Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 204: : 3 small breakthroughs, a new list is released

Chapter 205 Three small breakthroughs, a new list is released

"As for the flesh and blood of Yin Beasts, there is also a unique absorption method, and I will send it to you directly." Zhou Geng warned.

Lin Chen nodded and continued to ask, "Do you have the energy?"

"Heart strength?" Zhou Geng was taken aback.

And Chen De asked directly: "You asked me about mental power last time, but I didn't understand it at the time. We didn't study this energy carefully until the Black Clothes Sect summoned evil spirits. Human beings are useless, what do you ask them to do?"

Lin Chen didn't answer, but said directly: "I have my own uses. If you have them, you can trade them to me. I won't let you suffer."

"I should have 200 regiments here, if you need, I can send you all." Zhou Geng said directly.

Very generous.

200 groups?

Lin Chen was overjoyed. He was just trying to ask, but he didn't expect that the other party really had this stock.

"You don't need to give it away. This thing is worth 5 million ghost coins. I'll exchange it with you with fierce god-level ghosts. How about three ghosts for one ball?"

Zhou Geng and Chen De were shocked again.

I didn't expect Lin Chen to be so rich. Doesn't this transaction method mean that Lin Chen has 600 demon-level ghosts on his body?

"Do you really have so many?" Chen De asked excitedly.

The resources in the human world are too scarce, and it can be seen from when Chen De went to ignoring the things of the Wolf Warriors because of a red-clothed ghost.

If so many ghosts can be distributed, it will definitely form a large armed force!

"That's natural." Lin Chen said as it should.

After so many lottery draws, and after he stripped off so many monsters, this is what Lin Chen lacks most. To put it bluntly, his socks are all good monsters.

"Okay! Change it!" Zhou Geng waved his hand without any ink marks, and agreed directly.

The transaction was concluded and both parties were satisfied.

Finally, Lin Chen hung up the communication.

With a wave of his hand, he poured out 600 monster-level ghosts from the system space, and used the trading system to send them out directly after spending a certain amount of ghost coins.

And when I was not long, I also received 220 regiments of extremely pure heart power.

The extra 20 regiments were sent by Zhou Geng.

In the following time, Lin Chen continued to refine his mind.

This time, he plans to smelt the red quality skill of Power of Time in Eggy's ghost domain.

Three days later.

In a mountain outside the suburbs.

Eggy's ghost domain covers a large area, making it impossible for outsiders to pay attention to the movement inside.

At this time, after refining, Eggy's ghost domain expanded again.

The power of time consumed 150 of Lin Chen's mental strength and increased the range by 1000 meters.

Including the Mingguang technique, Lin Chen used the rest of his mind to refine it into the ghost domain, increasing the range by 100 meters.

At present, Eggy's ghost domain can cover a range of 2900 meters around the body under full force!

At this time, except for the last one, Lin Chen's natal skill fusion power, all his skills have entered the ghost domain.

One more step, Eggy's ghost domain will be fully formed, and then its power will increase dramatically!

In Dandan Huangquan, Lin Chen and Qiu Ziwen crossed their legs among the three ghosts.

Lin Chen now intends to use the exercises to upgrade the volume to increase the number of layers of the Yi Jin Jing.

Including the one that was useless before, his skills upgrade rolls, and the money exchange accumulated by his subordinates, he saved a total of 7 copies.

"Improve the Yi Jin Jing!"

[Successful ascension, the seventh floor of Yi Jin Jing. 】

The quality of internal force in Lin Chen's body has improved again, including physical fitness, which has increased by a small amount.

Lin Chen felt it for a while, and found that the current internal strength of the Yi Jin Jing is already comparable to the ghost power of the supreme evil god.

"Upgrade again, Yi Jin Jing."

[Successful ascension, the eighth floor of Yi Jin Jing. 】

The strength rose again, but Lin Chen found that in terms of internal strength, he seemed to have not broken through a certain shackle.

Not at the level of the ghost king.

But the quality of his internal power is already comparable to the pure ghost power of this worldly ghost.

However, when Lin Chen was about to improve again, he found that Yi Jin Jing had reached its limit.

Restricted by his physique, he needs to wait for his physique to become stronger before he can improve again.

"It's already the eighth floor, and it's only reached the peak of the supreme evil spirit? And now that it has been upgraded, the physique will no longer grow with it." Lin Chen said to himself.

He has already understood the true purpose of Yi Jin Jing. This exercise is actually more like improving one's own foundation. In terms of combat power, it is different from what he understood in his previous life.

However, this is also normal, after all, it is clearly introduced in the system that this is a unique product in a certain world of high martial arts.

"It seems that when it is truly perfect, it is only the power of the ghost king. I need a new source of power." Lin Chen frowned.

"Ten slaps to raise ghosts."

