Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 263: : Women's wear boss

Chapter 264

too suddenly!

Before the three ghosts could react, the pink sack had already covered the entire upper body of the young ghost king.


"this is…"

The abyss ghost and another middle-aged ghost king turned their heads and saw that their companion was trapped in a pink sack, leaving only half of their body outside.

I was dumbfounded on the spot.

Especially the abyss ghost, she didn't pay attention to the young ghost king, but stared straight at the pink sack in Lin Chen's hand.

That pink sack was so familiar to her, even though she had never touched her before, this pink sack had killed a time stop ghost who was stronger than her alive in front of her!

That scene can be called her nightmare for the past few days after the battle of Tianjiao!

The two ghosts were shocked.

And the young ghost king caught in the pink sack struggled in panic.

However, with Lin Chen's improved strength now, and the fact that the sneak attack was more than half successful in one fell swoop, his fate is already doomed.

Soon, the pink sack swallowed the Ghost King whole like an extremely hungry beast. After that, the pink sack shrank rapidly as if it had leaked air, and calmed down until it returned to its usual normal state. normal look.

Lin Chen's speed was too fast, and it was only at this moment that the abyss ghost and the middle-aged ghost king reacted.

The middle-aged ghost king was frightened and angry, and stretched out a ghost hand to directly attack Lin Chen.

But Lin Chen dodged calmly.

The Abyss Ghost didn't make a move, and looked at Lin Chen blankly. As a former victim, she had already developed a kind of fear from the bottom of her heart towards Lin Chen.

Just looking at it can bring back memories that she once didn't want to recall.

"You are Chen?" Abyss Ghost asked.

"It's really you!" The middle-aged ghost king followed up. In fact, when he saw the pink sack, he had a guess in his heart.

The words of the abyss ghost only made him more sure of this idea.

I was really shocked and angry, I never thought that a "ghost" I met in this kind of place would be Chen, the killer.

Lin Chen smiled, his face changed for a while, half of his face turned into the appearance of the previous battle of Tianjiao, and then he recovered as a whole, and said with a smile: "Abyss ghost, it seems that we two really hit it off, you will be my A milestone in life."

Lin Chen's words are true, if he sells the Abyss Ghost again, this female ghost who is flamboyant on the outside and guarded on the inside will become the first ghost he sells twice in a row.

The abyss ghost didn't understand what Lin Chen said.

At this time, she has calmed herself down. She has a kind of fear from the bottom of her heart towards Lin Chen, but as the highest, she is not a weak person. On the contrary, after she calmed down, she remembered something strange. .

"You have revealed the aura of the ghost domain before, how did you do it?" Abyss Ghost asked.

Lin Chen smiled, and a figure of a little girl appeared out of thin air beside him, and said, "It's her."

"The spirit of the ghost realm?"

As soon as the innocent-looking little girl appeared, the expressions of the two ghosts changed at the same time.

Especially the middle-aged ghost king took a deep breath.

Tens of thousands of people plus the spirit of Huangquan, this combination can be called terrifying!

The abyss ghost took a deep breath, and then exploded with ghost power.

She knew that since Lin Chen made a move and exposed all of this, he had no intention of letting them go. This battle was inevitable.

The middle-aged ghost king beside him naturally knew how scary Lin Chen was, and under vigilance, the ghost power was ready to go!

"Come on, I want to see what kind of power you have condensed after becoming the ghost king." Lin Chen put away the bag, looked at the abyss ghost and smiled.

It's like looking at how far the neighbor's little sister has grown.

The abyss ghost took a deep breath, and a dark force emanated from her body.

Breaking through the ghost king, her original ghost power has become stronger again, and she looks even weirder.

The power of the ghost domain unfolded silently, and everything around it seemed to be covered by a black curtain.

plunged into darkness.

In the darkness, Lin Chen's body burst into a golden light, illuminating the surroundings.

