Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 227: : Change platform to harvest

Chapter 228 Changing Platforms to Harvest

Too many times!

Lin Chen exceeded his expectations too many times.

From Changyin Mountain Ghost Domain to the current battle of Tianjiao, Lin Chen has done too many unreasonable and impossible things!

However, fortunately, the battle of Tianjiao has reached this point. No matter how strong Lin Chen is, it will be difficult to change the current situation. Thinking of this, Mu Wang felt slightly at ease.

"Chen, what can you do when you come back? Your human side has lost, and we have already obtained nearly 80 battle orders. The next battle for resources will be the time when your humanity will be destroyed." King Mu said.


Lin Chen sneered and said, "As far as I know, this battle is not over yet. The battle of Tianjiao can be fought across platforms."

King Mu shrank his pupils, then shook his head and said, "How many platforms can you cross? Even if you get an extra battle order, so what? The general trend is mine, not you."

"Then open your dog eyes wide and give me a good look!"

Lin Chen laughed loudly, and jumped directly to the nearest platform near Mu Wang, ignoring Mu Wang's ugly expression.

With just one breath, Lin Chen has already arrived on this platform.

The fierce **** who had already won the victory on the platform was dumbfounded on the spot, and did not expect such a change to happen.

Originally, he thought that no matter how powerful Lin Chen was, he had nothing to do with him, but he didn't expect that after the death of the Desperate Ghost, the other party would come directly to his platform.

Standing on the platform, Lin Chen quietly realized himself. After crossing the platform, he really felt a kind of pressure appearing on his body out of thin air.

That is a restriction from the power of rules.

"It's nothing."

Lin Chen muttered to himself, and then set his sights on the environment of this new platform.

It is clear that there are traces left by Tianjiao players self-destruct on the platform.

Qiu Ziwen had already told him what happened before. Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, it was not difficult for him to imagine the scene.

"Mere poultry, pigs and livestock dare to intimidate humans, they should be killed!"

In Lin Chen's heart, a surge of hostility was born, and he shouted loudly.


The next moment, nine days of thunder shook.

A strong white thunder light descended from the sky, hitting the terrified evil ghost right in the middle.

In just an instant, the figure of the evil ghost disappeared like a bubble.

"this is…"

"Bai Lei! This is Bai Lei!"

"I see, Chen is Uncle Chen!"

Lei Fa is so iconic that someone recognized it immediately.

Suddenly, I was extremely shocked.

Especially for some players who had secretly thought about "Uncle Chen", at this moment, they were even more fortunate that they had never really met "Uncle Chen", and completely dispelled any unruly thoughts.

At the same time, there was a complete uproar among the crowd, and these people finally understood the true identity of Man Wanzhi.

"Zhou Group, you should have known about it a long time ago." A five-star player from another country said enviously.

Zhou Geng nodded. As the leader in blue, he suppressed the grief of losing his son in the deepest part of his heart, and said calmly, "That's right, but I didn't know he would progress so fast."

The leaders of the three major regiments, including the Wolf Lord, Star Lord, and Flower Lord, looked at Lin Chen's figure, their eyes flickering. Although they knew the identity of Man Wanzhi almost at the same time as Zhou Geng, they were still extremely shocked.

"Can he really reverse the situation..."


On that platform, apart from Lin Chen, there was only a battle order that had fallen on the ground.

Lin Chen had a bad day today, being trapped by Mu Wang into the inanimate space. When he came out, he saw the three ghosts who were badly injured.

This made him extremely angry, so he didn't plan to collect these ghosts and sell them to a certain environment of the heavens.

Instead, choose to kill directly!

Also let Mu Wang take a look at his butcher knife, whether it is good or bad!

If you want to make money, there are still opportunities.


Lin Chen smiled at the ugly Mu Wang in the air, then put away the battle order and moved to the next platform.

This is a legendary fierce god, and his reaction was fairly quick. After being shocked before, when he saw Lin Chen coming, he immediately launched an attack.

A spear full of golden sharpness rushed towards Lin Chen.

With a strong ghost power, and a terrifying sharp breath.

Seeing this, Lin Chen, who had already activated the Gold Condensation Technique, didn't even hide. He went straight forward and greeted him with his body.

The legendary ghost was overjoyed when he saw this, no matter what he said, he was also a legendary fierce god, with the power of a full blow, even the highest one had to be cautious.

In his eyes, Lin Chen's support has greatly increased his chances.


Chen De and other human players exclaimed.

On the ghost side, they sneered again.

Only King Mu closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He had seen Lin Chen's methods before, and knew that it was impossible for the sharp golden light to hurt Lin Chen.


The sound of gold and iron clanging exploded on the platform, and a bright light burst out, but some people with strong eyesight clearly saw that when the sharp golden weapon hit Lin Chen's body, it didn't even scratch a single wound. When it is opened, it will break and collapse on its own.

