Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 233: : Stop ghost when you are confused

Chapter 234

Evaporating quickly from the darkness of the tide, it was intended to cover the darkness of the sun, but was evaporated by the sun instead.

In this battle between light and darkness, the winner was decided in an instant.

The outside world, all people and ghosts, looked at this scene in shock.

"Impossible! What kind of power is this!" King Mu shrank his pupils and exclaimed suddenly.

"Such a mighty power is definitely not an ability that can be induced by a power like ghost power!"

"Isn't the power of human beings all derived from the horror world? Could it be that some of their research has been successful?"

All the ghost kings were terrified. With Lin Chen's power, it would not affect them.

But when they looked at Lin Chen's figure, they still felt extremely dazzling!

"There are rumors that Uncle Chen possesses another kind of energy other than ghost power. Now it seems that this is actually true!"

"His thunder method is very special. The white thunder method is like the sky thunder, much stronger than the ghost thunder."

"Is this kind of brilliance also caused by that kind of power?"

In the air, many five-star bosses exclaimed. Looking at Lin Chen's figure, some five-star players looked a little wrong.

Seeing this, Zhou Geng snorted coldly, and the hearts of those five-star players who were overwhelmed by the strong mental fluctuations and ghost power jumped.

"Uncle Chen is my five-star general in blue clothes. This has already been decided. If anyone dares to make a wrong decision, don't blame me in blue clothes for being rude!"

Hearing this unabashedly threatening words, the faces of several foreign five-star players remained unchanged, but some thoughts were restrained.

Star Lord was not happy, he said: "Zhou Geng, don't talk about it, I have never heard of him joining your blue clothes, and robbing people is not like this."

The white-haired wolf master also said dryly: "I think he looks very similar to my dead grandson."

Zhou Geng said angrily on the spot: "I think he looks like Chong'er!"

Chong'er is Zhou Geng's parent and son, the blue-clothed Sequence One who died in battle at the hands of the extreme ghost!

As soon as Zhou Geng said this, his expression froze slightly, and finally he pursed his lips, and stopped talking, while the wolf master looked at Lin Chen's figure, as if he remembered something, and his cloudy eyes were slightly red.

In the field at this time.

The abyss ghost was in pain, and her feeling was the strongest.

Her ghost power is unique, and it is the invincible capital of ghosts from the abyss.

But at this time, this kind of capital has become her reminder!

Perhaps the other evil spirits would not suffer too much from facing Lin Chen's brilliance, but her mutated ghost power made the restraint she suffered more obvious.

Not only was her natal technique broken, but her body felt a burning sensation that was about to evaporate in the light.

This feeling made her extremely painful, and it made her feel even more frightened!

"No! What kind of power is this!"

"Damn humans!"

She roared, and a little bit of phosphorous fire began to appear on her body, and it burned blazingly.

Seeing the appearance of Abyss Ghost, Lin Chen was also very satisfied.

Although it is only a gold-quality skill, Lin Chen has long thought that this special power that can only be exerted with internal force must be extraordinary.

Now under the condition of fully mobilizing, being able to suppress the supremacy of the abyss ghost to such an extent really makes Lin Chen very satisfied.

Lin Chen stepped forward and approached slowly. Since the strong light technique restrained the abyss ghost, he didn't need to expend his strength to use other skills.

And as Lin Chen approached, the damage suffered by the Abyss Ghost increased significantly, the flames on his body suddenly became larger, and the painful howling of the Abyss Ghost became more and more shrill.

At the same time, the breath became more and more sluggish, and the ghost power had been weakened to the extreme.

Just when Lin Chen was about to go all out and annihilate the evil ghost, Shi Ting, who had been watching all this time, finally moved.


The world lost its voice.

There was only a strange buzzing sound, and everyone saw a transparent but visible blue barrier covering the dying abyss ghost.

What is even more amazing is that under the mask, the dancing flames on the abyss ghost actually stopped.

There is no fluctuation, just like a freeze frame!

The next moment, Shi Tinggui's figure directly crossed several platforms and landed directly beside Abyss Ghost.

