【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

The owners of those gazes exuded strong fluctuations of ghost power, causing all the ghosts to tremble.

"Brother Meng Guang, long time no see."

On one of the huge arks, a white-haired old man laughed loudly, his voice was deep and strong, shaking in the air with a powerful aura.

Let the hearts of the ghosts shake wildly.

Heavenly Ghost!

"So it's Brother Kong Qin from Geng Shengzhou."

The Great Elder stood up and responded with a smile.

"Brother Meng Guang, you guys from Dongcheng are the last ones."

Another hearty voice came. This was a young man in another ark. He looked very young, but at a glance, there seemed to be traces of endless years passing between his brows.

"The juniors in our family can't wait any longer."

In the last ark, a young man came out and stood horizontally in the void. This is also a ghost who reaches the sky, and his face is also the youngest one among all the ghosts. However, his voice is extremely old, as if he is dying.

Lin Chen stared at these old ghosts and the surrounding ark, and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

At this time, he not only felt the powerful ghost power and Yin Qi.

I felt a strong and disgusting resentment!

This kind of resentment is almost condensed into water, with an unpleasant stench, filling the surrounding space.

"Brother Houmu from Kuimozhou and Brother Qiuling from Dishazhou, you are indeed leading the team." The Great Elder laughed, like old friends he hadn't seen for many years.

"That's natural. The great elders of our four cities didn't lead the team. Could it be that the city lords are here instead? I just didn't expect that brother Meng Guang is still alive. He looks strong and healthy. You are probably not far away from the ten thousand years of calamity. "The youthful looking hill said.

The Great Elder's face remained unchanged, he just smiled and said: "I still have a few hundred years, but you, although you look the youngest on the outside, but in fact, you are the real old ghost among us, no It's been decades."

The boy's face changed, and then he sneered twice.

Kong Qin, the old ghost of Gengshengzhou, said with a smile: "Why do you have to be sarcastic as soon as you come up, this is an opportunity for the younger generation, we just watch."

"That's right. This is a once-in-a-thousand-year event. We have been friends for many years. If there is any dissatisfaction, let the juniors solve it. Don't ruin the relationship between us." Hou Tomb also laughed. said.

He also seemed to be trying to smooth things over, but the content of his words made the faces of the ghosts on the Yinhuangzhou side all change.

And all the ghosts in the other three continents sneered.

"According to the regulations, we onlookers are not allowed to interfere with anything in the sea of ​​flowers on the other side. Although brother Meng Guang is powerful and unparalleled, it is better not to bring hatred to you little ghosts in Yinhuangzhou." The old ghost with a youthful face Hill sneered.

"I'm getting old, and I don't want to take care of these small things. It's just an old ghost. Be careful if you are too confident. In the end, the ghosts on your side will suffer heavy losses. Instead, you will break the rules. "The Great Elder didn't seem to be angry, but just replied directly.

"It seems that you are very confident in your ghost. The unprecedented ghost species, the perfect ghost domain, sounds really talented, but after all, you are not at the peak of the ghost king, and you don't even have delicious human flesh and blood. After refining, how much combat power can it display?" Qiu Ling said, and then set his sights on Lin Chen.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Not only him, but the other two Tongtian and the ghosts in the three arks almost all looked at Lin Chen. Obviously, they also got Lin Chen's portrait.

The eyes of these ghosts are full of hostility and provocation, while the three Tongtians and the other true king halls of the three continents are extremely oppressive.

Some ghosts and myths around Lin Chen quickly scattered around, their bodies trembling a little.

Lin Chen, on the other hand, was tall and straight, without fear.

It's just the gaze, for him, it's not enough to lose his composure, but he glanced at the other ghosts calmly.

"It's so courageous. You gave him a special ghost. Even I can't see through the real breath, but it doesn't matter. He will be the prey of all the talents in Sanzhou. Maybe soon,

We will then be able to see how powerful this ghost is. "The young man smiled lightly.

The sea of ​​flowers on the other side, where the flowers bloom for a thousand years, has been full of struggles and fights for many years. Whether it is fate or chance, for the strong, they must be held in their own hands.

And this needs to be fought, and it needs to be bathed in ghost blood to **** it.

Therefore, the words of a teenager are not out of line.

The sea of ​​flowers on the other side is extremely gorgeous, and the rhizomes below it have been filled with the bones of the ghost clan Tianjiao.

Perhaps it is these nutrients that make the Bianhua so many.

"Qiu Ling, the brats behind you are not bad either. It seems that you who have wiped out three human worlds in the past thousand years are indeed full of confidence and have cultivated many strong people." The Great Elder said.

Lin Chen's heart skipped a beat, the human world that will be extinct within a thousand years.

Thinking about it this way, based on time, it should have nothing to do with the earth in his previous life.

Of course, this is not a completely certain thing, and there are other factors that can determine the time, so he plans to "consult" after he enters the sea of ​​​​flowers and catches a few ghosts from the Three Continents.

The young man just smiled, with a smug look on his face, and said: "It's just an ordinary technological world. Flesh and blood don't have much energy, but it's just delicious, but Kui Mozhou, which wiped out a human country, contains It is a unique practice method, and the flesh is delicious, especially the flesh and blood of the human emperor. I heard that Brother Hou Tomb has tasted it once or twice. Thinking about it makes me envious."

A trace of aftertaste and greed flashed across Hou Tomb's face, and finally he just waved his hands and said, "The emperor exploded most of his body and didn't taste anything. The rules around the sea of ​​flowers on the other side have dimmed, and we can enter now. Let's sit down." Let’s talk, these juniors can’t wait any longer.”

The other three Tongtian nodded.