The light faded away, and when he saw Lin Chen walking unharmed, the legendary ghost was so startled that his heart almost jumped out.

The exclamation of the outside world was even more bursting.

It was so shocking.

Lin Chen's defense was beyond everyone's expectations!

On the platform, Lin Chen's expression was calm, which was quite unusual for him. In the Changyin Mountain Ghost Domain, Lin Chen was able to resist his attack without injury .

Today, Lin Chen's physique has increased again, and he has encountered a legendary ghost species that is far inferior to the Thousand Blade Ghost. The result is naturally predictable.

That incomparably sharp attack was not even a tickle in front of him!

Facing this legendary ghost, Lin Chen also didn't talk nonsense, and slapped it down with a slap. His strong physical body contained the power of ten slaps for subduing ghosts, so that the legendary ghost couldn't even scream. It collapsed in an instant.

Bloody and violent.

But this picture, in front of all human players, is like the most beautiful picture scroll.

turmoil in their hearts.

"The second one."

Lin Chen showed a brimming smile to Mu Wangdao who was outside the territory, and this smile made Mu Wang extremely dazzling.

But Lin Chen no longer paid attention to him, and came to the next platform again.

The fierce **** he met this time was not even considered a legend, ignoring the other party's fear and King Mu's anger, Lin Chen slapped him again.


Yet another platform.


Everyone in the audience was dumbfounded. No matter whether it was the human side or the ghost side, at this moment, there was no sound at all.



In the audience, only Lin Chen was moving. He crossed one platform after another, like a **** of death harvesting life. The ferocious **** was shattered on the spot, and he couldn't die again.

Zhou Geng and other five-star players couldn't calm down at all.

Looking at the battle orders that Lin Chen collected one after another, they were all very excited. Counting and including the original combat power possessed by humans, they have already collected almost 30 yuan.

In this case, they have even met their psychological expectations.

100 battle tokens, and the human race gets 30 yuan, so there is still a chance to fight!

"Can we continue..."

"I have crossed six platforms, and the pressure I have been under is already great..."

While some human players were excited, they also felt hopeful, and felt anxious about gains and losses for a while.

At this time, Mu Wang and the ghost kings had extremely gloomy expressions, their eyes fixed on Lin Chen, and they could no longer see the indifference before.

Their mood was completely opposite to that of the human players, and they all hoped that Lin Chen could stop.

Don't kill!

As if hearing Mu Wang's thoughts, Lin Chen turned his head and smiled at Mu Wang, and then crossed the platform again.

And just as Lin Chen jumped into the air, a huge vortex appeared in the Duanjie River, and a giant beast exuding a powerful aura jumped out of the water.

He bit Lin Chen with one bite.

After crossing many times, Lin Chen finally alarmed the Yin Beast hidden in the water.

The Yin Beast seemed to have been eyeing Lin Chen long ago, and had found the right moment to attack immediately when Lin Chen jumped up.

"not good!"

Zhou Geng and Chen De's people exclaimed. With their eyesight, it is not difficult to see that this ghost beast is of the ghost king level.

But Mu Wang and other ghost kings were refreshed, showing anticipation.

Lin Chen was also taken aback, but he didn't panic.

What about the ghost king class?

He did not break through four stars.

However, he has reached his own strength to the limit that a fierce **** can reach. With his current strength, he definitely dares to challenge the ghost king.

And this is not a life-and-death struggle, it's just a normal blow, if he can't even deal with this, he doesn't have to live.


Lin Chen yelled, his arm muscles swelled, and before the Yin Beast bit him, he punched the giant fish-shaped Yin Beast!

With a physique of nearly 20,000, plus the increase brought by the condensed gold technique, he shot out without reservation.


The Yin Beast ate the pain, and after letting out a mournful cry that resounded through the world, it fell back to the surface of the water, splashing a lot of water.

Lin Chen's figure flashed and landed steadily on the new platform.


"That's the Ghost King Yin Beast, it was knocked back by his punch!"

"Is this a monster?"

The ghost clan was extremely shocked.

Especially in the battle of Tianjiao, the vicious gods who had won and enjoyed the glory~www.wuxiamtl.com~ are even more fearful. No one knows which platform Lin Chen will go to next.


The fierce **** on the new platform was slapped to death by Lin Chen without even making a move.

He was under seven layers of pressure, and his combat power was still extremely terrifying! Like a killing god, bathed in ghost blood, jumping back and forth on the battlefield.

The relatively weak evil ghosts on the side of the ghost clan, their eyes full of horror, have already engraved Lin Chen's figure deeply into their minds, and it has become their nightmare.




In the field, only Lin Chen's voice of counting numbers was left. Every number represented the death of a fierce god, and also represented an extra battle order.

When King Mu heard the piercing voice, he was furious, but at the same time, he also felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

That was the exact same mentality that the human five-star players had when they saw Tianjiao blew himself up.

(end of this chapter)

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