He was dressed in white snow and had an extraordinary appearance. Looking at the strong light radiating from Lin Chen's body, he just squinted his eyes, then quickly turned around and waved at the fire light on Abyss Ghost.

Immediately, the holy fire-like flame was dispelled by it without any power, just like ordinary flames.

Pulled the abyss ghost back from the brink of death.

"I thought there would be a big battle, but I didn't expect that you just mastered the ability to restrain the ghosts of the abyss, and you missed a good show." Shi Tinggui looked at Lin Chen, faced Lin Chen's bright light technique, and smiled calmly road.

He shook his head while speaking, as if he was very sorry.

In fact, although he is not as restrained as the Abyssal Ghost, he still feels bored and uncomfortable when faced with such a light-type spell.

Hearing this, Lin Chen looked at Shi Tinggui with a strange expression and said, "Have you ever thought that I still have the power to restrain you?"

Shi Tinggui was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said: "You are too confident. Although your methods are very complicated and you seem to be proficient in all of them, there is no power in this world that can match the power of time. This kind of power is transcendent. above."

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Really?"

For some reason, when Shi Tinggui saw Lin Chen's expression at this time, his heart jumped inexplicably, feeling an inexplicable ominous feeling.

But soon he shook his head, dispelled this kind of thought, and said again: "Your strength is very strong, whether it is physical body, mental strength, ghost power quality, I am not as good as you, maybe only the guy with extreme ghost can Compare with you."

"But under the law of time, these gaps can all be made up!"

Hearing this, Lin Chen's face remained unchanged, but his eyes became more and more playful, like watching a clown.

All the ghosts outside stopped their ghosts and hurried away when they saw it, and they were finally relieved.

In their eyes, the abyss ghost is at least temporarily saved, and the time stop ghost is right, the power of time is too terrifying, and it can smooth out too many gullies!

The only extreme ghost in the arena who hadn't made a move looked at Lin Chen with scorching eyes.

The defeat of the Abyss Ghost and the appearance of the light technique made him feel shocked, but this was not enough to make him fearful, on the contrary, his fighting spirit was even stronger.

Seeing Lin Chen playing chess with Shi Tinggui at this time, he began to look forward to it even more.

"How will you break the power of time?"

"Can you stop the speed of the ghost's life skill when dodging?"

"Or your strength is already strong enough to break the time blockade..."

"Come on! Humans, my second opponent, stop ghosting when you defeat, and start the real decisive battle!"

Like a banished immortal, Shi Tinggui, with superhuman strength and the strongest law, has never been favored in the eyes of Jigui.

If the human side knew what the ghost was thinking, they would be extremely surprised.

And let the ghosts who are occupied by many concerns and their hearts are on fire know that they will definitely be so angry that they want to shoot this second-five boy to death!

Seeing Lin Chen's eyes, Shi Tinggui became more and more awkward, and at the same time, a trace of anger rose in his heart, and finally he said: "You are looking for death!"


Shi Tinggui yelled loudly, and behind him a small river of time ten meters materialized out of thin air.

The next moment, there was only a humming sound out of thin air, and a blue transparent field spread from Shi Tinggui's body.

Covers the entire scope of the platform.

He was very cautious and didn't give Lin Chen a chance to dodge. He didn't care about the consumption of ghost power at all, and he opened the range of his skills to the maximum as soon as he came up!

For a moment, everything on the entire platform came to a standstill. Except for Shi Tinggui, who was still able to move, it seemed that the air within the Time Domain was no longer flowing.

"not good!"

"how so?"

"There is such a huge time field!"

Outside, the human players who saw this scene were all shocked.

Especially when he saw that Lin Chen hadn't escaped and was still within the scope of the time domain, his heart skipped a beat.

They have seen Lin Chen's strength, but at this moment, many people are still worried.

After all, Lin Chen has now endured the pressure of more than 20 cross-domain platform rules, defeated too many fierce gods, and cast a lot of powerful spells.

