Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 261: : Zhou Geng's strength

Chapter 262 Zhou Geng's Strength (Addition)

Obviously, he never let down his vigilance from the beginning to the end, maintaining a trace of suspicion, and this kind of suspicion is fatal to an ordinary fierce god.

The ghost king doesn't need to care about the lives of one or two low-level fierce gods at all, as long as he dispels his doubts and obliterates the fierce gods, it's just a matter of convenience.

Although the young ghost king didn't notice Lin Chen's abnormality, his eyes already showed killing intent, as if Lin Chen's next sentence was wrong, he would directly kill the killer.

However, at this moment, Lin Chen just looked at him calmly, without the slightest expression of fear that a fierce **** should have.

"not good!"

The young Ghost King's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately realized something was wrong.

However, at this moment, a golden palm pierced into his chest.

"You have too many questions."

The strange and indifferent voice echoed in his ears, and the young Ghost King's expression changed instantly, and blue ghost blood involuntarily overflowed from the corner of his mouth. What made him even more terrified was that the big hand had firmly grasped his heart.


The five ghost kings who hadn't gone far away were shocked when they saw this. Without saying a word, several skills containing strong ghost power galloped towards Lin Chen's position.

Lin Chen's face gradually changed, and finally turned into a brand new appearance, which was his appearance during the battle of Tianjiao.


The five ghost kings were shocked and angry.

But Lin Chen showed a strange smile, and before the arrival of those skills, he disappeared in place with the young ghost king out of thin air.

Seeing this scene, the five ghost kings who were evil ghosts felt chills in their hearts.

They have long recognized Chen's strength, and it is simply incalculable after breaking through to four stars, but this kind of elusive method makes them even more jealous.

If it weren't for the cautious and suspicious young ghost king, they would have no idea that the evil spirit who informed them was actually transformed by Lin Chen.

"It's the space ability, let's chase after it!" The five ghost kings were shocked, but they didn't give up.

Instead, they turned into five black lights and chased in Lin Chen's direction. On the other side, they didn't even look at Chen De, who was desperately shaking his own ghost power.

Chen De, who had sensed the aura of the five ghost kings, was dumbfounded. He didn't understand why he could return halfway even though he had rushed over.

After thinking for a while, he didn't turn around and leave, but rushed directly over the ghost camp.

At this time, there was no ghost king in the ghost camp, only the inexplicable fierce gods were left. The ghost power in his body was turbulent, and the powerful natal skills were fully concentrated.

The power radiated made the whole space tremble, and the fierce **** below saw Chen De's figure and felt this power, and immediately ran away in fright.

But at this moment, in the distant sky, ghostly energy filled the air, and dark clouds like mountains spread towards this side. Even though they were far away, an extremely oppressive aura had already passed.


A voice full of anger appeared, and a figure appeared in the distance, with a terrifying aura, it was an evil ghost at the level of a ghost king.

The army of ghosts has arrived!


When Chen De looked up and saw this scene, he was so startled that the condensed natal skills almost dissipated.

The ghost king stood in front of him, and behind him was a mountain-like dark cloud with densely packed eyes, each pair of eyes was dark and gloomy, and most of them were evil ghosts at the level of ghost kings!

This scene was too intrusive, and even Chen De didn't expect the battle of the ghost clan to be so large.

"Damn it, there are so many! Boy Chen, how hated you are!"

He couldn't help but said.

In fact, for the ghost clan, it was not only to kill Lin Chen, but also an excellent opportunity to seize the opportunity to kill humans, which is why they used such a powerful force.

"do not care."

Chen De's ghost power surged quickly, and he gritted his teeth and shouted: "Feel the pain!"

The next moment, a huge mountain-like divine sword came out, and galloped down towards the ground. Its fierce sword light just flashed, and the vicious **** below trembled to the extreme.

The natal skill was released, but Chen De didn't even look at it, and just ran away.


The sound of the sword resounded throughout the world.

The camp of the ghost clan burst into pieces, hundreds of fierce gods died tragically in an instant, and even a huge gully opened on the ground.

The powerful aftermath formed a strong wind within a few miles, which was extremely terrifying.

His attack was not blocked by the ghost king, and the damage it caused was greater than Lin Chen's previous fusion skill ball.


The ghost king who was galloping from far away cursed loudly and accelerated again.

Ghost Lord's speed is unimaginable, even though Chen De is a four-star, the distance between the two is shortening rapidly.

"It's over, is it just gone?"

Chen De ran away desperately, but not long after, he saw that the ghost king was about to rush in front of him, and his heart sank.

The Ghost Lord's face was extremely ferocious, and at this point, he directly stretched out a big hand that covered the sky and the sun, as if it could destroy everything.

"It's useless, boy Chen, I will depend on you from now on."

Under this giant hand, Chen De had nowhere to hide, and it was even more impossible to resist the power of the ghost king. He couldn't help mumbling a few words, and a strong light bloomed in his body.

Under the crisis of life and death, this cunning middle-aged man was about to explode without saying a word.

However, at this moment, an indifferent but majestic figure rang in Chen De's ear.

"I am coming."

Chen De's self-explosion stopped abruptly, and a look of extreme surprise appeared on his face.

But the huge ghost hand in the air appeared cracks out of thin air as the sound sounded, and burst open.

Without seeing any energy fluctuations, the ghost hand that could easily obliterate the ghost king seemed to have encountered an unbearable force and was instantly destroyed.

At this time, a new figure had appeared beside Chen De.

It was a middle-aged man full of righteousness, with a straight figure, although his appearance was ordinary, he had a sense of majesty of a superior.

This is Lan Yi's highest combat power, Zhou Geng!

"Zhou Geng!"

