Chapter 209 Crushing!

This is a virtual battlefield, even if the body is broken, it will not affect the main body.

She wants to be here to teach Lin Chen a profound lesson!

At this moment, Lin Chen finally moved. In the eyes of everyone, he stretched out his palm again, very fast, and hit the girl's face first.

The next moment, the girl felt an unmatched force coming from Lin Chen's palm, and then the girl flew upside down just like Sequence Five.

She fell to the ground, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

At the same time, his face was extremely painful!

She is ranked fourth in sequence because of her physical strength, she is a fierce girl who can chase down fierce gods!

But right now, being knocked into the air by Lin Chen just like that made her brain go blank.

At the same time, she was very angry, because Lin Chen really didn't know how to be sympathetic to women, so what's wrong with you, do you have to slap her in the face?

But what she didn't expect was that when she made the move, she was also going towards Lin Chen's face.

The rest of the people present couldn't believe their eyes.

Sequence Four actually lost in the physical battle?

"Next one, quick battle, I'm waiting to collect the money." Lin Chen didn't seem to care about the two losers, but looked at the remaining three sequences, and said.

Zhou Geng and Chen De looked at each other.

Are these 50 million ghost coins going to waste?

They wanted to see Lin Chen's true strength, especially his natal skills, when they played such a game, but Lin Chen didn't even make a move after the sequence of the two went down.

Just two slaps, and the fire technique that has already been exposed!

Of course, the power of this fire technique also amazed the two of them.

They knew that it was learned by Lin Chen from the demon school Huogui, but they didn't expect that it had been strengthened by Lin Chen to this extent.

This was really beyond their expectations.

"You three go up together, don't put it away, there will be no casualties here!" Chen De suddenly shouted to the remaining three sequences.

50 million ghost coins must not be wasted!

Hearing the words, the three sequences nodded in unison.

Lin Chen's physical strength was so strong that he could easily knock up Sequence Four, which really surprised them again.

Although they are still unwilling to let go of their pride and work together to deal with Lin Chen.

But in the face of the order, and Lin Chen's display of great strength, they temporarily suppressed their pride.

"Let's go together." Sequence One said.

The smile on Sequence Two's face also disappeared, and Sequence Three also erupted with a chilling ghostly power.

It has to be said that the power of these three people is stronger than the previous two, one is stronger than the other, especially Sequence One, which has faintly exploded with ghost power stronger than the Thousand Blade Ghost.

It is indeed incalculable for a human being to reach such a point, its talent and efforts.

But in front of Lin Chen, it was all in vain.

The avatar ghost is so tragic, isn't it still down?

Qian Rengui's back-to-back knife, isn't it also useless?

"Wind, water, earth, three series of abilities, right?" Lin Chen felt the energy contained in the ghost power of the three, and asked.

The natal skills of human players are different from those of ghosts. Although the three of them have a certain attribute increase, they don't think that they correspond to water ghosts, yellow ghosts (earth) and so on.

"That's right, aren't you going to use your fire skills?" Sequence Two said in a deep voice.

"I use the fire ability because the ghost power of Sequence Five makes me feel the flame fluctuations. I prefer to defeat opponents in the same field." Lin Chen laughed.



"Are you joking?"

The three-digit sequence spoke at the same time.

There is coldness in the eyes.

The most powerful ability of a person is the natal skills comprehended when breaking through three stars!

And Lin Chen's attitude and words made them feel extremely harsh, especially the unreality, which made them feel a kind of contempt.

They are unique among thousands of players.

In the realm of Samsung, it is known as invincible strength.

Talent, resources, and strength discouraged countless players, and Sequence never showed his face, leaving a great reputation in the entire Blue Star, including the number of fans who made Niu Ritian jealous to the point of red eyes.

All of these no longer prove the strength of sequence-level players.

But at the next moment, under the shocking eyes of the three people, three forces very similar to theirs burst out from Lin Chen's body!

Water, Earth, Wind!

The earth shattered, a huge water flow rushed out, and the howling wind rushed towards the three of them with invisible wind blades.


"Isn't he capable of fire?"

The pupils of the three shrank, and they were dumbfounded on the spot.

Any of Lin Chen's methods are as turbulent and powerful as Wang Yang, and they don't look like popular skills researched by some skill books at all.

But it's incredible that one person can master so many abilities!

Next, the three-digit sequence fought angrily among Lin Chen's three skills.

And Lin Chen finally moved, but instead of attacking, he walked up to Chen De and Zhou Geng, and said with a smile, "50 million ghost coins."

Although the skills he used were legendary skills, Lin Chen had already secretly used the power of fusion to strengthen the power of the three skills again.

Therefore, it was only then that the three-digit sequence was suppressed, and the one who had the chance to win negotiated with Chen De for a reward.

"Boy, why do you have so many abilities? You still haven't released Lei Fa, how did you do it?" Chen De didn't care about money at all, and asked hastily.

Although Zhou Geng and Chen De knew that Lin Chen kidnapped Supreme and stirred up wind and rain in the horror world, they didn't know that Lin Chen had so many means.

Maybe, among these skills, Lin Chen doesn't even have his natal skills!

