Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 239: : Eggy descended into the world, the spirit of life.

Chapter 240 Dandan came to the world, the spirit of life.

Zhou Geng said: "The rules of the mountain resource battle are very simple, but they are also very dangerous. Yin beasts and evil spirits can become life-threatening symbols at any time. Therefore, our players usually form a small team to explore the battle zone. complement each other."

Lin Chen stared at Da Dao: "Wait, you won't let me join a certain team."

Zhou Geng nodded and said: "That's right, Sequence 2 Lin Jin, Sequence 3 Wang Xin, Sequence 4 Li Rongrong, and the new Sequence 5 Wu Feng, I plan to form you into a team."

After all, Zhou Geng and Chen De looked at Lin Chen with burning eyes, looking forward to it.

Lin Chen was speechless, teamed up with four Sequences, is this treating me as a Sequence One?

"I'm used to being alone, so let's forget it, and there are not many ghosts who can threaten your sequences at the Samsung level."

What Lin Chen said was the truth. After all, the ghosts who entered the battle of Tianjiao had almost been killed by Lin Chen.

Zhou Geng shook his head and said, "Among the yin beasts, there are also powerful existences, and even if a high-level ghost enters a low-level battle zone, its strength will be weakened, but it doesn't mean that it can't exert its strength above the ghost king."

Hearing this, Lin Chen thought about it, but refused again. It's okay to bring a few people.

But he intends to take this opportunity to leave the Blue Star Realm and go to the Ghost Race Realm in exchange for energy. It's better to keep this action secret.

Lin Chen's attitude did not seem to surprise Zhou Geng, he continued: "These four people are not weak, whether they are in danger, killing ghosts or fighting beasts, they can all help you a lot, and we I have already ordered that everything will be based on your subjective intentions as the criterion for action. After forming a team, you will get 70% of the total resources obtained."

Zhou Geng did not give up, but made a condition that no one could refuse.

Even Lin Chen's heart skipped a beat.

This kind of condition gave him four powerful assistants almost for nothing. Although he himself was powerful, if he wanted to catch ghosts or kill ghost beasts, he would naturally be more powerful with more people.

After thinking for a while, Lin Chen did not refuse this time, but said, "Let me think about it. If there is no problem, it doesn't matter if I form a team with them."

Hearing this, Zhou Geng finally showed a smile on his face.

In fact, in his eyes, if he really wanted to protect the four-digit sequence, it could be done by more star players. The purpose of forming a team with Lin Chen was to allow these young people to have better communication.

Sequence One's death in battle made Zhou Geng completely train Lin Chen as his successor.

He had already thought that if he really died in battle in the future, it would be much easier for Chen De and Duan Jibo to support Lin Chen in the position, and with the support of everyone in the sequence.

After talking about all this, Chen De stood up, pondered for a while, and finally asked out the doubts in his heart, saying:

"When you negotiated terms with Mu Wang before, what you asked for was mental strength, including you also asked us for this kind of resources before. What do you want?"

Zhou Geng and Duan Jibo also looked at Lin Chen. Seeing this, Lin Chen replied directly, "I have a ghost domain spirit on me."

"The spirit of the ghost realm?"

The three of them were startled, gasped, and at the same time their eyes showed sudden expressions.

"You actually have such a miraculous treasure?"

Obviously, all three of them had heard of the existence of the ghost domain spirit.

Seeing this, Lin Chen was not surprised. After all, such things as the spirit of the ghost domain were not obtained by Lin Chen from the lottery from the system, but something that existed in this world.

In this case, since he can obtain it, others will naturally have the opportunity to have it too.

This is also one of the reasons why he exposed the spirit of the ghost domain. After all, as long as he successfully breaks through, he will also have the ghost domain.

Now revealing the bright side of the spirit of the ghost domain, it can be regarded as a reasonable explanation.

"It's amazing, it's amazing." Duan Jibo murmured.

"No wonder you need effort." Zhou Geng nodded, then fixed his gaze, and asked, "How many regiments do you need?"

Lin Chen thought for a while: "800 regiments are almost enough..."

The eyeballs of Zhou Geng and the three almost fell down, but soon, their shock turned into surprise.

After all, the more resources Lin Chen needs to break through, the stronger Lin Chen is.

Although it is a bit of a headache that these resources are difficult to obtain, this is undoubtedly a good thing.

Finally, after some communication, Lin Chen's projection left the scene.

Not long after, Lin Chen received a lot of resources from Lan Yi, and Lin Chen didn't even pay for the "postage".

If you use the transaction system of the horror game to teleport, there is a high cost of ghost coins, which is usually related to the energy level of the teleported item, and it is not cheap.

6,000 catties of Yin beast flesh and blood, plus the effort of 300 regiments.

This is a resource, which Lin Chen deserved for his achievements in the Battle of Tianjiao.

But this kind of military exploits is actually related to the entire human camp, and it is really rare for Lanyi, as a landlord, to do so, which makes Lin Chen very satisfied.

So much effort, plus Lin Chen's own remaining 40 groups of effort from last time, as well as those collected these days.

Lin Chen has accumulated 390 regiments of mental strength so far.

There is still a certain distance away from smelting his own ghost domain, but it is completely enough to make Eggy complete.

