Chapter 250 Breakthrough!

The ghost domain was put away, and Lin Chen stood quietly where he was.

Lin Chen's eyeballs almost turned into light bulbs when he saw the balance of the system's magic coins!

"Not excited, not excited..."

"Little money...Little money."

Lin Chen calmed down for a while before calming down, but the smile on his face was still full.

With such a large amount of resources, his strength can be completely improved to another level.

At that time, it will be the time for him to start hunting the ghost king!

As for the four-digit sequence, looking at the mess around them, they couldn't help feeling a little bit embarrassed.

This kind of record is definitely a great achievement in Lanyi.

Without the leadership of four stars, it is impossible for a team formed by hundreds of three stars to achieve this.

Now that they have finished it so easily, it makes them all feel like a dream, and they all feel a sense of pride and excitement.

In fact, they all knew that the reason they were able to deal with the 120 fierce gods so quickly was that after they discovered Lin Chen's identity, they were scared out of their wits and their combat power was greatly reduced.

It seemed so easy.

It's just that their excitement dissipated on the spot when they saw Lin Chen aiming the pink sack at them again.

The four of them stayed on the spot, and the corner of Lin Jin's mouth twitched, and he said, "Captain Chen, what are you?"

"Retreat first, aren't you afraid that the ghost king will suddenly come back?" Lin Chen said as it should.

The four of them realized that it was really not suitable to stay here for a long time, but when they thought of the dark space inside the pink sack, the four of them still resisted a little, especially when Lin Chen used this pink sack to trap more than a hundred fierce gods just now. They have a very strange feeling.

While the four were still hesitating, a roar suddenly came from the distant sky.

"Thief! What a guts!"

Everyone's complexion changed, and they looked back quickly, only to see five black shadows appearing in the sky in the distance, flying towards here at extreme speed.

"So fast!" Even Lin Chen was a little surprised.

Because the five figures in the sky are the two ghost kings and the three fierce gods who have gone and returned!

"What should I do?" The four-digit sequence who was still hesitating at first became anxious on the spot, and their faces turned ugly instantly!

They have already clearly felt the strong ghost power of the ghost kings in the distance. In this case, they can't escape the pursuit of those ghost kings. After all, ghosts are much faster than humans!

"Nonsense, hurry up and put it in the bag!" Lin Chen scolded.

The four of them jumped into the sack together with Qiu Ziwen and the three ghosts without hesitation.

Lin Chen quickly put away the sack.

But at this moment, the five figures had already approached, and the slender hands of the Ghost King Yanyao suddenly became as skinny as bones, and he slapped forward.

Suddenly, a skeleton claw made of ghost power appeared out of thin air, and it fell from the sky with strong ghost power and fierce wind.

Facing the attack, Lin Chen had no intention of resisting at all. The power of space in his body was already surging rapidly, and the ability of teleportation was activated directly. Just a flashing figure disappeared in place.

The bone claws fell, splashing a lot of smoke and dust. The dilapidated camp turned into nothing in this flip, the whole land was sunken, and a huge palm print appeared, extremely powerful!

"That's Chen!?" Thunder Python Ghost King said in shock.

Although Lin Chen has the appearance of the candle-burning ghost king, the pink sack in his hand is too iconic, but the four-digit sequence and the three ghosts were also in their eyes before.

Lin Chen's identity was recognized immediately!

This made them even more furious. After all, they had actually met Lin Chen face to face before, but they just didn't care and were ignored by them.

Unexpectedly, it would cause the current consequences, causing heavy losses in their troops in this theater!

In the sky, Lin Chen's figure suddenly appeared. After seeing the power caused by the attack of the ghost king Yanyan, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he sneered at the two ghost kings, and teleported away again.


The ghost king Yanyao shouted in a low voice, and directly put the three fierce gods who were in charge of leading the way on the spot, and chased after them with the ghost king Thunder python.

They are ghost kings. If they fly with all their strength, their speed is indeed extremely fast, but Lin Chen uses teleportation. After several shifts, Lin Chen puts on an invisibility cloak in a shadowy place, and his figure is completely in the sight of the two ghosts. Disappeared without a trace.


The two ghost kings roared in the air, and the power of Dawei Neng was released indiscriminately. It lasted for a long time, until the entire nearby forest was smashed into a mess and dilapidated, and they flew over.

Lin Chen's invisible figure was hidden behind a boulder that hadn't been affected. Looking at the back of the two ghosts going away, the corner of his mouth slightly twitched, and he moved away from here.

On the other side of the war zone, after confirming that there was nothing around, Lin Chen's figure appeared out of thin air.

The pink sack was loosened, and the figures of the three ghosts and the four-digit sequence were released.

Lin Chen's ghost domain was opened, covering a small area, and at the same time released the copy building of the hospital building.

Afterwards, Lin Chen said: "The strength of Samsung is still insufficient at present. I am going to make a breakthrough here. You help me protect the law and don't let any existence disturb it. Everything will be discussed after I break through."

