Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 221: : King Mu's Conspiracy: Little Six Ways of Art

Chapter 222 King Mu's Conspiracy: The Art of the Little Six Paths

"Many...many thousand people."

This fierce **** was dumbfounded, he was very strong.

Legendary ghost species, the pinnacle of fierceness.

Among the hundred evil gods of the ghost clan, he ranked high.

Basically, he must be able to get a battle order, even if he encounters a so-called sub-level player or sequence, he is not afraid.

But the only person he didn't want to meet was Lin Chen.

This is the fight to kill two supreme peerless warriors!

He swallowed dryly, and stepped back slowly.

Seeing this, Lin Chen couldn't help shaking his head.

Now the ghosts are more cowardly than one.

At this time, all the Tianjiao have entered the battle.

The light curtains on both sides of the strait shook slightly, and the power of space that was originally contained was recovered.

Human Ghost Tianjiao had different expressions, but they were all staring at their opponent at this moment.

The ghost race is basically very bloodthirsty and contemptuous, while the human race is extremely solemn.

The battle is imminent.

For a moment, the entire battlefield was filled with ghost power, and the sound of the battle was extremely fierce.

"It's hard to handle, the one I encountered in Sequence One turned out to be a ghost." A five-star player from Huaguo next to Zhou Geng said with a frown.

"Besides Chen, this is the only supreme combat power on the human side."

"Shenmeimaru is also not weak. It stands to reason that he should be able to come up with a battle order, but when he meets Shidinggui..."

"Isn't it the same for Sequence Four? I met an abyss ghost, and this kind of ghost is very rare and low-key. It is not only extremely powerful, but also mysterious."

On the human side, many five-star bosses stared at each other.

It seems that they are not in a good mood, especially the five-star player from Sakura Country. He is not as calm as Zhou Geng, and the word worry is almost written on his face.

"The current arrangement is really a disadvantage for my human side. The sequence-level combat power directly hits the ghosts and the others, but Chen, a man full of thousands, just met a legend, so he is overqualified. .”

Someone said, and heard everyone nodding frequently.

Lin Chen's record of killing the highest is there. In the eyes of many people, Lin Chen can definitely compete with the extreme ghost.

"If Chen is strong enough, he will definitely be able to continue fighting across platforms. What's happening now has already happened, let's wait and see." A five-star player said with a twinkle in his eyes.

within the battlefield.

Sequence's eyes were dignified, and he resisted the wind, creating an extremely huge momentum.

The extreme ghost stands majestically in the strong wind. To the extreme ghost, the gust of wind that can blow away an ordinary fierce **** is nothing more than the hem of his clothes fluttering with the wind.

Ji Gui was not in a hurry to make a move, even Sequence One was just probing at this time, and Ji Gui's eyes were more focused on Lin Chen who was in the distant battlefield.

The fighting spirit in the eyes is getting higher and higher.

Shi Tinggui was dressed in white, with an extraordinary bearing, quietly looking at the sweating Shenmeiwan in front of him.

At this time, Shenmeiwan had already lost the self-confidence he had before, and the ghost power in his body was highly mobilized, and he was extremely vigilant.

Shi Tinggui's indifferent gaze was extremely stressful to him.

"You seem very unhappy?" The loli girl Sequence Four, facing the abyss ghost, showed far stronger demeanor than Shenmeiwan.

He even started talking to the abyss ghost.

The Abyss Ghost looks about the same age as Sequence Four, and has the same delicate face, but there is no emotion in her eyes, and she looks at Sequence Four without any waves.

She didn't make any moves, but Sequence Four felt more and more heavy in her heart. Facing this abyss ghost, Sequence Four, a runaway loli with a strong physical body, actually felt a feeling of fear.

"If you back off again, kid, I'm going to make a move. Either fight or surrender obediently." Lin Chen said angrily to the legendary ghost.

The dozen or so surrounding platforms have already begun to fight for life and death.

The opponent on his side is still regressing.

It's outrageous!

The legendary ghost species stopped, gritted its teeth, and finally adjusted its emotions.

This place can be said to be a life-and-death arena, and it is impossible for him to leave this battlefield before the outcome is known.

Now we can only fight!

"The Realm of Despair!"

He let out a low growl, endless darkness poured out from his body, it looked exactly the same as Xiao Yu's ability before.

"It turned out to be a ghost of despair." Lin Chen's eyes lit up.

At that time, Xiao Yu only sold 100,000 God's Strange Coins, but that was because Lin Chen didn't find a suitable place to sell them at all.

Otherwise, if this ghost is really sold, the price will definitely be much higher than this price.

The darkness invaded, slowly enveloping Lin Chen and most of the arena. This kind of scene, even from the outside, was depressing to watch.

"It's done there."

"Is this the legendary ghost of despair?"

The players who had been sizing up the battle in the arena all cried out in low voices.

Even if there were hundreds of battles between the geniuses present, there is no doubt that the battle of Lin Chen, a man of thousands, is the most anticipated.

Ten thousand!

Whether it's Blue Star or Horror World, it's only a realm that can only be achieved in legends.

They all want to see how powerful this person who even congratulates him in horror games is.

The next moment, everyone present and the ghosts were startled.

I saw that dense and more extreme black lightning suddenly appeared out of thin air!

In just an instant, the powerful natal skill of the Despair Ghost, the Domain of Despair, burst open like a balloon!


