Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 406: : Let's go, I'll take you to become a human

【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"Is this an oni that has never reached the realm of mythology?"

Outside, all the ghosts were shocked.

The power that Lin Chen erupted shocked them completely. It was too inconceivable that they were scared to death just by their physical body.

Especially Lin Chen hasn't shown his perfect ghost domain yet.

How strong does it have to be to really fight with all its strength?

"Meng Guang! What kind of monster is this!" Hou Tomb, a confident young man, looked at the elder with an extremely ugly expression.

The Great Elder said: "I don't know either, I'm not familiar with him..."


Hou Tomb was out of breath, and finally took a deep breath. He finally understood that Meng Guang was really throwing the blame!

Regarding life and death, even if he is Tongtian, he has to be impatient. A myth of ten thousand people is definitely an extremely precious seed of genius, and it belongs to their own myth of ten thousand people in West City.

If it was really broken like this, he would feel very distressed.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but worry about life and death in Huahai.

The situation and mood are all reversed.

"will die!"

The arrogance and self-confidence on Shengsha's face were long gone, and that blow left a blank in his mind, and then a sense of crisis of death permeated his whole body.

He held back the severe pain, turned around and ran away without saying a word.

"The ghost in my hand has not been able to run yet, and running away from a ghost that can teleport, it seems that your brain is not very bright."

Lin Chen laughed loudly.

Even though Life and Death had already traveled 10,000 meters away, they could still be heard clearly.

That voice was like death to him!

Let his hairs stand on end like falling into an ice cave.

This sense of oppression, even if it is a real palace, has never been given to him.


This time the voice came from the back of Shengsha's head, and before he could turn around, an iron pot had already hit his head.

The iron pot fell, and Shengsha rolled his eyes. A feeling of dizziness from the heart came from his mind. He rolled his eyes, his consciousness completely fell into darkness, and he fell to the ground with a bang.

The initial six skills: back attack.

When attacking from behind, it causes 200% power and can cause a stun effect.

This passive ability is extremely practical from beginning to end.

Otherwise, at this level of ghosts, how could a ghost fall into a faint so easily.

"One in hand."

Lin Chen put away life and death in an iron pot.

The memory space of the iron pot is actually larger than the pink sack in terms of the number of ghosts that can be stored.

It's just not like the pink sack, which can open the authority to let the other party see the outside world, and it can't be 100% sealed.

Of course, in terms of the latter, with Lin Chen's strength, the ghosts he caught would naturally not let them escape.

"Damn it!"

In the outside world, the ghostly power of Hou Tomb was shaken, the sky and the earth changed color, and he was furious.

The Great Elder Meng Guang raised his eyelids slightly and said, "Brother Hou Tomb, why should you get angry in the battle between the juniors, and when you chased and killed Shixi and Wanqi before the life and death, weren't you still in a good mood?"

Can the myth of thousands of people compare with the myth of ten thousand people?

In the former, they can find hundreds of them in Kui Mo State!

The latter, the entire continent, only three.

How could he not feel sorry for losing one of them?

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

The other ghosts were also a little silent.

They've figured out something's wrong.

First, the strength of the Hunshigui is too strong. When Mythology of Ten Thousand People encounters it, he will fall down on the spot. It takes only one minute before and after a battle to kill Mythology of Ten Thousand People. This kind of strength almost exceeds the category of Ghost King.

Second, the ghost of the world is very murderous, and it seems that there is no distinction between the enemy and the enemy.

"It's to improve that treasure of rules..."

They thought so, besides the thick tomb, the faces of Qiu Ling and Kong Qin also changed from relaxed to dignified


I began to silently worry about my own myth in the sea of ​​flowers.

The surrounding sea of ​​flowers has become a mess, as if it had been hit by an earthquake, and Lin Chen didn't find the **** crystal here, so he didn't miss it and continued to fly to the central area.

It seems that because the distance is getting closer to the center, the frequency of Lin Chen encountering ghosts has obviously increased.

In almost half a day, he met twenty ghosts, three ghost kings, and seventeen ghost kings, all from four continents.

The most powerful one is still a ghost king who devoured 8,000 people, and he comes from Dishazhou.

Of course, regardless of his strength, Lin Chen never let go, and he never refused anyone who came, and put them all in the pot.

He has always paid attention to, if ghosts do not attack me, I will sell ghosts, if ghosts attack me, I will sell ghosts!

Following Lin Chen's "slaughter".

The atmosphere outside has become extremely depressing.

The Great Elder Hill of Dishazhou, who had lost the myth of 8,000 people, also began to look ugly.

It's not unacceptable for them to lose one or two, but Lin Chen's momentum is too scary. None of the ghosts he encountered could escape, and even the ghost king was not spared.

What is this going to do? Kill all the ghosts in the sea of ​​flowers?

The great elder was very low-key, but when the ghosts looked at him, he immediately emphasized: "I said, I don't know him well, so it's useless for you to look at me."

At this time, Lin Chen got a lot of crystals again.

He found that it seemed that as he went deeper into the sea of ​​flowers, there were more hidden divine crystals.