After all, on Eggy's side, the last fusion power has not been refined yet.

More than 100 effort is estimated to be enough.

With enough resources, Lin Chen naturally left the main city temporarily, found a quiet place in the small town behind, and started refining without leaving home.

The three ghosts and the silver wolf were placed outside the door by Lin Chen. While guarding the door, they were allowed to move freely upstairs and downstairs.

The door's protective effect was very good. Even though Lin Chen's room was filled with yin energy to the extreme, it still did not affect the outside world.

Without anyone noticing, Lin Chen's strength was growing rapidly.

His natal skills are sublimating.

Originally, after he was exiled by the Little Six Paths Technique, he had already refined a large amount of Yin beast flesh and blood in the inanimate space, transformed the power of fusion, and could fuse skills with each other, but the limit is only the superposition of the three skills.

Now, through the consumption of the flesh and blood of the Yin Beast, the skills that Lin Chen can fuse have increased from three to four, and finally to five or six...

Until the end, after all the 6,000 catties of Yin beast flesh and blood were refined, Lin Chen was able to fuse ten abilities at the same time.

Lin Chen couldn't even fathom how terrifying this kind of power was.

He didn't try it here. After all, at this point, if he really wanted to use the power of fusion with all his strength, it would be so powerful that Lin Chen couldn't control it freely.

However, in Lin Chen's eyes, this kind of power was not completely perfect.

Because he can clearly perceive that if he further refines a part of the flesh and blood of the Yin Beast, the power of fusion will produce a final change and achieve true sublimation.

It's a pity that there are not enough resources at present, so Lin Chen had no choice but to stop.

And the next thing is to help Dandan refine Huangquan.

There was a flash of light beside Lin Chen, and Eggy appeared out of nowhere, her chubby body swayed in the air, looking extremely excited.

It is connected to Lin Chen's heart, so he naturally understands what Lin Chen is going to do next.

Since the excitement is undoubtedly attached.

Lin Chen stroked Eggy's eggshell, feeling the other party's joy, Lin Chen also showed a smile.

"let's start."

Qiu Ziwen, Dong Potian, Niu Ritian and Yinlang were standing at Lin Chen's door together.

After knowing that Lin Chen was going to hatch Eggy this time, the three ghosts and one wolf never left.

Even Lin Chen didn't know this.

At this time, they all looked nervous, and Dong Potian was even more nervously wandering back and forth at the door, pacing left and right.

Eggy, as a junior junior or junior junior sister, it is impossible for them not to care. Although they know that there will be no accidents, they are all waiting here with great anticipation.

After a long time, Dong Potian took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Why is there no movement inside after so long?"

Niu Ritian's face also turned solemn, saying: "Teacher Chen probably hasn't been born yet, which makes me feel inexplicably nervous."

Qiu Ziwen glanced at Niu Ritian and said, "Your words will be heard by Mr. Chen, and you will be punished again."

Niu Ritian grinned and smiled.

Then I heard Qiu Ziwen say, "I don't know whether Teacher Chen gave birth to a boy or a girl."


In the small space of the room, everything has been shrouded in darkness.

The power of fusion consumes a lot of mental effort, a full 170 groups of mental effort.

As for Eggy's ghost domain, the scope of the ghost domain has also increased by 1000 meters with the refinement of the power of fusion.

A total of 3,900 meters around the body has been reached! And the laws within it are incomparably perfect and incomparably mysterious.

Possess the power of the five elements, wind and thunder, light and darkness, time, space, and almost all the laws.

This is still not the range before the shell was completely broken. After Eggy broke the shell, it is also a kind of evolution, which will fully upgrade the entire ghost domain.

What kind of power will be formed by then, Lin Chen is not too clear.

Endless ghost power penetrated into Eggy's body.

In the void, Eggy's body rotated at high speed.

Not long after, cracks appeared one after another in the blue shell.

Incomparably intense white rays of light shone out from the cracks.

At this moment, even Lin Chen became very excited inside, feeling a sense of anticipation that he was about to witness the birth of a new life.

The light became stronger and stronger, and in the end, there was only a muffled sound of "Boom!"

The power in the entire room was dissipated invisible.

Everything seems to be calm.

However, apart from Lin Chen, there was another figure in the room.

It was a child who looked five or six years old~www.wuxiamtl.com~ She had two long braids, her small face was finely carved, and she had exquisite facial features, she looked as cute as a porcelain doll .

The big eyes are bright and look very clean.


The little girl was very emotional, and she threw herself into Lin Chen's arms, acting like a baby wantonly.

Seeing Eggy's broken shell, Lin Chen's heart almost melted. He liked this little girl very much, stroked the top of her head, and laughed for a while.


The closed door opened, and the three ghosts, who were anxiously looking like relatives standing in the obstetrics and gynecology department, quickly looked over.

Lin Chen took a chubby little hand, pulled the owner of the little hand to him, and said with a smile:

"This is your little junior sister, Lin Linger."

Linger is taken from the word spirit of the spirit of the ghost domain, and it also represents the infinite possibilities in life.

Even if you are abandoned by fate, you can still come to this world to experience the joy and affection of the soul of life!

(end of this chapter)

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