Zhou Geng also looked at Lin Chen with a face full of shock. At this moment, he no longer considered Lin Chen's natal skill.

I was completely shocked by Lin Chen's many powerful abilities.

Lin Chen curled his lips and said, "You two don't want to rely on me, do you?"

Chen De's face darkened: "It depends on your size, if you share with me the method of how you acquired so many skills, I will give you ten times the reward."

"You're thinking about farting." Lin Chen rolled his eyes.

His skills are all a comprehension of laws, and he can only use them in one thought, and he can't teach them even if he wants to.

Perhaps, the skills of Yi Jin Jing and Jiang Gui Ten Slaps can be taught to others.

Because they have special running routes.

But let's not talk about whether Lin Chen is willing to teach.

These two exercises are fundamentally difficult for people to learn.

Even Lin Chen can only advance to the next level by relying on the skill upgrade papers obtained from the system.

Take it out, it's useless.

Chen De sighed, although his heart was already itchy, but he didn't force him to ask.

I really can't afford it.

After all, Boy Chen was too much of a thief, he had covered himself up firmly from the very beginning.

To the point where the other party has never had the love of blue clothes, but it is love to help you, and it is duty not to help you.

Take the absolute initiative.


At this moment, Sequence roared, and the ghost power exploded, breaking through the blockade of Lin Chen's three skills.

He was completely shocked. He didn't expect that there would be such a person in the world who could suppress the five-digit sequence by himself!

However, he still had a casual look, so powerful that he was unbelievably strong.

Only then did he understand why Chen De asked Lin Chen to train them, because Lin Chen did have this ability.

However, he did not back down, but aroused the fighting spirit in his heart, successfully broke through the blockade of three skills, and rushed towards Lin Chen.

"Interesting, you should be stronger than Qian Ren." Lin Chen admired.

It is indeed commendable for a human being to be able to do this.

But he won't hold back because of it.

The next moment, the energy in his body erupted again, and a fierce and powerful Thunderbolt erupted from his body, turning into a white thunder dragon and biting Sequence One's body.

After the overall integration of thunder skills, including the growth of Lin Chen's own strength, the power of thunder has become stronger.

Considering his ability to greatly restrain ghost power, even the general supreme here cannot be his opponent of Lei Fa.

Sure enough, Sequence One was bitten in the mouth by the oncoming Thunder Dragon, and under the horrified gazes of the crowd, he was led by the Thunder Dragon and flew out directly.

Wherever the thunder dragon passed, it left an extremely hot electric light in the air, and the electricity contained in it made people feel like their hairs were standing on end.

Seeing this scene, the four defeated sequences almost collapsed.

Why does Leifa even have it!

How much ability does this person have!

And what surprised them even more was that the power of each of Lin Chen's skills was extraordinary, and he could completely handle it alone.

"This should be his real natal skill! Lei Fa's strength is obviously stronger than other skills."

"White Rafa, I seem to have heard of him."

"No way, isn't it said that he just broke through Samsung not long ago?"

In the end, Thunder Dragon died out.

Sequence One flew back covered in charred black.

He loses, as in the previous sequence.

"who are you?"

At the end of the battle, the Sequence One's surface glowed with light, and it quickly recovered. This is a virtual battlefield, and there will be no real and substantial damage.

The other four sequences also returned, and no matter which one it was, their faces were full of shock.

For Lin Chen, the random attack not only defeated their bodies, but also defeated their pride.

In particular, they had already thought of Lin Chen's true identity, which made it even more difficult for them to accept.

Is it really possible for a person who has just broken through the Fierce God for less than a month to defeat the five-digit sequence?

Facing the question, Lin Chen smiled and said, "When the Tianjiao fights, you will know who I am."

Speaking of this, Lin Chen couldn't help but get weird.

He thought of King Mu and the others.

I blow up Mu Wang and Mu Chengjun, and I can't help it that the other party will come up and fight desperately when they see me the first time.

Including the families behind the supreme legend, they probably hate themselves to death.

Be careful then...

"Old to pay money, otherwise, be careful that I will betray you in the battle of Tianjiao."

After leaving a sentence that can be described as treasonous, the glory around Lin Chen flowed, and he left this space directly.

And Chen De and Zhou Geng looked at each other. They were speechless at first, but soon their eyes brightened.

With Uncle Chen around, the chances of winning the battle of Tianjiao will increase greatly!

In the end, they returned from the virtual battlefield. Facing the curiosity of the five-digit sequence, Chen De and Zhou Geng wisely dismissed the five without saying anything.

Zhou Geng said: "I came up with a bad idea, you might as well play by yourself. In the end, you didn't even see your natal skills, and the 50 million ghost coins just disappeared. Let's pay for it. You pay for it yourself."

After all, Zhou Geng also left, and Chen De froze in place, then hugged Zhou Geng and said, "At least his strength can be completely confirmed, isn't it? Otherwise, would you be willing to let him join the battle like this?"

"If you **** run away like this, I'll renege on my debt and let Boy Chen betray you at the Tianjiao Station!"

"Anyway, I have no money."

Zhou Geng: "..."

(end of this chapter)

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