started!"

All the ghosts looked forward to it, and the myth of ten thousand people made a move. This kind of scene is rare.

"Be careful!"

The ghosts in Yinhuangzhou became worried. They didn't have much friendship with Lin Chen, but in this situation, no one wanted to see the ghosts of the world be defeated.

Chi Ying's figure is relatively weak. In Lan Xing's words, she is a light and soft little loli, but the power contained in her body seems to be infinite.

The fist wind was extremely fierce, and after the punch was thrown out, a huge tornado was formed directly, and the surrounding Bianhua flowers rose from the ground, rushing towards Lin Chen with a roar, descending like a **** and demon.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Feeling this kind of power, Lin Chen shook his head slightly: "There is power in the air, but it has no lethality. If you scatter too much, power is not used like this."

Although this attack was extremely terrifying, Lin Chen had no interest in blocking it at all. He used his feet to stabilize himself, and he didn't even dodge.

He directly resisted the power of this punch.


When the fist wind hit, Lin Chen's clothes vibrated in the wind, making a crackling sound, but his figure was like a stone pillar pierced into the ground,

Can't shake it at all.

Instead, the wind of the fist was split by Lin Chen's body and dispersed to the sides.


This time, even the 80,000 Shinhwa who watched the battle all changed their expressions.

And Chi Ying shrank her pupils even more. Her blow contained extremely high strength and ghost power. Originally, she had hoped to destroy the Hunshigui with one punch, but the Hunshigui resisted with her body, and looked a little injured. None, which shocked her deeply.

"Be careful!"

at this time.

Mo Kai, who was on the same continent as her behind, changed his expression drastically and shouted loudly.

Chi Ying suddenly realized that Lin Chen, who was in the wind of the fist, had disappeared at some point.

Immediately afterwards, she felt a space above her head, and Lin Chen's figure suddenly appeared, and also stretched out his fist, blasting at her.

At this moment, Chi Ying could clearly feel the gap between himself and Lin Chen.

Not in strength, but in the use of strength, there is a huge difference.

Her punch was extremely powerful, but the ghost power spread, and the power was reduced a lot. Although Lin Chen's fists were ordinary, under these fists, she felt as if she was as small as an ant.

One potential is on the outside, and the other is restrained on the inside.


Lin Chen hit with a punch.

The ground beneath Chiying's feet burst open, and the surrounding Bianhua flowers were shaken up. Amidst the stunned expressions of all the ghosts, Chiying, the mythical ghost king of ten thousand people, spurted out a mouthful of ghost blood, splashing the sky, and that petite body fell to the ground. It flew out and slid a thousand meters away on the ground.

Lin Chen did not stop, but chased again.

At this time, the faces of the eight mythical figures behind also changed completely. They all discovered the fact that they underestimated the Hunshi Ghost too much. This ghost's strength was only stronger than theirs, but not weaker!

It can definitely be compared with the top Ji Sha, Sha Ling Gui and Wu Ya!

Mo Kai moved immediately, life and death disappeared, and there is no trace so far, so there should be nothing wrong with Chi Ying, otherwise, Kui Mozhou, which was originally the strongest on the surface, will immediately fall into a real decline!

His figure was huge, but his speed was extremely fast, covering a distance of several thousand meters. Finally, when Lin Chen approached Chi Ying, he managed to arrive.

"Go away."

Lin Chen's face remained unchanged, seeing Mo Kai standing between himself and Chi Ying, he gave a drink impatiently, and at the same time punched Mo Kai's body.

At this time, he didn't use other abilities other than amplifying his body skills.

For all kinds of ghosts, Lin Chen always likes to defeat each other with the field that the opponent is good at.

Mo Kai snorted coldly, the muscles on his body twitched and collided quickly, like twisted rocks, although he was still flesh, but with the increase of ghost power, a metal-like texture appeared on his flesh.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"This is Mo Kai's magical defensive skill!"

"Mo Kai's defense is definitely the best in Kui Mo State. In the Demon Flame Volcano in our Kui Mo State, he can withstand the 7-day calcination of the demon fire with his ghost body alone!"

"Legend, among the Oni-Kun class, no Oni can break through his defenses!"

Obviously, Mo Kai wanted to use his defensive ability to resist Lin Chen's attack, so he rescued Chi Ying.

Lin Chen naturally understood the other party's intentions, so he just sneered, and changed his punch to kick. His body was adjusted at 360 degrees in the air, and a parallel side kick hit Mo Kai's waist.

Mo Kai's expression changed, he clenched his teeth, and was horrified.

Although this kick didn't completely break through his defense, it obviously gave him a sharp pain. At the same time, the force on that kick didn't take off, but pushed his body, trying to kick him away. .

Lin Chen's target was still the red shadow under him.


Mo Kai roared, and his body became huge again. Although he was standing in the air, blocking between Lin Chen and Chi Ying, the weight in his body increased dramatically.

Only he and Lin Chen knew that Mo Kai was as huge as several mountains.

"It does have the power of the fifth layer of flesh. "

Lin Chen's heart skipped a beat, and his expression finally showed a hint of surprise.

But soon, he kicked out again, and the power in his body exploded. At that moment, his entire thigh seemed to grow bigger for a moment.

It's just that the speed is too fast, causing too many ghosts to see clearly.

However, Mo Kai couldn't hold back under this blow. He was kicked away by Lin Chen's power and smashed into the rest of the ghost group. As a result, as soon as he touched it, his body shook violently, and blood spurted wildly and flew backwards.

"It's just that it's just the first stage."

When Mo Kai's body fell, Lin Chen's second sentence fell.

And smiled slightly at the terrified red shadow, then took out the iron pot in a gentlemanly manner and put it in it.

After doing this, he straightened up, and smiled at the ghosts whose faces were either shocked or ugly:

"This time, is there anyone else who wants to stop me?"

The scene was silent.

All the ghosts were shocked by Lin Chen's performance.

It's too scary that such a powerful ghost king appeared in Yinhuangzhou!

They knew that maybe there was a problem with the data, or maybe the Hunshigui was so powerful~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It's just that the ambiguous data didn't reflect it.

But no matter what, the information shows that the Hunshi ghost has just become the ghost king for less than a month, and at most it is the content of the junior ghost king. From this point of view, it is still a bit ridiculous.


Jisha's body was full of ghost power, and his face was extremely ugly.

Life and death disappeared, Chi Ying and Mo Kai, one dead and one injured, this made him completely furious.

Although he also began to fear Lin Chen in his heart, as the number one ghost king in Kui Mozhou, he also has his own confidence.

"Are you coming too? That's fine, when I get rid of you and that big man, the myth of the ten thousand people in Kuimo Prefecture will be reunited."

Lin Chen, who had read the information, naturally knew the identity of Jisha, but he didn't have the slightest fear, he just said it with interest.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

In fact, if it wasn't for the mysterious figure on the giant Bana, Lin Chen would have started to overturn the table a long time ago, catching whoever he was.

However, his words shocked the ghosts present again.

"What? It turns out that the reason for the disappearance of life and death is that it has already died in his hands!"

"Hiss! No wonder there was no news about Hunshigui in Huahai before, probably because all the ghosts who saw him are already dead!"

"This kind of combat power is definitely a giant crocodile hidden in the bottom of the water. We didn't realize it until now."

The ghosts exclaimed.

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