Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 244: :Plan: 1 Everything depends on my wink.

Chapter 245 Plan: Everything depends on my wink.

"Any plans?"

Lin Jin, a visionary young man, quickly entered the state after agreeing, his eyes shining brightly.

Although the Sequence Five, Wu Feng, and Qiu Ziwen's three ghosts here have great potential, they have not yet reached the peak of the fierce gods, and have not formed a true supreme combat power.

But other than that, the three-digit sequence below him is not bad.

Li Rongrong and Wang Xin's two daughters are both among the legends, and they can also be ranked at the top. In fact, he himself can touch the highest threshold.

And because the battle of Tianjiao is over, those three-star peak people don't have to suppress their own realm anymore.

In these two days, he also refined part of the flesh and blood of Yin beasts, sublimated his natal skills in half a step, and greatly increased its power, which can be regarded as half a step away from the ranks of three stars.

This is a very powerful force, plus Lin Chen, an unfathomable boss, if the plan is thorough, and when the ghost king is suppressed by the power of rules, things will definitely go a long way!

After the other sequences agreed, they also changed their status for a short time, and it seemed that their interest gradually became more and more intense.

This extremely adventurous and seemingly crazy thing made them all have a challenging mentality.

After Lin Jin spoke, they all looked at Lin Chen with expectant expressions.

In their eyes, since Lin Chen proposed, he must have already had a very thorough plan to hunt down the ghost king.

Lin Chen couldn't help but smile when he saw that the four sequences had turned into wild horses, and then said mysteriously:

"Everything depends on my wink!"


The four-digit sequence who had just gotten excited was stunned on the spot.

This is the plan?

The other side of the dense forest in the war zone.

Three extremely powerful auras were sitting in the tent. The tent was simply and neatly arranged, with only tables and chairs inside.

"On the human side, not many dare to come here during this period of time. If they are exhausted, they will send some weak scouts to understand the situation. For the time being, let those low-level fierce gods go around. Hunting and killing ghost beasts can also solve the problem. There are human miscellaneous soldiers."

Among them, the one with the most fluctuating ghost power turned out to be the only female ghost king, who was discussing with the other two ghost kings with a smile on her face.

Her makeup is enchanting, and her chin is resting on her slender hand, looking very charming.

"Ghost King Yanyao is right. Maybe these fierce gods are lucky, and they happened to find the battle order for this war zone. When the time comes to occupy the war zone, my mission will be successfully completed." Another strong ghost ghost king laughed.

"Shouldn't the Thunder Python ghost king wish to meet that Chen? After all, you are the ghost king of the Red family. Chen killed the legendary thunder ghost that you have cultivated for many years. This hatred is not small. In addition, capturing Chen can get tens of billions The bounty of ghost coins, this point, even I am heartbroken."

The last one is an extremely feminine young ghost king, and the corners of his eyes look a bit evil. If Lin Chen is here, he can definitely see that the resentment on this ghost king is much stronger than the other two .

The four words "10 billion ghost coins" in his words caused a trace of greed to flash in the eyes of the ghost king Yanyu and the ghost king Lei Python at the same time.

"What the Ghost King of Poison Soul said is that the dead Thunder Ghost is still my nephew, and I placed high hopes on him. Chen is naturally a thorn in my side." Thunder Python Ghost King sneered, and then said:

"But this time, the human side has obtained a hundred battle orders and can occupy a hundred battle zones. With these resources in hand, they will not come out if they don't digest them in a short time. Seed players of Chen's level are even more impossible. sent to such a dangerous place."

The Poison Soul Ghost King nodded, and then showed a sneering expression full of sarcasm, saying:

"If they want to keep it, it depends on whether they can successfully hold it. As far as I know, Lord Mu and the others are..."

"Shut up! Poisonous Soul."

The ghost king of Yanjiao who had been wearing a charming smile suddenly turned cold, and scolded:

"Even if you know a thing or two about the secrets of the ghost masters, we can't discuss them in private!"

The Poison Soul Ghost King was stunned for a moment, and a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes, but he still forced a smile on his face and got up and said, "I made a slip of the tongue."

After that, he got up and left the tent.

The Ghost King Yanyan looked at the back of the Ghost King Poisonous Soul, and his expression softened a little. After flashing his eyes several times, he didn't say much.

This is a temporary discussion hall, but it does not restrict the freedom of any ghost king.

Walking out of the big tent, the Poison Soul Ghost King glanced at the evil spirits who were stationed around him, his face was calm, but a glint of coldness flashed in his eyes, and finally turned into a black light, and disappeared directly in place.

"Master Poison Soul has gone out?" The vicious **** who was stationed there was a little surprised and whispered.

"It is said that this Lord Ghost King has a surly personality and is very bloodthirsty. When he comes to this kind of place, he probably won't be able to stay idle. He probably went out to hunt Yin beasts." Another fierce **** whispered.

In the woods, twenty fierce gods were tremblingly trapped in place.

Looking at Lin Chen's black cloak and the familiar three-digit sequence, their faces turned green.

I was so frightened that my brain went blank for a moment.

"You are already surrounded, put down your weapons and stop resisting!" Standing on top of Silver Wolf's head, Lin Chen shouted with a smile all over his face.

The four-digit sequences scattered in different directions couldn't help but glance at each other.

