Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 215: : 2 wonderful flowers among high-star players

Chapter 216 Two Wonderful Flowers Among High Star Players

Sure enough, following Lin Chen's thought.

A scruffy middle-aged man walked in at the door, it was undoubtedly Chen De.

He was accompanied by a fat man with a big belly and a shiny face. This man was Duan Jibo, the chief executive in blue clothes of Yunhai City.

After Chen De came in, he glanced at the audience, his eyes fixed on Chen Shiyu, and after a slight pause, he smiled lightly and said, "Jibo, look, what happened here?"

"Old Chen, you can either call me Lao Duan, or call me Abo, Ji... Bo, if you say it again, be careful that I will lose my face." Duan Jibo's fat face trembled wildly.

Chen De chuckled, then picked his nose, and slapped his hand directly on the shoulder of the warrior's head, ignoring the stunned eyes of the other side, and asked directly: "What's your name, forget it, don't tell me I give you your name, you just have to tell me what happened."

The warrior's head sank inwardly.

He had heard of Chen De and Duan Jibo.

A person who doesn't know what face is at all, takes advantage if he can take advantage of it, and turns his face if he can't. If he is a dog, when dealing with this person, most people don't provoke him if he can.

The other one is also not to be trifled with, the legendary smiling tiger, who smiles at everyone, may strike at any moment in the next second, without mercy, and this person is extremely protective, unreasonable kind of protective!

The two supreme commanders in blue clothes are two wonderful flowers among high-star players.

A character of this level, even if he has broken through to four stars, is an existence that he dare not provoke at all.

Whether it is strength or status, he is incomparable.

Even though Chen De treated him so casually, he still didn't dare to get angry.

However, Samurai Tou is a four-star player of the Sakura Country Shinmeisha, so naturally he will not show his timidity easily. He took a deep breath, told the original story, and expressed his request to take Lin Chen away.

"He died in your headquarters building? And he was still in the room... This is a strange thing." Chen De raised his brows and thought about it decently.

Seeing this, the samurai head was overjoyed, thinking that this matter had already been taken seriously by Chen De.

However, at this moment, I heard Chen De say: "But you all know that he died in your base camp, and he came out to blame our Huaguo players. Isn't that a little too much?"

Duan Jibo smiled and said: "It's too much, it seems that I should report it to the Zhou group, the actions of the cherry blossom country have elements of bullying."

The samurai's head and heart were cold.

Zhou Zu's well-known Yan Luo Wang at home and abroad, his temper is really not a cover, if he is angered, the whole Cherry Blossom Kingdom will tremble.

Moreover, he was still the No. 1 figure on the bright side in blue, which alarmed him, and would rise to a conflict between countries at any time.

He hurriedly said: "That's absolutely not the case! We didn't bully others. The four shikigami had a conflict with this player named Lin Chen first, and then the accident happened. From any angle, this person is very suspicious, so I just came here, hoping to investigate!"

"Boy, can you break the protective power of this copy of Banjie Mountain?" Chen De nodded, then looked at Lin Chen and asked.

"Six stars may be difficult to achieve." Lin Chen smiled, except for the sudden arrival of Chen De, who surprised him for a moment, the rest of the time, he was very calm from beginning to end.

Appreciation flashed across Chen De and Duan Jibo's eyes.

How bold!

No matter what happens, being able to maintain a calm and calm audience is the most important psychological quality of a player.

Naturally, they didn't come here to eat, drink and have fun as they said.

A budding three-star player brought along three partners or subordinates who defeated Sakura Kunishikigami. The news naturally reached their ears.

At the same time, they also knew about the sudden death of the four shikigami.

These people died strangely, and with the **** nature of the Sakura Kingdom, they would definitely not give up easily. Therefore, after Chen De and Duan Jibo, who happened to be together, knew the news, they rushed over without saying a word.

"That's right, even Team Zhou can't do this kind of thing like forcing into other players' rooms. You mean this kid is stronger than Team Zhou?" Chen De bit the word Team Zhou very hard, threatening on the face.

"Group Chen, we didn't mean that at all. Shouldn't he cooperate with the investigation?" The warrior asked in cold sweat, and at the same time, a surge of anger rose in his heart.

"Do you have evidence?" Chen De didn't care about the attitude of the warrior head at all, and asked the most important point directly.

The samurai's tone froze, and he said after a long time: "No..."

Everyone present nodded, knowing that the samurai head must not be taken away.

Without evidence, they have no reason to take Lin Chen away.

Suspicion alone.

Do you think Chen De and Smiling Tiger are vegetarians?

Sure enough, Duan Jibo turned his face on the spot when he heard that there was no evidence, his face turned dark, and he said coldly. "Go away without you? How dare you come to trouble our Huaguo players without any evidence, are you pretending that the blue clothes don't exist?"

After the words fell, a ghost power stronger than the previous samurai head erupted in his body, and targeted the players of the Sakura Kingdom.

Immediately, even the four-star player Warrior Head was shocked by this ghost power and took a few steps back.

The warrior's head trembled, and the pressure in his heart increased greatly.