[Successful ascension, ten slaps to subdue ghosts, the sixth slap: black ghosts make trouble]

[Successful ascension, the seventh palm of ten slaps to cast down ghosts: ghosts fight in the night]

After the two floors were lifted, Lin Chen stopped.

He still has 3 skill upgrade scrolls left.

But right now, it has been necessary to upgrade again, and the power of Jianggui Ten Slaps has been raised to the extreme.

If he continued to improve, he felt that his ghost power and internal power could not support the eighth palm at all.

Therefore, I am no longer in a hurry to continue, and keep the skill upgrade volume for it to use at any time.

At this time, Lin Chen's strength had almost reached its limit. Except for the remaining 900,000 emergency coins, he had almost consumed everything he could consume.

He stood up, cleaned himself up, and looked at the three ghosts of Qiu Ziwen.

The three ghosts followed Lin Chen up, still motionless, sitting cross-legged with their eyes closed.

At this time, the three ghosts were covered in **** red clothes, and the aura on their bodies was fully revealed, and it became heavier and heavier.

The hidden ghost power of the three ghosts has finally reached its limit today, and it is time to break through the shackles of the red clothes.

Achievement fierce!

under the flow of time.

Finally, the ghost power in Niu Ritian's body trembled first, the **** red clothes on his body melted away, and an extremely powerful force came from his body.

And this kind of power also contains a dark atmosphere.

At this time, on the stone tablet in the ghost world that recorded the ranking of the fierce god's potential, a light spot appeared from the bottom of the list, and in front of the guardian old man, he climbed up the rock crazily.

In the past two days, the horror world has been in turmoil due to the death of the Supreme.

At this time, there are new ghost species entering the list, which is undoubtedly a good sign.

The old man watched with interest, and soon his expression became serious.

I saw that the light spot directly rushed to the position of the legendary fierce god, and didn't stop until the eleventh time.

[Eleventh in the Potential List of Fierce Gods: Purgatory Ghost]

What a purgatory ghost, just by looking at the name, you can tell how fierce this ghost is.

But the next moment, he saw the purgatory ghost's postscript.

[PS: If loving you is a pain, then I would already be covered in bruises. 】

When he saw this postscript, which can be said to be more miraculous than a ghost, the old man's three views were about to collapse, but before he could think about it, another light spot appeared out of thin air.

Climb the web at an even faster pace.

Has a new ghost species appeared?

To the old man's shock, this new spot of light was actually ranked higher than Purgatory Ghost.

[The tenth place on the fierce potential list: Potiangui. 】

Such a domineering name.

The old man thought so, and at the same time, he also saw the postscript from Potiangui.

[P.S.: My teacher is number one in the world, and I am number two in the world. 】

? ? ?

The old man was stunned, and his brain was almost unable to turn around.

What the **** is this?

At this time, the third point of light appeared, and it climbed all the way, overtaking the purgatory ghost and the sky-shattering ghost, and didn't stop until it stood at the eighth place.

[Book Ghost. 】

The name is normal.

The postscript shouldn't be that weird.

The old man thought subconsciously.

[P.S.: I don’t have to go to class anymore! 】

The three ghosts appeared at the same time, the top ranked, supreme and legendary, all of which were extremely powerful.

But from the postscript, the old man can't see any pride that a peerless fierce **** should have.

But to give him a nondescript feeling.

"Appeared at the same time... Could it be that these three ghosts knew each other?" The old man took a deep breath and vaguely guessed something.


"Could it be that the three of them are brothers?" The old man became more and more startled as he thought about it.

"What kind of existence is it that can cultivate three such powerful ghost species at the same time?!"

On this day, both the Horror World and Blue Star were shocked by the changes in the list of potential vicious gods.

It's just that their attitudes are completely opposite.

The attitude of the horror world is very exciting.

In the case of losing the Clone Ghost and Thousand Blade Ghost, another powerful ghost species appeared, which is undoubtedly a trend of great prosperity.

On the other hand, the human side is repressed.

The horror world is too powerful, and the appearance of the three ghosts put a lot of pressure on them.

However, the original Supreme Clone Ghost, Thousand Blade Ghost, and Legendary Reggae Wood Ghost ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ were completely removed from the potential list.

fell silent

At this time, the new list appeared.

1st place: Ghost

Second place: Extreme Ghost

Third place: Time Stop Ghost

Fourth place: Abyss Ghost

Fifth place: infinite ghost

Sixth place: Fallen ghost

Seventh place: Invisible ghost

Eighth place: book ghost

Ninth place: Nightmare Ghost

Tenth place: virtuous ghost

Eleventh place: Skybreaker

Twelfth place: Desperate Ghost

Thirteenth place: Purgatory Ghost

Fourteenth place: Wind Devil

Fifteenth place; Sword Demon

(end of this chapter)

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