Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 255: : A secret that cannot be revealed to humans

Chapter 256 The Secret That Humans Cannot Know


The big-headed ghost king was startled, and he turned his head quickly. His body turned 180 degrees, but his body remained motionless, which looked very strange.

The other seven in blue were surprised and delighted, no matter who came, at least they had the hope of surviving.

However, when they looked at the person coming, they were all dumbfounded.

"Chen... Uncle Chen?"

Scar's face was full of astonishment, and then the surprise on his face changed to anxiety, because in his eyes, Uncle Chen is only a three-star player after all, no matter how powerful he is, facing such a terrifying ghost king, after all, there are many dangers.

Lin Chen picked up the corner of the cloak behind him, weighed it and said with a smile, "It's me, it seems that this black cloak has really become a characteristic of me."

At this moment, Scarface became anxious, and hurriedly shouted: "Go! Uncle Chen, he is the king of ghosts!"

They were already doomed. In this case, there was no need for Uncle Chen to follow him into the water.

Lin Chen ignored them, but set his sights on the ghost king.

"It turns out that you are Chen. It was really lucky today. I caught a few small reptiles and met a big fish like you. You know, your head is worth a lot of ghost coins here. .”

Although he was a little startled by Lin Chen's sudden appearance and he didn't notice any movement, but when he felt that Lin Chen's ghost power had not reached the ghost king, his surprise turned into greed and sarcasm.

Lin Chen didn't answer, but was looking at the big-headed ghost king. Suddenly, Lin Chen seemed to notice something, his brows frowned, and his face immediately became weird.

Seeing this, the Big Head Ghost King sneered and said, "You look very strange, could it be that you are afraid? I thought you had something to rely on when you showed up, but it turned out not to be the case, but it's too late to be afraid now."

Scarface also saw that Lin Chen's expression was wrong, and he couldn't help but sighed in annoyance.

He doesn't blame Lin Chen, but in his eyes, Lin Chen is still a bit too reckless, to walk in front of the ghost king so carelessly, and to be careless until now to realize the seriousness of the matter, this simply gives him a feeling of unreality a feeling of.

In the end, he still yelled: "Uncle Chen, run, this evil ghost is even stronger than the ghost king in the first stage, don't put yourself here for us."

Lin Chen couldn't help raising his brows when he heard this person and ghost talking, and then he was speechless.

He is not even afraid of the ghost king, let alone the so-called ghost king.

The strength of this big-headed ghost king is about the same as that of Lei Mang.

Lin Chen shook his head and said: "What I'm thinking about is that you have such a figure, which has added a lot of difficulty to me. After all, your body is so small that I can't even get my heart out."


The seven blue-clothed people who heard this later were all stunned. They didn't expect Lin Chen to dare to make fun of it at such a time.

"you wanna die!"

The big-headed ghost king was furious. He had this appearance before he turned into a ghost. Even though he lost most of the memories of his life, in the fragments, all the bad things this body brought to him remember.

At this time, Lin Chen's words immediately aroused his anger, and immediately summoned dozens of tentacles to attack Lin Chen.


The big-headed ghost king is very confident. His tentacle attack is extremely sharp, and it is by no means a three-star player who can easily dodge it. In his eyes, Lin Chen will definitely suffer great damage from this blow.

However, the next moment, he saw those tentacles penetrated Lin Chen's body and directly hit the mountain tree behind.

But Lin Chen's figure slowly dimmed, and disappeared in an instant.


The big-headed ghost king was startled. He didn't feel the shock on the tentacles. That figure was the afterimage left by Lin Chen when he changed from stillness to extreme speed!

A gust of wind rang next to his ears, and Lin Chen appeared again, and he had already flashed in front of the big-headed ghost king.

At close range, the corners of Lin Chen's mouth suddenly twitched, and the big-headed ghost king's brain froze for a moment.

Taking advantage of this time, Lin Chen's eyes flashed with thunder, and a long knife made of golden lightning suddenly appeared, and cut from the back of the big-headed ghost king from top to bottom.

The tentacle, which was originally extremely tough, was cut neatly in an instant.

"Ah!" The big-headed ghost king roared, this knife was different from Scarface's, and caused substantial damage to him.

Because he didn't have time to make the tentacles disappear, so Lin Chen's attack seemed to be directly on his body.

A large amount of blue blood ghost blood spurted out, and countless evil ghost tentacles fell to the ground. At the same time, the seven blue-clothed members who were restrained by the tentacles finally escaped successfully.

"Chen, you deserve to die!" The big-headed ghost king retreated quickly, and when he raised his head again, he was already extremely angry, his ferocious aura was overwhelming, his ghost power exploded quickly, and countless tentacles gushed out of him again.

In his eyes, it is already very rare for Lin Chen to cut open his tentacles with a single blow. This is also related to his carelessness. He does not believe that with all his strength, this man who has not broken through four stars can still resist Can live.

"I'm quite interested in the secret you guys told me. Wait for me." Lin Chen turned his head and said something to the seven sequencers, then turned his head and flew directly to the demon-like big-headed ghost king.

His speed was extremely fast, his right hand magnified several times in an instant, pinched the face of the big-headed ghost king, and directly pressed him to the ground.

The big-headed ghost king was stunned on the spot, because he had already felt the power of Lin Chen, which seemed to be a power that he could hardly resist.