Originally, Duan Jibo looked a little honest and honest when he smiled because of his fat body, but when he pulled his face, he immediately looked like a different person. His face was full of meat, like a murderer, and he didn't look like a good person!

Especially this ghost power, which has already reached the peak of the four-star. It seems that one more step, it will enter the five-star, and enter the ranks of the real strong!

The samurai head was depressed and filled with gloom.

But he understood that these two people came here because of Bao Linchen, not to mention him, even a higher-level Sakura Kingdom master would not be able to take Lin Chen away today.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath, forced a smile and said, "Maybe I'm in Menglang, I'm bothering you all, today's consumption in the tavern, I will pay the bill at the Shenmingsha, and the boss here can go to the Shenmingsha to collect the expenses after the camp is closed , I bid farewell."

After saying some polite words, he turned around and left with a group of Shinmeisha members in kimonos bowing their heads.

When they came, they were aggressive, but when they left, they were in a state of embarrassment.

This made all Huaguo players present feel happy.

"Boy, I've never heard of you. Where did you hang out?" Duan Jibo put away his ghost power, and the smiling expression returned to his face.

Speaking of it, he is very philistine.

But Lin Chen didn't take it lightly.

This person's strength was unfathomable in the explosion just now. In just an instant, Lin Chen felt that this person's ghost power had reached more than 200,000, which may be even more terrifying than the original Water Ghost King. Absolutely The ruthless role!

"Yunhai City." Lin Chen smiled, without hiding.

Since he showed this face, he has been preparing to give himself a new identity.

"Huh? Fellow countryman." Duan Jibo's fat face was slightly stunned, and he was surprised.

Lin Chen frowned when he heard this, and looked at Duan Jibo in surprise.

Seeing this, Chen De smiled and said: "This old fat man is the commander in chief of Yunhai City, Duan Jibo, you are in Yunhai City, but you don't even know this guy. This news seems a bit too closed."

Lin Chen understood that Chen De's eyelashes were empty, and he had obviously found some clues, but he was not nervous, but said very naturally: "I have been wandering outside for many years, and I have only recently returned to Yunhai. How to pay attention to the entanglement of the major forces is naturally unknown to many people."

Chen De and Duan Jibo nodded.

They didn't think that Lin Chen dared to lie in front of them. In Lan Yi's eyes, except for Uncle Chen, most of the people and things were traceable, especially the identity issue, which could be found out immediately.

"Looking at what you mean, it seems that he has no background and influence. This is a bit rare. Such a young Samsung peak is still a casual player, which is amazing." Chen De looked at Lin Chen, praised him, and then said to Duan Jibo:

"Old Duan, this is a talent, I won't compete with you, after all, I only have Boy Chen in my eyes."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Chen felt chills in his heart, and he was determined not to face this old guy as Uncle Chen in the future.

Maybe it will be an old glass...

Duan Jibo glanced at Chen De.

Nonsense, I am a person from the sea of ​​clouds, can you still get to Linjiang? It's like you sold my favor.

He rolled his eyes, and then smiled at Lin Chen: "Would you like to join Lanyi? Don't rush to answer, just listen to my conditions."

"Join Blue Clothes, and I will give you a test assessment. The more assessments you pass, the higher your status will be, and you will even reach the point where you are only below me. Of course, this is based on your background. circumstances."

"If you fail the assessment, I will not treat you badly. I will keep you by my side and train you as much as possible. My old sayings are always the same. How about it? Do you want to join?"

The conditions were very attractive, and the heartbeats of everyone present were accelerated, and they were all very excited.

I can't wait to replace Lin Chen.

The attention of the four-star boss may even reach the status of one person in one city, which is undoubtedly more exciting than a dungeon reward.

As for how Lin Chen would choose, they didn't think about it, but no one thought that Lin Chen would refuse such an offer.

However, Lin Chen shook his head amid envious and even envious gazes.

He smiled and said, "I'm used to being loose, and I don't want to join any organization."

A calm voice echoed in the tavern.

Everyone was stunned when they heard it, their faces full of disbelief.

Even Chen De, Duan Jibo, and Chen Shiyu behind Lin Chen were surprised.

Only Lin Chen had a calm expression~www.wuxiamtl.com~Chen De and Duan Jibo did him a small favor, but it was impossible for him to enter the blue shirt because of this kindness.

In Lin Chen's eyes, Lanyi really can't give him anything.

The conditions Duan Jibo mentioned may be flocked to by others, but to Lin Chen, they are definitely tasteless conditions.

And that samurai head, he could have solved it himself.

As for the relationship between him and Lan Yi, although it is not bad at the moment, compared to joining, it is not as comfortable as a cooperative relationship.

Duan Jibo thought for a while, finally nodded with a smile, and said, "All right, I won't force you. After the Battle of Banjie Mountain is over, if you and I are still alive, we can talk in detail again."

This surprised everyone again.

Duan Jibo was very imposing, and he lifted it without changing his face.

In the end, Duan Jibo and Lin Chen added a chat system friend, which was naturally Lin Chen's virtual account.

After that, they turned around and left with Chen De.

(end of this chapter)

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