How does it feel weird...

The ghosts trembled. Although it was an unfamiliar face, seeing the familiar cloak and the familiar devil-like figure, they were completely sure that this human being with a grinning face was the supreme morning of killing!


The leading fierce **** roared loudly, and many fierce gods turned into ghosts without even probing, and scattered one after another.

Like the previous ghosts, they never thought about fighting Lin Chen.

Because that's not an order of magnitude at all!

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, in the realm of fierce gods, no ghost would be willing to meet Lin Chen.

Seeing this, Lin Chen smiled, waved his big hand, and a ferocious fire dragon appeared out of thin air, with extremely terrifying power and extremely fast speed.

In an instant, the twenty fiendish gods were whistling and swept in, and returned to Lin Chen's body. The fire dragon dispersed spontaneously, and the twenty fiendish gods were scorched black and unconscious, and fell to the ground.

Although they have seen Lin Chen's methods many times, the sequences couldn't help being secretly startled at this moment.

A smile appeared on Lin Chen's face. After searching for the soul of one evil spirit that was more pleasing to the eye, he separated seven evil spirits and handed them to the four people and the three ghosts.

"You guys also search for their souls, and try to understand their memories as much as possible."

Although the four-digit sequence is a little unclear, they all nodded when they heard the words. It is naturally good to know some ghost memories and know more information.

The four used their mental power to explore the memory of the fierce god.

And the three ghosts have always obeyed Lin Chen's words, so naturally they began to search for souls without delay.

"A reward of tens of billions?"

"The ghost clan has mobilized so many troops!"

After a while, the four-digit sequence who learned the real situation for the first time exclaimed in amazement.

When Lin Chen saw that everyone had finished searching for souls, he took out eight yellow talismans and handed them to the four of them:

"Hold it, this is the disguise and the breath-holding talisman, which can change your appearance. The disguise-changing talisman, even the ghost king, can't see your true appearance. The breath-holding talisman, if you keep a certain distance, will not was noticed."

The four of them were a little surprised when they heard the words. They knew that Lin Chen could change his appearance, but they didn't expect that this method of changing his appearance came from a talisman.

Lin Chen didn't explain, but continued: "Use this to transform into the appearance of the evil ghost who searched for the soul just now, and then use the breath restraining talisman to suppress the breath, and then wait for me here."

"Where are you going?" Lin Jin asked after reacting.

With a turn of his body, Lin Chen turned directly into the evil ghost who was searching for the soul just now, and said with a smile at the same time:

"Of course I'm going to report the news. Let's expose some news and see how many ghost kings can be drawn out. If three ghost kings come out, I will lead them to other places. When the time comes, you all retreat first, and the breath-suppressing talisman is here." Hands, unless they use mental power to scan you, they will not notice anything from a long distance, I will find a way to find you afterwards, if it is one or two, then follow my eyes and act."

Another wink?

The four-digit sequence was a little speechless, and at the same time a little surprised, Lin Chen was so bold, this was an act of breaking into the tiger's den by himself.

Lin Jin said anxiously: "Is this a little risky? I know you are very strong, but if you reveal your identity in front of the three ghost kings, I'm afraid..."

Lin Chen shook his head and asked back, "Did Zhou Geng not tell you that I lived alone in the horror world for seven days?"

The four of Lin Jin were stunned before they realized it.

The person in front of him is a super fierce man who can survive in the horror world, and under the eyes of the ghost king and the ghost king, he has seized the restricted area of ​​the ghost domain, and finally almost wiped out the army of thousands of ghosts.

Seeing Lin Chen's firm attitude and no intention of turning back at all, the final sequence had no choice but to stop persuading, saying: "Okay, but you must be careful!"

Lin Chen couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and then he swiped his hand across a fierce god, and a large amount of blue ghost blood splashed out. After smearing the ghost blood all over his body, he took out a pink sack, Put all these fierce gods in.

After that, Lin Chen took Linger and jumped out without saying a word.

Looking at Lin Chen's back, the four sequences were stunned for a long time before they suddenly realized, looked at Qiu Ziwen and said, "From the very beginning, I wanted to ask, who is this little girl, and why has he brought this girl with her until now?" little girl?"

When Qiu Ziwen and the three ghosts heard the words, they all laughed~www.wuxiamtl.com~Niu Ritian, a social expert, said: "That's my teacher's daughter, she never leaves her anywhere, don't worry."

"Chen has a daughter?"

The four Tianjiao were dumbfounded again, they didn't expect to eat such a shocking melon.

But when they thought of Lin Chen taking such a dangerous action and taking their daughter with them, the corners of their mouths twitched, and their brains became a little confused.

I don't know whether to say Lin Chen's father's love is like a mountain, or his heart is bigger than the sky.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, that little girl is our junior sister, she is very strong and can help." Qiu Ziwen couldn't help shaking his head when he saw the strange expressions of the four people.

Only then did the four-digit sequence understand.

Both Lin Jin and Wu Feng smiled and didn't care about anything.

As for the two female players, they glanced at the unreliable Niu Ritian speechlessly, snorted coldly, and turned their heads together.

This made Niu Ritian, who was about to strike up a conversation when Lin Chen was gone, froze on the spot when he saw the beautiful woman.

(end of this chapter)

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