At this time, in the sky above Huahai, a huge space crack appeared, and the ghosts finally got up and left the ark under the opening of the four Tongtian.

All of a sudden, among the four arks, ghostly figures flew out of the sky.

Whether it was the other three continents or the somewhat weak Yinhuangzhou ghosts, there was not much hesitation.

There are close to two thousand ghosts flying in the sky.

Among them, there are several particularly powerful figures, which are particularly eye-catching.

There are three figures with unimaginably strong ghost power. Wherever they fly, thick ghost power drips down and falls into the magic sea, causing a lot of water splashes.

There are also three ghosts with strong physical bodies, as if rampaging in the air, the space around them is constantly breaking, full of brutality.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

They are Wu Ya, Du Hun, and Dust of Geng Sheng Continent, and super top myths such as Ji Sha, Life and Death, and Mo Kai of Kui Mo Continent.

Lin Chen glanced around and saw that the six ghosts were carrying extremely strong resentment. It is not an exaggeration to say that there are thousands of people.

This also made Lin Chen's eyes slightly cold.

As for the three super top legends in Dishazhou, Lin Chen also noticed that the three figures of two men and one woman also flew into the sea of ​​flowers on the other side with an extremely powerful aura.

When Lin Chen looked at them, these ghosts also glanced at Lin Chen, either calmly and indifferently, or sneering and sarcastic, and finally all flew towards the sea of ​​flowers on the other side.

And after these figures fell into the cracks in the space above the sea of ​​flowers, they were immediately affected by the power of space and disappeared directly, scattered in different places just like entering the restricted area of ​​the ghost domain.

"They can't run away!"

Lin Chen said something silently in his heart, and then flew into the space crack.

A strong light flashed, Lin Chen didn't resist the power of space, followed the power of space, and disappeared in place.

When it reappeared, the surroundings had become extremely bright.

Fragrant floral fragrance spreads into the mouth and nose from all around, refreshing.

Lin Chen glanced around, and he was already standing in the sea of ​​flowers.

The Bianhua flowers here are very enchanting, and at the same time, they are surprisingly big, as tall as half a person. Lin Chen's normal body at this time is not included in the group of flowers.

Lin Chen took off slowly, there were no ghosts around, Wangchuan Island was very big, and when he was outside, he could

If you can't see all the internal scenes, after you get to the interior, it will make people look around in a daze and can't tell the opposite.

In such an open space, it was really difficult to meet the nearly two thousand other ghosts.

Of course, this is only visual and sensory.

In fact, the ghosts who enter the sea of ​​flowers have a certain way to distinguish the direction, that is, which direction the Bianhua flowers are taller and more vigorous, which means which direction is the center.

It is said that the real opportunity is in the center, but whether you can get it depends entirely on luck.

Although there is a chance to turn death into life here, but from the appearance of the sea of ​​flowers on the other side to the present, I have not heard of any ghost who has successfully obtained it.

"Since the opportunity is in the middle, there will inevitably be countless ghosts gathered there. I only need to reach the core position, and then I can sit back and wait for the ghosts to arrive."

Lin Chen thought so.

Then it took off directly in the air, like a ghost, and shot towards a certain direction.

His way of traveling is actually very flamboyant.

Few of the other ghosts who entered the sea of ​​flowers dared to fly so boldly. In the sea of ​​flowers, there were dangers of their own, as well as threats brought by foreign ghosts.

Therefore, the lack of strength, so flying, completely exposes his position and exposes himself to the public.

But Lin Chen didn't care at all.

He was happy when ghosts dared to come to his door.

Those ghosts should hope that they will never be discovered by him!

"It's so enchanting that it's weird. Under the sea of ​​flowers, there are ghost clothes."

During the flight, Lin Chen saw a piece of torn black cloth, and couldn't help sighing.

He flew down, wanting to take the black cloth into his hands, but with just a light touch, the black cloth suddenly turned into flying ash and scattered in the wind.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

The clothes and accessories on the ghost will not be too simple.

Thousands of years, according to common sense, will not be corrupted. This situation occurs entirely because the energy inside it has dissipated and turned into ordinary products, so it will be easily corrupted by the power of time.

However, what Lin Chen didn't know was that the gazes of the outside observers were all focused on him at this time~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The four arks radiated light, forming a huge light screen, and Lin Chen's The figure is reflected in it, besides him, there are dozens of different pictures, but at this time Lin Chen's picture is placed the largest.

"Interesting, he is indeed very courageous. He dares to fly so ostentatiously. It seems that he is still somewhat confident in his own strength. However, he is also the first to encounter danger."

"In the sea of ​​flowers, any remaining traces represent danger. Although the Bana flowers are gorgeous, the more beautiful they are, the more deadly they are. These flowers will eat ghosts."

"Well, it's started, and the speed is very fast. It seems that this is a flower demon that is about to show its strength."

All the ghosts spoke one after another, and they all came alive.

In the picture, the seemingly unremarkable Bianhua in front of Lin Chen suddenly mutated, and the roots on the stamen suddenly became longer, like a sharp spear stabbing, soaring into the sky, and with lightning speed Quickly, stab Lin Chen's body from all directions!

This made all the ghosts look like they were watching a good show.

In the sea of ​​flowers, Lin Chen's expression remained unchanged, as if everything was as expected.

He didn't move at all, and stood on the spot. The terrifying power surged from his body, and when those spears stabbed him, he slapped them out with a slap.

The mutated Bianhua flower shattered on the spot like an inflated balloon!

Faintly, there was also a shrill scream echoing from all around.

The blood fell like rain. It was not human blood, but its juice. When it fell on Lin Chen's body, it bounced off as if being repelled.

Lin Chen's expression remained unchanged, standing quietly in the blood rain, very calm.

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