There was a muffled thunder, and Lin Chen's surroundings were already covered by the light of Pianlei Fa. That kind of fierce and masculine force, like an irregular cutting machine, shattered the re-condensed tentacles of the big-headed ghost king on the spot.

These remnants didn't fall on the ground at all, and were burned up by a scorching force.

Nowadays, Lin Chen's method is no longer a single use. The thunder method at hand will contain several abilities, and the power is even more incomparable.

The seven people behind who were originally hesitant to help or run away to bring the secret back were stunned when they saw this scene.

The Big Head Ghost King's face became even more frightened: "Impossible! What kind of power is this? You obviously don't have four stars!"

Lin Chen didn't care. Amidst the stunned eyes of the seven blue-clothed men, he roughly grabbed the big-headed ghost king and beat his big head hard.

"If you want to blame, I blame you for having such a body." Lin Chen punched to the flesh, the resentment on this ghost was extremely heavy, and there were three very fresh resentments. It was obvious that he had killed human beings not long ago. Lin Chen Xia Naturally, he was not soft on his hands.

However, what he said is indeed true, this guy's head is too big and his body is too small!

If you want to subdue it, you can't find a suitable angle, and you have to use the local doubling technique to choke the neck.

It can be said that the shortcomings of ghosts are completely circumvented by the appearance of this big-headed ghost king.

In this regard, Lin Chen had no choice but to use a stupid method.

Because, at this time, he is not satisfying his own obsession, but the ghost king is indeed a high combat power. When he does not hit the opponent until he loses the chance to fight back, he will easily fail with a sack.

"Human, you are too arrogant!" The big-headed ghost king roared, and finally activated the power of the ghost domain.

Complete madness fell into his eyes, and he seemed to have lost control. Seeing the seven blue clothes, he shuddered.

But Lin Chen didn't care at all. Instead, his eyes lit up, and he took out the happy blade without saying a word.

"Cutting the waist knife?" The muscles in the corners of the big-headed ghost king's eyes trembled.

"It's the Ghost Slaying Knife!" Lin Chen emphasized, and without a word, he picked up the happy blade and flashed it quickly in the haunted area of ​​the Big Head Ghost King.

"Are you cutting my ghost domain?"

The madness in the eyes of the big-headed ghost king disappeared, replaced by a kind of endless panic. He could clearly feel that whenever the sharp light flashed across, the power of his own ghost domain would be greatly lost.

This feeling was very powerless and empty, which made him feel even more hopeless.

His roar ranged from anger to fear to begging for mercy and powerlessness.

Hearing all kinds of voices, the seven blue-clothed members who narrowly escaped from death had goosebumps all over their bodies.

In their eyes, if Lin Chen was not still exuding a human aura, they might have turned around and ran away.

It's too scary to torture a ghost like this!

Until the end, all the sounds stopped, and the unowned ghost ball fell to the ground, and was caught by Lin Chen and put into the pink sack.

The Big Head Ghost King had tears in the corners of his eyes, lying on the ground helplessly, the corners of his mouth constantly wriggling, muttering insults.

"Chen... Boss, has this ghost king been dealt with?"

Seeing that Scarface had stopped, he swallowed and asked tentatively.

Even though his personality is extremely calm, at this moment, there is still a feeling of unreality.

Everything that happened just now seemed like a dream to him and the other six team members.

A three-star human being actually deprived the ghost king of the ghost domain, which is beyond the word "horror" to describe it.

"Not yet." Lin Chen spoke calmly, and the seven people were startled by what he said, and quickly backed away again, fearing that the ghost king would be violent, and they would drag Lin Chen back.

What they didn't know was that when the big-headed ghost king heard this, his liver trembled!

Sure enough, Lin Chen took the blade and slashed at the waist of the big-headed ghost king, cutting off his waist directly.

After losing the ghost domain and the waist that contained a lot of ghost power, the big-headed ghost king spurted out a mouthful of ghost blood and passed out on the spot in a hurry.

Lin Chen didn't care about the big-headed ghost king. He took out the pink sack and stuffed the newly-acquired ghost king and waist into it, then clapped his hands, and said to the shocked seven in the distance, "Come here."

The seven of them looked at each other, and finally swallowed together, suppressing Lin Chen's fear of cutting his own waist away, and stepped forward.

"You are also scouts who came to investigate the war zone~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Lin Chen smiled and said in a harmless manner.

"Yes, actually, we were ordered to look for you." Scar's face calmed down, and he spoke.

Lin Chen nodded, not too surprised. The scout team he met in the last war zone told him that Lanyi had sent many scout teams into different war zones.

This is also the reason why Lin Chen rescued them immediately when he saw these people in danger.

After thinking about it, Lin Chen threw out seven bottles and said, "You all seem to be injured a little bit, you can use these bottles of medicine."

After the seven people took it subconsciously, they were surprised on the spot when they saw that it was actually the holy medicine that Qiu Ziwen and the three ghosts took during the battle of Tianjiao.

Scarface reacted, and quickly handed it back to Lin Chen, saying: "No need, we are also responsible, and this kind of thing happened because we did something extra that we shouldn't do and committed a big risk, it has nothing to do with you .”

Lin Chen waved his hand to stop their intentions, but asked directly: "I heard some of the conversation just now. What is the secret that you heard that is not suitable for human beings to know?"

(end of this chapter)

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