Lin Jin nodded, but frowned slightly, and asked tentatively: "Actually, in terms of the flesh and blood of Yin beasts, the three of us have accumulated enough to break through four stars, but it takes about a day to refine them. Is it dangerous to break through here?"

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "No, I only need half an hour. You guys help me look after it. Everything will be discussed after I break through to four stars."

half an hour?

The four of them were a little surprised, but seeing that Lin Chen didn't seem to be joking, they finally nodded in unison and walked out of the ghost domain.

Four people and three ghosts, seven figures divided into different directions, stationed outside the ghost domain.

After Lin Chen entered the building, he found a room and turned on the system.

The half an hour he said was naturally not refining the flesh and blood of the Yin Beast to make himself break through to four stars, although the flesh and blood of the Yin Beast was almost enough for him to break through after a day of searching.

But it took a lot of time, and his mental strength is far from enough to condense the ghost domain, so he is not in a hurry to make a breakthrough in ghost power.

Even though ghost power cannot be improved with 8 million coins, it can also greatly increase Lin Chen's strength in other aspects!

After thinking for a while, Lin Chen bluntly said in his heart: "System, exchange for physique fruit."

With Lin Chen's breakthrough, the ghost clan base camp on the other side.

The figures of the Ghost King Yanyi and the Ghost King Thunder Python stood among dozens of fierce gods.

These fierce gods had just returned to the camp, and when they came back, they saw such a devastated scene.

At this time, I saw the two ghost kings who were furious, and heard the news of that "Chen".

For a moment, everyone was shocked and felt a chill in their hearts.

"There is obviously the same ghost domain aura as before. Not only can he make himself look exactly like a ghost, but he can even own a ghost domain! Could it be that he is a ghost?" Thunder Python Ghost King's cold and stern body affected him, full of angry.

"No, if so, Lord Mu Wang should have known about it a long time ago. You know, that kid opened a restaurant openly in front of many ghost kings. It's not too surprising that he can pretend to be like this. I didn't expect it." Yanyu Ghost King shook her head, she seemed to have calmed down a lot, then she spoke again:

"As for Ghost Domain, I think I guessed what it is."

Thunder Python Ghost King's pupils shrank, and then the fiery color flashed in his eyes, he said in surprise: "You mean the spirit of the ghost domain?"

"That's right, that's the only possibility! After all, it has happened before that humans owned ghost domains." The ghost king Yanqi also had a dry mouth.

"Okay! Does this mean that this kid is worth more than tens of billions of ghost coins?" Thunder Python Ghost King clenched his fists, looking very excited, but when his cold eyes swept across the newly returned fierce gods around him, there was something in his eyes. Killing intent emerges.

At this time, the Thunder Python Ghost King was already considering whether to kill him directly.

The spirit of the ghost domain is the supreme treasure that can allow a ghost king to gather two ghost domains. Speaking of it, the value is no worse than tens of billions of ghost coins, and it is completely priceless.

In this case, he didn't want Lin Chen's news to leak out, and attract other ghost kings to covet him. Naturally, the fewer eaters of the huge cake, the better!

All the vicious gods didn't know that they were being targeted by the ghost king. Just when the thunder python ghost king had decided to attack, the Yanyu ghost king said:

"Possessing the ghost domain and possessing the strength far surpassing that of a fierce god, this kid's real combat power is probably comparable to that of a real ghost king at the beginning stage. It seems that the ghost king of poisonous soul may have fallen into his hands carelessly. , you and I need to be careful too."

"However, his ability to disguise and hide has been exposed in front of you and me. Knowing that we have taken precautions, the possibility of reappearing is not very high. It is even possible that he will return to human beings after escaping. It's war zone."

Not only is the ghost king Yanyao stronger than the ghost king Thunder Python, but his mind is also very delicate. With huge benefits, he not only analyzed Lin Chen's combat power, but also had a very clear mind.

Thunder Python Ghost King heard the words and wanted to understand the truth, said: "Anyway, we can't let go of such a big fish, let's look for it first and then talk about it."

The Ghost King Yanyao nodded. Although the chances were slim, she would not give up just yet, and said, "In three days, if there is no trace of Chen in three days, then report the matter."

After making When Thunder Python Ghost King looked at the surrounding fierce gods again, the murderous intent in his eyes had dissipated, and he spoke up and said:

"You guys scatter out to find traces of Chen. After finding the clues, I will definitely reward you, but if news about him is spread within three days, even if you risk being blamed by the ghost king, I will give you a reward." Take your dog's life, understand?"

All evil gods said:


The Thunder Python Ghost King also flew up after discussing with the Yanyi Ghost King.

It's not reliable to rely on those fierce gods alone to find them, and leaving the Yanxi Ghost King stationed here is enough to receive information from other fierce gods.

As for the Thunder Python Ghost King, he searched for Lin Chen's whereabouts like the other fierce gods.

However, what they didn't know was that Lin Chen's strength was increasing rapidly at this time. His originally balanced body now had soaring muscles, and his fiery breath was like an oven!

The original three-star dungeon hospital building showed signs of melting!

This kind of blood is enough to threaten the ghost king!

(end of this chapter)

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