Even Tianjiao, who was also on the battlefield, couldn't help but gasp after noticing this scene.

too strong!

The former No. 1 ghost species under the supreme power was broken through its natal skills in just an instant. This is really too terrifying!

On the warship, the six arrogances who had fought against Lin Chen gathered together, their expressions extremely complicated.

They are the people who are most familiar with the so-called Man Wan people in the field, so they are more shocked than other players.

"Has he... already reached this point?" Moon Demon murmured, the charming and delicate little witch who usually smiles like a flower, was in a trance.

He was as cold as a flower god, with an indelible look of shock on his face.

The four male arrogances even lowered their proud heads. What happened between them and Lin Chen was too complicated. Because of this, when they saw Lin Chen's current strength, the shock and blow they received was the most important thing. biggest.

The desperate ghost's face was ugly and pale, and the sweat on his cheeks kept dripping out, and he was extremely uneasy in his heart!

Only he can really feel the vastness of that Leifa.

That's the level of reggae, which is usually dominated by thunder, and it can't be compared to flattering horses!

After defeating the enemy with one blow, Lin Chen calmly walked towards the Desperate Ghost without any emotion on his face. Every step he made put great psychological pressure on the Desperate Ghost.

"Is it time to decide the winner? So fast!"

"This is a desperate ghost! Is he defeated like this?"

"Is this the strength of a million people? Maybe only the existence of the extreme ghost can match it."

At this moment, even from the side of the ghost clan, there were bursts of exclamations.

They had heard that Lin Chen had defeated the two supreme beings, and they knew that Lin Chen must be extremely powerful, but now they were so lightly suppressing the Desperate Ghost, it still shocked their hearts.

The five-star players also nodded in unison, with endless admiration in their eyes.

Especially the heads of the Six Great Regiments.

They all knew the true identity of Man Wanzhi, and they were shocked when they thought that Lin Chen had reached such combat power so quickly.

Perhaps, Lin Chen and them will have some entanglements in the future, but at this moment, everyone hopes that the genius of the human race can win.

Looking at Lin Chen's tall and straight figure, some five-star bosses showed a little joy on their faces. They had already foreseen that at least one battle order had already been obtained.

However, they didn't notice that all the ghost kings in the air opposite showed sarcasm at this moment.

King Mu looked at Lin Chen who was walking towards the ghost of despair, and kept evaluating the timing in his heart.

Finally, he suddenly shouted: "Do it!"

The voice reverberated, and countless unknowing people and ghosts were stunned, not knowing what happened.

Some people even subconsciously thought that the other party was going to directly start a war.

Even Lin Chen stopped in his tracks and was stunned for a moment, wondering why King Mu suddenly went crazy.

At this moment, six legendary ghosts suddenly appeared in the field, forcing back their opponents, and directly condensed a strong black light and shot towards Lin Chen's direction.

"Small Six Paths Art!"

The voice of the six ghosts was low.

Between the six ghosts, an incomparably huge black hexagram array was formed!

"this is!"

All ghosts who saw this scene were taken aback.

Because of the position of the six ghosts, the six-pointed star array may not be considered too regular, but it happened to surround Lin Chen in the middle of the star array.


The six ghosts all had ferocious faces, and they all burst into laughter.

Immediately afterwards, their black hair turned pale in an instant, and the aura on their bodies plummeted clearly.

They are burning the source, and at any cost.

The power of the hexagram suddenly became even more terrifying.

Lin Chen's face turned cold, and the energy in his body suddenly exploded. The ground of the platform formed by the rules was shaken out of cracks by his strength.

His eyes dropped in shock.

However, the six-pointed star array gradually tightened, firmly locking Lin Chen in it, making it difficult to avoid.

Under everyone's shocked eyes, Lin Chen's body was full of golden light, and at this moment, he cast the gold congealing technique.

With the palm attached to the golden light, he grabbed the two black lights in front of him.

With a strong pull, the black light that looked like an iron chain twisted away.


The two legends immediately spat out a mouthful of blue blood, and there was a look of extreme horror in their eyes, which seemed unbelievable.

They only felt that what they were restraining was not a human being, but a giant dragon with teeth and claws!

However, they still reacted quickly and shouted in unison: "Explosion!"

Immediately, the entire hexagram array exploded, making an extremely violent sound, and the resulting power even made some players and fierce gods who were close to it change their expressions and fly out backwards.

And where Lin Chen is, there is even a crack in the space, a huge black hole appears out of thin air, and a strong suction locks Lin Chen's body firmly~www.wuxiamtl.com~Let Lin Chen's body Can no longer move, can only rely on the strength of the whole body to resist this suction.

Seeing this, the desperate ghost who was ready to die suddenly became excited, and without saying a word, sent out a powerful force to hit Lin Chen.

This kind of power, for Lin Chen, might not even be used for defense, but at this time, it became the most fatal blow.

Lin Chen, who was barely able to resist the black hole's suction, suddenly turned his body to one side, and at the same time his whole body lifted off the ground, and was sucked into the black hole in just an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the black hole began to shrink rapidly until it disappeared!

Or shock, or anger, or nervousness, or sarcasm.

At this moment, all eyes are on this scene!

With the disappearance of the black space, the platform has returned to calm, only the hopeless ghost with a face full of ecstasy panting heavily.

The audience was in an uproar!

The next moment, under the expression of the human five-star player who was shocked and angry, Mu Wang's hearty laughter resounded throughout the world.

(end of this chapter)

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