At this time, he had fully obtained one of the **** crystals.

The ghost power increased by one hundred thousand.

Physical fitness and spirit each increased by 10,000.

The strength has grown in an all-round way.

"This place, I don't want to go out."

Lin Chen grinned.

It looks like it wants to hollow out the sea of ​​flowers.

I have to say that Lin Chen was in a very happy mood at this time, and the journey went extremely smoothly.

Soon, he met another group of ghosts.

In front of him, under the fluctuation of Lin Chen's spirit, he could still feel the battle sound of the eruption of ghost power.

"Tsk tsk, another few lucky ones."

Lin Chen subconsciously flew forward.

However, this time, after he had just flown several hundred meters, his body stopped suddenly, as if his body froze after taking a step, and he looked into the distance in astonishment.

There was a beautiful figure in red, fighting three ghost kings.

"is her!"

Lin Chen retreated subconsciously.

I didn't expect that my fate with this female ghost would be so high, and I would meet again in the vast sea of ​​flowers so soon...

That red shadow is exactly Mu Yun.

Under Lin Chen's spirit, Mu Yun was fighting the three ghost kings of Dishazhou at this time.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Her strength is not weak, but the three ghost kings are also extremely strong. Together, they have already suppressed Mu Yun and defeated Mu Yun steadily. After the ghost power collapsed, her face turned pale.

"Let's go, let's go, whether this female ghost is dead or alive has nothing to do with me, if she appears, she will definitely be entangled again..." Lin Chen thought subconsciously.

And retreated for the first time, but his mental power could not help covering the front.

A ghost power attack hit Mu Yun, but Mu Yun could only resist with difficulty, that Miaoman's beautiful figure appeared extremely thin under the attack of the three ghost kings.

"It's true that I can't do anything to her, but she has nothing to do with me. With a non-active and irresponsible attitude, it's not wrong for me not to save her."

Lin Chen muttered like this.

In fact, even he himself didn't know that at this moment, he had fallen into hesitation and hesitation.

His figure was still retreating, and finally, when he gritted his teeth, the space energy in his body swung away, and he was about to teleport away.

However, at this moment.

A ghost king suddenly shadowed and attacked Mu Yun.


A mouthful of blue ghost blood spewed out, and Mu Yun, who was already in danger, was seriously injured by this blow, her body fell out, and her breath was extremely weak.

This scene made the space energy in Lin Chen's body stop immediately.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect to meet such a peerless beauty."

"Haha, if one still can't take her down. "

Seeing the three ghost kings approaching Mu Yun with smirks, Lin Chen felt a little angry for some reason.

And with a subconscious wave, three thunderbolts appeared in the far sky and crashed down. The three ghost kings disappeared on the spot without even responding.

The three ghosts died, and Mu Yun's crisis was temporarily relieved.

Lin Chen, on the other hand, stood in place and froze for a moment.

At this moment, no one knew what kind of self-struggle he was doing in his heart. In the end, he took a deep breath and flew towards Mu Yun.

"Anyway, since we've saved it, let's save it completely. In this state, she can't survive in the sea of ​​flowers. With my current strength, bringing her by my side won't cause any trouble. As for the rest, I'll talk about it later. "

Mu Yun watched Lin Chenfei approach, the pain on her face gradually became fascinated.

Seeing her expression, Lin Chen immediately understood that she might have known about his arrival before.

"Are you okay?" Lin Chen sighed.

Mu Yun shook her head, with ghost blood on the corner of her mouth, but at this moment she was smiling, weak and trying to smile, looking very poignant.


Lin Chen took out two bottles of healing medicines drawn from the system, both of which are holy medicines for Gui Jun, and are priceless ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It is not difficult to treat Mu Yun.

Mu Yun took it carefully, but she didn't take it, but wanted to put it away and keep it close to her body.

Lin Chen said: "I don't lack this medicine, you should take it, it can heal your injury."

Mu Yun thought about it, and then poured out a pill very cherished. After taking it, her ghost power was shaken, and the weakness in her body was swept away, and she immediately recovered to the peak.

The effect of this medicine surprised her greatly.

And thinking of Lin Chen giving her such a precious thing, a sweet smile appeared on her face.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"It would be nice to be human."

Lin Chen's heart fluttered slightly, and he couldn't help sighing.

In the sea of ​​flowers, one person and one ghost met each other, one didn't know what to say, and the other wanted to say a thousand words, but was afraid to break the tranquility, and the atmosphere fell into an inexplicable silence and embarrassment. middle.

It seems that only one breath has passed, and it seems that eternity has passed.

Finally, Lin Chen looked at Mu Yun's alluring face, and finally smiled and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to become a human."

Mu Yun nodded heavily and said, "Okay!"

At this time, the ghost outside has already looked towards the center of the sea of ​​flowers in the picture.

When Lin Chen and Mu Yun met, the Bianhua that suddenly appeared suddenly exploded again. In an instant, it grew to a height of 100 meters, and finally attracted the attention of the ghosts from the outside world.

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