"Not bad. This kind of power is estimated to be over 9,000 meters. It can release a power that is not weaker than that of some mid-level ghost kings just after entering the stage. It is worthy of the supreme evil spirit." Lin Chen commented calmly.

In the darkness, there were forces constantly attacking Lin Chen, intertwined with the light emanating from Lin Chen's body, and there were constant abnormal noises.

The abyss ghost has already started her temptation.

At this time, the middle-aged ghost king looked tense and looked very dignified.

The ghost domain of abyss ghosts is not weak, it can be said to be a peerless ghost domain.

However, even so, the ghost king next to the abyss ghost was still extremely nervous at this moment.

The most common battle between four-star players and the ghost king is the collision between sublimated life skills and ghost domains.

Known as one spear and one shield.

When the spear is broken, people die, and when the shield is destroyed, ghosts die.

The ghost domain is the most powerful means of the ghost king, but it is also the most vulnerable part of the ghost king. If the ghost domain is damaged, the damage to a ghost king is unimaginable.

The Ghost Domain of Abyss Ghost is powerful, but she is facing the even more dangerous Man Ten Thousand People. It is impossible for the middle-aged Ghost King not to be nervous about this kind of collision.

The ghost power was turbulent, and the middle-aged ghost king also released the ghost domain, which was superimposed with the ghost domain of the abyss ghost.

"God said, let there be thunder."

Lin Chen spoke.

As soon as this sentence came out, the pupils of the abyss ghost shrank suddenly, thinking of the scene where he used to perform his natal skills with full confidence, but was broken by Lin Chen's words.

The next moment, thousands of golden thunderbolts appeared out of thin air in the entire ghost domain, stirring up everywhere.

Lei Fa has always been a very powerful ability, and the accompanying vast aura has great restraint on ghosts. As soon as it appeared, it put a certain amount of pressure on the two ghosts.

"God said, let there be fire."

As if the words were spoken, the raging fire began to burn, and the entire space became extremely hot.

"What a powerful force." The middle-aged ghost king couldn't help but exclaimed as his ghost power was being consumed.

But Abyss Ghost couldn't help frowning, the power of these two spells is not weak, much stronger than in the battle of Tianjiao.

But at the stage of the Ghost King, it wasn't enough to really threaten her.

This shows that neither the thunder method nor the fire method is Chen's natal skill, so the pressure in her heart suddenly becomes greater, and she is alert to Lin Chen's real attack.

"God said, let there be soil."

"God said, let there be wind."

Lin Chen was still releasing his skills, he didn't try to integrate them, but kept observing his current skill strength.

In the last battle, Lin Chen broke out with all his strength, and didn't have time to observe the changes in his abilities.

With two ghost kings as targets at this time, Lin Chen naturally would not let go of this opportunity.

After observing the skills one after another, he was very satisfied.

The ability of the fusion of the same line is almost as powerful as the sublimated natal skills of other three-star players with high-level vicious potential.

In other words, Lin Chen's random skill is comparable to the ultimate move of other talented four-star players.

It can be called horror!

Moreover, as long as he really enters the ghost king stage, and with the greatly increased ghost power combined with internal power, Lin Chen estimates that he can break through the ghost domains of other ghost kings with a single blow!

As for the effect at the moment, although the effect is not obvious, Lin Chen doesn't care at all.

What he was facing was a legendary ghost king and a supreme ghost king, and there were no rules and restrictions on ghost kings like the three-star war zone.

A ghost king of this level, who exploded with all his strength and jointly released the ghost domain, naturally couldn't be destroyed so easily by him.

After using more than a dozen skills, Lin Chen consumed significantly more energy than before.

This is also normal, the stronger the skill released, the greater the energy consumption will naturally be.

The two ghosts on the opposite side were extremely vigilant at this moment, constantly mobilizing the power of Huangquan to attack Lin Chen.

In their eyes, Lin Chen's skills are very powerful, although they are still within their tolerance, but when they think that this is just the other party's "small skills", their pressure is so great that it cannot be increased.