The ghost king who was still galloping towards him suddenly changed his face, as if he had seen a ghost, he backed away in horror.

This ghost king, at the moment he saw Zhou Geng, didn't have the slightest desire to do anything!

"Since you're here, stay here."

Zhou Geng opened his mouth calmly, but a great power emanated from his body. At this moment, the whole world around him seemed to be plunged into darkness.

It is indeed unfair for humans to use ghost power to fight ghosts, but this does not affect that the best can become stronger than ghosts!

The darkness invaded and silenced the entire world.

Body into the abyss, heart to the light.

The power of the blue-clothed leader made the ghost king flee in terror, and the ghost king's army fell into endless fear when they saw the evil ghosts at this scene.

This all ghostly calm.

The darkness in the sky has disappeared, as has the ghost king who chased and killed Chen De before.

"Awesome! Old Zhou, I love you so much!"

Chen De was so excited that his eyes were red, he wished he could hug Zhou Geng and give him a bite.

He and Zhou Geng are old comrades in arms. Zhou Geng was a member of Zhou Geng's team in the last battle of Tianjiao, and he highly respects Zhou Geng. This is the man who once killed the evil spirits in the resource war in the war zone to the point of crying and howling!

Back then, Zhou Geng fought against the Water Ghost King.

As soon as the abyss realm was opened, it made the world pale, and everything became silent. When it was revealed again, they saw the Water Ghost King lying on the ground with ghost blood all over his body, while Zhou Geng stood calmly.

If King Mu hadn't suddenly appeared and rescued the Shui Ghost King, nothing like Mr. Mercury would have happened later.

But this kind of strength, ever since Zhou Geng became the commander in blue, has rarely been used.

It can be said that this was the first time Chen De saw him make a move in ten years.

In a blink of an eye, it was as if he had returned to ten years ago.

"I thought you humans would dig some kind of big pit to wait for me here, but you were the only one who appeared, Zhou Geng, it seems that your death is already doomed today, and this No. 195 war zone is used as a burial ground, would you like ?”

In the dark clouds in the distant sky, another voice appeared, swaying in the entire theater.

Three figures walked out of it.

King Mu, King Yan, King Spear!

Among the ghost lords, the three most powerful ghost lords have all come here at this moment!

Chen De's expression changed.

Three peak ghosts!

This kind of strength is too strong, he has to worry about Zhou Geng.

At the edge of War Zone 195, Lin Chen sat on the ground, out of breath, and his ghost power was almost exhausted.

It looked like a mess.

And beside him were lying the figures of six ghost kings.

At this time, the six ghost kings were no longer conscious, and none of them was intact.

In such a short period of time, the five ghost kings who had caught up had all fallen in front of Lin Chen!

If Chen De were to see this kind of record, his eyeballs would surely drop in shock.

But only Lin Chen knew that he had used all his strength to achieve this feat, including skills such as sneak attack and explosive demon killing technique, and he was able to do it under the condition of both internal strength and ghost power.

"Damn it, if I hadn't been poor, I wouldn't have worked so hard."

Lin Chen cursed as he stuffed the six ghost kings into his bag.

At this time, it was too late to deal with their ghost domain. Lin Chen could hear the sound of the battlefield in the distance clearly, and knew that the ghost army had arrived, and it was coming very fiercely. He couldn't stay any longer.

As for Zhou Geng and Chen De's comfort, he was not worried at all, Zhou Geng was a courageous and resourceful person in his eyes, and he would not fall into desperation so easily.

But the arrival of the old guy Mu Wang still aroused Lin Chen's anger.

He can't beat Mu Wang now, but when he sees this old dog, he will feel uncomfortable if he doesn't scold him a few words!

After thinking for a while, Lin Chen took out an item that was obtained by lottery in the system.

The rewards in the system are weird and weird, and there are all kinds of them. Many Lin Chen can't use them, so he directly put them in the warehouse. Right now, in his opinion, this is a suitable opportunity.

That's a big horn.

There is no lethality, but it has a characteristic, that is, the sound is extremely loud.

He doesn't know how big it is, but it will definitely not be small, because this is a big speaker from the black mining area. It is used by the foreman to call the miners out to work. It has strong penetrating power!

He has a few of these things, and now that he has the opportunity, he will directly take out one to make Mu Wang disgusting, and he doesn't feel bad if he loses it.

After thinking about it, Lin Chen directly left a recording, set it to play after two minutes, and then directly summoned Ah Yin, rode on it and started running.

At this time, in the direction of the battlefield, Zhou Geng was not afraid of the aura of the three ghosts, but smiled lightly: "Of course I am not here alone, old wolf, do you want to continue watching?"

The three ghost kings were shocked, and at the same time, an old voice sounded:

"Grandson, look in the sky, how grandpa dealt with these dirty ghosts."

After the voice fell, a thin white-haired old man stepped out~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and calmly looked in the direction of the three ghost lords.

"Even the wolf lord is here. The first batch of human players are still alive. It seems that there will be another five-star powerhouse in the No. 195 war zone!" Soon he regained his confidence.

This is the attitude of the strong!

Its body is slender, and its appearance is almost perfect. Although it is a ghost, its temperament is extraordinary. Standing in the air, it looks like a god!

When the ghosts in the dark clouds behind them looked at King Mu, there was endless fanaticism in their eyes!

This is a peerless demeanor, a supreme ghost king with the blood of the royal family named Ming.

This kind of strong man is worthy of their willingness to dedicate their lives and everything!

In this atmosphere, an abrupt voice resounded through the world.

"King Mu, I'll blow you to death, you bastard... you bastard... you bastard... grandson..."

Group of ghosts: "???"

King Mu, King Yan, and King Spear: "???"

Zhou Geng, Wolf Lord, Chen De: "???"

(end of this chapter)

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