【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"Mu Yun!"

Shocked, Lin Chen quickly flew into the air and scanned his surroundings.

He already realized something was wrong.

Because even his mental perception didn't realize when Mu Yun disappeared.

This is too unreasonable!

"What's going on, it's impossible for a ghost king to disappear under my nose, who did it?"

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, and the ghost power exploded crazily, destroying all the surrounding flowers, trying to find out the possible enemies in the dark.

And while he was looking for it.

In the void hundreds of meters beside Lin Chen.

The figures of Flower God and Mu Yun slowly appeared in a translucent manner.

They seem to be between fantasy and reality, standing there peacefully, but they cannot be seen at all.

"He is looking for you, it seems that you are not without status in his heart, but do you really not regret it?" Flower God said slowly.

Mu Yun's face was full of satisfaction and reluctance, which was very complicated. She said: "I don't regret it. If I can get along with each other one day, I will be satisfied."

"The ghosts in the sea of ​​flowers are still looking for them, but they are so cold-blooded and selfish that they are so ignorant, how can they know that the material that transcends life and death is exactly what they disdain the most."

The spirit in the eyes of the flower **** flowed, and wherever her eyes looked, across time and space, everything in the sea of ​​flowers came into view.

"I still want to see him again, can you give me a little more time..." Mu Yun begged in a low voice.

"Since you chose this path, everything is within the rules. That is the rule of the sea of ​​flowers on the other side. As an incarnation, although I represent the will, I have no power to change the rules, so the fate between you and him, It's over here."

Flower God shook his head and said.

"But..." Mu Yun choked up, she knew what her future looked like, but she didn't regret it, it was just that she was reluctant to part with the person in front of her, and she didn't want to lose that person's figure in her eyes.

"This is destiny. Love is elusive. This is its essence. Just like in front of you, you are in the illusion, looking at him in reality, and he is looking around, but you can't touch and find it. You in front of him..." Flower God whispered, although she is very gentle, but also very indifferent, she sees through the essence, but she is like a bystander.

Just like her identity, she is a **** who is aloof and untainted by the dust of the world.

However, at this moment, a violent punching wind emanated from Lin Chen's fist, directly blasting towards the place where Huashen was standing.

The fist wind was so strong that even the figure of Huashen became blurred for a moment, affected!

"how is this possible?"

Surprise appeared in the beautiful eyes of Huashen, and she looked at Lin Chen in disbelief.

In her eyes, no matter how strong a "mortal ghost" like Lin Chen is, it is impossible to see her, let alone affect her, but at this moment, Lin Chen's punch is obviously not aimless, but It was precisely aimed at her, and although the wind of the fist did not harm her, it still had a certain impact.

"Get out! I see you!"

Lin Chen approached with a cold voice.

He didn't lie, at first, he really didn't see anything, but when he attached the divinity in his body to his eyes, the figures of Flower God and Mu Yun finally appeared faintly.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Although it was only blurred like a shadow, Lin Chen made a move as expected, and punched him with a divine power.

Flora's surprise didn't last long, and she soon figured out why.

"It should be a super-high-level divine substance. This ghost is really extraordinary, and he has obtained such a high-level divinity in this world. My child, it seems that your vision is still very good."

Huashen smiled slightly, as if she had seen something very interesting. In the end, she took Mu Yun with her, without leaving even an illusory shadow, and disappeared completely before Lin Chen approached.


Lin Chen stopped, his expression was not good.

This accident is Huahai

It wasn't a good feeling to be the only thing out of his control.

"What the **** is this!"

Lin Chen calmed down and began to think.

It's just that the other party is too mysterious, except for an illusory shadow that can only be seen with the use of divinity, there is no clue at all.

"Only by using the pupil technique to attach all the divinity can you see..."

"Definitely surpassed the ghost king's level, but it seems that he doesn't intend to do anything to me."

Soon, Lin Chen thought of this aspect.

As for Mu Yun, although he disappeared suddenly, he saw Mu Yun's shadow standing with the mysterious existence, and it seemed that there was no danger for the time being.

He also tried to rescue, but it was obviously beyond his ability, so there was not much he could do.

"The high probability is related to the changes in the central area. Go to the central area first."

Lin Chen turned around, his eyes flickered slightly, and finally he jumped up and shot out.

outside world.

They didn't see what happened to Lin Chen's side. In fact, from the beginning to the end, no one saw the love ghost contacting Lin Chen.

In their eyes, Lin Chen was just whispering alone.

It is not clear what it is talking about. After all, there are only pictures and no sound.

at this time.

A lot of ghosts have gathered in the central area.

The powers from Kuimo Continent, Gengsheng Continent, and Disha Continent occupied it. In the center, even the ghosts from the same continent as themselves could only enter the Mythical Ghost Monarch who refined more than 2,000 people.

The rest of the ghosts can only be watched from several thousand meters away.

It was even more difficult for the ghosts of Yinhuangzhou. They didn't dare to show their true faces at all, and could only hide in the dark. Otherwise, let alone whether they could enter, as soon as they appeared, they would be jointly targeted by the ghosts of the three continents and killed on the spot.