Under the unknown state, no one will maintain absolute confidence when being swept by the terrifying power of the Time Stopping Ghost.

The horror of the Shiding ghost, but many people have seen it with their own eyes.

Why did Shenmeimaru fall?

Not only because of life and death, but a large part of the reason is that he lost too simply. He is on the human side, a player who claims to be invincible among the three stars.

When encountering the time domain, he didn't even have time to react, and with just one move, Shenmei Maru was defeated.

This kind of gap broke Shenmei Maru's heart, and finally he resolutely turned into a ghost.

The power of time is too strong!

Just when everyone was worried and Shi Tinggui's face gradually turned into a sarcasm, Lin Chen, who had been motionless before, spoke again.

"Why is your range so large?"

His voice is gentle, but full of rhythm, completely unaffected by time, full of surprises in his voice.

For so many days, Lin Chen has watched the real river of time in his spare time, which made his own small river of time grow a bit, reaching a length of ten meters.

And the time river behind Shi Tinggui was naturally seen by Lin Chen. The length of the time river was actually similar to Lin Chen's current small time river.

But in terms of appearance, Shi Tinggui is far worse!

Lin Chen's small time river is completely a miniature version of the real time river, which seems to have a great deterrent effect.

But Shi Tinggui's is completely different, crooked, if you really want to pick it up, it's like... a defective product.

From this comparison, the time ability of the time stop ghost should not be as good as that of Lin Chen, but the scope of the time stop ghost is far inferior to that of Lin Chen, which naturally surprised him.

Shi Tinggui was slightly startled, he didn't expect Lin Chen to speak so calmly, as if he hadn't been affected much.

"It seems that you are really strong, and you can resist my power of time, but this is only ten times the initial slowdown. Next, can you still hold it?" Shi Tinggui asked.

The ghost power on his body surged, and the defective time river behind him shook, and the entire time field shrunk by half.

And with the narrowing of the scope, the power of time contained in it has also increased significantly.

Shi Tinggui sneered, and began to take advantage of the scope, but he was worried that Lin Chen's speed would be too fast and he would leave his domain. At this time, the power of time is strengthened due to the narrow domain. In this case, Lin Chen will inevitably be affected.

Being entangled by time, even a powerful prey will inevitably die.

Tens of thousands of people are no exception!

While Shi Tinggui was thinking, Lin Chen's voice sounded again, with a kind of surprise in his voice, and said, "How did you do it?"

Shi Tinggui was stunned.

The time in the domain has slowed down ten times, Lin Chen can still be so comfortable and unaffected, this is really beyond his expectation!

"Hmph! Twenty times!"

After Shi Tinggui reacted, he snorted coldly, the scope of the domain was shortened again, and the power of time in the domain became more and more pure.

Everything seems to have stopped generally.

And Shi Tinggui breathed a sigh of relief again, and was about to leave to walk up to Lin Chen and finish Lin Chen.

But at this moment, he heard Lin Chen's voice again.

"Let me ask you something, how did you do this."

At this time, Lin Chen's voice was more than surprised~www.wuxiamtl.com~It was obviously tinged with anger.

all right?

Shi Tinggui was completely dumbfounded, but he was well aware of Lin Chen's danger, so he was not careless. In a critical moment, Shi Tinggui activated the power of time again.

"Fifty times!"

Shi Tinggui's expression became incomparably ferocious, and he no longer had the appearance of an immortal in white clothes before, and he was using all his strength to display his natal skills.

Now, even you, it should be slow to the extreme...

Shi Tinggui muttered to himself as if to cheer him up, and looked straight at Lin Chen.

But the next moment, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he saw Lin Chen, who was standing still, suddenly turned into an extreme shadow, as if he was not affected by the power of time at all. He came in front of him and grabbed his neck.

"I asked you something, didn't you hear?"

Even though he was strangled by the neck, Shi Tinggui still didn't care, but his eyes and tongue almost fell off!

The unrestrained and unrestrained temperament in the white clothes was gone, and he looked at Lin Chen dumbfounded.

(end of this chapter)

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