At this moment, the energy fluctuations on Lin Chen's body increased again.

"Here we come!" Abyss Ghost's face was serious.

Knowing that Lin Chen's temptation was over and that he had begun to use his real abilities, he quickly transferred a large amount of Huangquan's power and pressed towards Lin Chen.

At this time, in Lin Chen's body, the fire element, thunder element, wind element, and the eighth palm of the ten slaps for subduing ghosts have been fused together and continuously concentrated.

The fusion of the four abilities is the limit of what he can do if he wants to cast an instant skill, but the power of this skill is already comparable to the energy ball that blew up the two mid-level ghost kings before!

This is the advantage of the skill fusion volume. The skill itself has undergone a qualitative change. Even if the skills fused with the life skill are less than before, the destructive power caused is still not weak.


The oppressive power of Huangquan was directly rushed away by Lin Chen.

A stream of light flashed across the darkness, and the double-layered ghost realm, which was originally like the night sky, broke open in an instant, and powerful power was released.

"Pfft!" "Pfft!"

Almost at the same time, the ghost domain was broken to such an extent that the abyss ghost and the middle-aged ghost king spurted out a mouthful of ghost blood at the same time, their expressions changed drastically, and their aura instantly weakened.

The ghost domain was broken, but Lin Chen's fusion skills were still raging, and it was not until a long time later that he regained his calm.

The original mountain forest has become dilapidated.

Lin Chen's figure flashed by and directly mentioned that the middle-aged ghost king put him away. The abyss ghost was still conscious. At this time, her face was extremely pale, and with her beautiful appearance, she looked very pitiful.


As supreme, she is extremely proud.

Even though she is not as strong as Jigui, her heart is still extremely sour at this moment.

This feeling of powerlessness in failure was more difficult for her to accept than death.

"Are you going to kill me?" Abyss Ghost spoke, looking at Lin Chen calmly, without any fear in his heart.

It seems that everything has been taken care of, no matter what Lin Chen has done to her, under life and death, she no longer cares.

However, this temperament only lasted for a second, and then disappeared. The original calm face of the abyss ghost now showed infinite panic and resistance.

"You... you dare to take off my clothes?"

A moment later, Lin Chen covered the abyss ghost with a piece of clothing casually, crying until the pear blossom rained on him.

Regardless of her resistance, she directly put it in the pink sack.

At this moment, the abyss ghost, who had already disregarded life and death, wanted to bite Lin Chen's head off and struggled continuously.

But Lin Chen couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said, "Stop howling, I want you a piece of clothing, why do you make it look like I did something to you, at worst, I won't bite your waist."

In fact, Lin Chen searched the soul once, and with the characteristics of his soul searching technique, he didn't leave any trace at all. The Abyss Ghost thought he was just fainted by Lin Chen, and didn't know anything else.

But Lin Chen saw how pitiful the Abyss Ghost was~www.wuxiamtl.com~ so he didn't mention it.

Speaking of which, Lin Chen put the Abyss Ghost into the pink sack.

And then, after hesitating for a long time, Lin Chen put on the Heisha dress that had been picked off for a long time.

He has already felt that the black gauze dress worn by the ghost of the abyss is a ghost-level ghost, which can also cover his own breath. Wearing this dress, even if he doesn't need a black cloak, Lin Chen doesn't need to worry about ghosts. Jun detected his disguise.

Lin Chen's body changed rapidly, and soon, a figure exactly like the "Abyss Ghost" appeared in the dense forest.

Women's wear boss Chen.


"This matter must not be known to anyone!"

The corner of Lin Chen's mouth twitched, and the silver wolf didn't let it out again, and even Ling'er's external senses were blocked by him.

As for the original Abyss Ghosts and their three Yin beast mounts, their corpses were already on the spot, and they were silenced by Boss Chen.

After dealing with everything, Lin Chen walked forward alone.

(end of this chapter)

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