Regarding this, the ghosts of Yinhuangzhou, who were secretly peeping at the huge sea of ​​flowers on the other side, were very dissatisfied in their hearts, but no one dared to stand upright.

In other words, there were ghosts who forcibly broke in, but none of them survived in the end.

The strength of Yinhuang State is really too bad, it doesn't have the resources of the Three States.

In the eyes of the other three continents, they were not on the same level at all, so they were targeted in this way.

"Damn the ghost of the Three Continents, you are too domineering. If our Yinhuang State destroys Blue Star, it will definitely not be worse than these three continents!"

"They just wiped out three human worlds within a thousand years. The Bian Huahai thousands of years ago, they were not so strong. They were beaten by the ghosts of the abyss and the ghosts of the time stop thousands of years ago!"

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Many ghosts from the Yinhuang State felt aggrieved, but there was nothing they could do.

As the last three top myths in the Yinhuang State.

Witch Jing Yao, Nu Mo and Wei Jie gathered together.

Their faces are ugly, and their current situation makes them feel uncomfortable in their hearts. After all, they all belong to the top talents of a continent. When have they tasted this kind of treatment?

"Did you see Shixi and Wanqi, did we never meet, or did something happen to them?" Witch Jing Yao said.

"No, apart from them, I have never encountered ghosts." Anger shook his head and said.

Wei Jie was very silent and didn't speak, but looked very depressed as well.

It's a pity that he didn't meet with the other three strong men, otherwise, there would be more power in the end.

In fact, what they didn't know was how lucky it was for them not to encounter a ghost on the road.

"Don't pretend you three, I guessed it all."

On the other side, King Yan met the three little ghosts at some point.

In addition to the three little ghosts, Yannv is also among them, and there are five ghosts in a group.

At this time, King Yan was whispering mysteriously: "The ghost of the world is Chen, right?"

The three little ghosts shrank their pupils, then shook their heads again and again in denial.

King Yan said: "Don't pretend, can you? I won't do anything else because of the contract."

I can say it, but I still pointed the way for him to go to Miangui City!"


The three little ghosts looked shocked, and Yannv covered her mouth, almost exclaiming.

"When the ghost of the world appeared, it was very close to the time when Chen Man Wan Po Jing, I had doubts very early on, just considering that there is one person and one ghost. , The Hunshigui appeared in Miangui City, the same out of nowhere, the same shocking world, this is too suspicious, especially when Yannv told me that the Hunshigui treats you three differently, I guessed it. "Yan Wang said.

Qiu Ziwen's face darkened slightly, and he said, "Lord Yan Wang, what you said is very dangerous."

"You three still want to keep your mouth shut?"

King Yan laughed angrily, and he said: "Don't worry, I won't tell any other ghosts, I just want to take your opportunity to make a big difference."

Ghosts from Yinhuang State cannot enter because he hasn't arrived yet.

King Yan is extremely confident in the strength of Hunshigui.

One, he has been beaten by a ghost of the world, and he has experienced it himself.

Second, morning and night, if they were alone, he wouldn't think too much, but if they were the same person, the meaning behind them would be completely different.

This kind of unimaginable peerless genius is definitely not something that the so-called myths of thousands of people can fight against.

"Anyway, I've told you my wishes. Brother is a good ghost and rarely eats people. Except that I don't agree to be a ghost slave, and I won't betray the horror world. In my mind, I completely treat you as friends." Yan Wangdao.

Niu Ritian's eyes widened: "You want to prostitute for nothing? Impossible! Unless you marry your daughter to me!"

Qiu Ziwen and Dong Potian were speechless~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Yannv's face was flushed with anger, thinking what the **** is going on.

Yan Wang: "Okay!"

Yannv became even more angry, and looked at her father angrily, finally knowing why the two ghosts were able to leave together.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

In the end, Qiu Ziwen said: "Since the teacher defeated you but didn't kill you, there must be other reasons. I hope you don't become our enemy, but we can't control the teacher's mind. We haven't met so far. We can't What promise to you."

Just as Qiu Ziwen's voice fell, Lin Chen's figure suddenly appeared above them.

He stared at the mighty yin energy and ghost power ahead, and could clearly perceive that there were seven or eight out of ten ghosts gathered in the sea of ​​flowers.

And he appeared openly, which also made all the ghosts in the central area pay attention to him.

"Who is coming!"

"The ghost of the world?"

Two angry exclamations came, it was the Myth who was in charge of patrolling in the Three States, and they were both Mythical Ghost Lords with more than 2,000 people, and their strength was fairly strong.

It's just that Lin Chen didn't look at them, but set his gaze in the direction of the huge Bianhua.

In addition to the stone tablet and the giant Bianhua, there are also eight figures standing around, the aura is as deep as hell, all of them are extraordinary, like gods and demons.

When Lin Chen appeared, they all turned their heads and looked over with **** eyes.

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