Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 178: : The legend is in peril

Chapter 179


Lin Chen finds and captures the mental ghost more and more smoothly.

No matter how special the mental ghost is, it is still a ghost.

For Lin Chen, this is definitely the right job...

Although they have all kinds of weird skills, as well as that kind of hidden ability that is difficult to detect.

But in Lin Chen's eyes, this was not a threat at all.

Perhaps other fierce gods who have entered the domain may also be lost and trapped due to the fog, so they can only act cautiously.

But for Silver Wolf, this is not a problem at all.

It was a being that grew up in the mountains and had profound experience in traveling through the jungle. Even though its nose was no longer bright, he could still run freely and distinguish the correct path in the fog with extremely low visibility.

Lin Chen mobilized his mental power efficiently all the time, as soon as a ghost with mental power appeared, he rushed up immediately.

After this kind of cooperation, the two are like a heart ghost harvester, where no grass grows wherever it passes.




"The art of the ocean!"

"Red lotus fire!"

The five elements are complete, at this moment, Lin Chen turned into a magic knight, standing proudly on top of the silver wolf.

A series of powerful and terrifying skills were released by him at will.

You know, these are all gold-quality skills, and the power is logically not weaker than the unsatisfactory Lei Fa

Under Lin Chen's various powerful skills, the terrain in the mountain was changed by him.

Some places turned into deep pits to form waterfalls, while others turned into forests of thorns and burned with raging fires.

The mist that covered the middle of the mountain was not spared, and it was smashed into pieces by the terrifying power.

Sometimes it forms a tornado, and sometimes it encounters a strong wind and is swept madly.

And with these skills, it made the ghost hate the scene with an unknown amount of effort.

Those Xinli ghosts who encountered Lin Chen didn't even make a wave, they were beaten to death by Lin Chen, and finally refined by Dandan.

Under such circumstances, even if the intelligence is not high, the mental ghosts who acted entirely on instinct, one by one, fled as if they were frightened.


The ghost kings looked dumbfounded again.

"Isn't this kid from the Lightning Department? How come he still has fire and wood skills... His abilities are too wide, and each of these skills is comparable to the legendary natal skills!" The ghost king gasped. Cool air said.

"Actually, he still has the ability of the Shadow Department." The ghost king who has been here since the earliest said.

The behavior of the great magister Lin Chen once again touched the minds of all the ghost kings.

Perhaps the former Lin Chen, in their eyes, could barely overwhelm the supreme evil spirits like Qianblae Ghost or Clone Ghost.

After all, no matter how amazing Lin Chen is, he has only broken through the fierce **** for fifteen days.

But the current combat power made them think that if the Thousand Blade Ghost and the Clone Ghost really encountered this killer alone.

Maybe they can't even escape, and they will be arrested directly, killing ghosts and taking their waists.

Thinking of this, the ghost king suddenly shivered.

The supreme fierce **** was cut by a human in the ghost world.

When the news gets out, the fun will be great.

Fortunately, at present, the two supreme powers are acting together, so they can be relieved a little.

"What on earth is it that he possesses so many spells?" A ghost king asked, his tone full of exclamation.

"His fire method was formed by absorbing the natal fire of a fire ghost. I don't know about the others." The water ghost king was also puzzled for a while.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Chen has gained so many abilities after not seeing him for about fifteen days!

"Could it be that he can absorb the natal skills of my ghost clan?" a ghost king exclaimed.

You Ghost King immediately thought of this, otherwise it would be really difficult to explain what they saw.

The eyes of the ghost kings flickered, and suddenly, someone seemed to think of something.

"Could it be... the waist?"

All the ghosts were taken aback for a moment, and even King Mu withdrew his gaze and looked at the ghost king who was speaking.

This is the long-haired ghost king who brought the reggae to protect the dharma. Seeing all the ghosts looking at him at this time, he couldn't help feeling a little nervous secretly.

King Mu's oppression is too great! It is indeed an existence that can only be in the realm of the ghost king, and is highly valued by the upper class.

He secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said: "Slaying ghosts in the morning to take waists seems to be absurd, and it is difficult to understand, but if you think about his even more incomprehensible strength, you may be able to see Something."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the ghost kings flickered slightly.

Mu Wang also showed a smile, and praised: "You are Kai Yu of the Red family, I heard that your Red family has a reggae in this life, it is the little guy in the ghost domain, very good .”

"Yes, Master Mu Wang!" The long-haired ghost king was overjoyed, as if he had won some kind of honor.

Even he himself didn't expect that his simple sentence would slightly raise his status in the eyes of King Mu, which was a kind of surprise to him!

Mu Wang nodded, and then thought: "You are right. An existence that transcends common sense must have a deep meaning in what it does. Perhaps there is a secret that we don't know in the waist of the ghost. People become stronger quickly, and may even obtain the secrets of other vicious life skills!"

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of all the ghosts jumped wildly.

If this is true, the horror world is bound to have one of its bloodiest civil wars yet.

The weak will be at stake, and the strong will stop at nothing to slaughter the weak.

A ghost rank is not high, but has broken through to the ghost king, or even the ghost king and higher level existence, will it be tempting to face a legendary fierce god's life skill?

Even if they can bear the discount brought by the legendary life skill.

But what about the Supreme? What about ghosts?

If there is really a secret in the ghost waist, then the entire horror world will be stained with blood.

Desires are unlimited, and no one can really restrain them.

Some ghost kings have even seen that a war called "War of Kidneys" is about to start.

At this moment, Kaiyu Ghost King, who was still somewhat complacent, suddenly exclaimed.

"not good!"

All the ghosts were taken aback when they heard the words, and then they turned their eyes to the domain again. The next moment, their expressions became a little surprised.

At this time, Lin Chen had already wiped out a large area of ​​the Mist Region.

The mind ghosts in his hands have gathered hundreds of them.

During this period, Lin Chen also encountered three fierce squads.

Compared with those at the foot of the mountain, the team of these fierce gods who entered the misty land was condensed into a larger team. The three fierce **** teams basically consisted of more than ten people.

Therefore, Lin Chen only eliminated three teams, and he gained half of what he gained when he was down the mountain.

[God's Strange Coin: 3.8 million! 】

So far, half of the fierce gods who entered the domain have been captured by Lin Chen.

"I didn't expect that after coming here, these fierce gods would form a group to look for me. This can be regarded as saving me a lot of effort."

Lin Chen couldn't help laughing.

Silver Wolf's speed has slowed down.

Because Lin Chen and the others haven't encountered a mental ghost for a long time.

Moreover, there was a burst of fierce fighting sounds ahead, which made the silver wolf, who had some ghost hunting experience, slow down for the first time, so as not to disturb them.

Whenever he catches a group of vicious gods from outside, or a monster with a strange aura, Lin Chen will reward it with a small jelly bean that can improve its potential.

Although after taking it many times, the effect has become less and less obvious, but it still makes it full of energy.

The two are constantly approaching.

Lin Chen had already pasted on Silver Wolf a breath-restraining talisman that could restrain his breath, and Silver Wolf himself was very careful in his movements.

Therefore, it did not attract the attention of the fighting ghosts ahead.

Not long after, Lin Chen saw the scene ahead.

Those were three familiar figures, and they were fighting with five Xin Li ghosts.

Their battle was so fierce that the fog around here was dispelled, forming a huge empty field.

Black thunder and lightning, fiery fire snakes, giant trees in the sky that appear out of thin air and are incompatible with the surrounding environment!

And these three are the three legendary gods of reggae, wood ghost and fire ghost.

"Finally met the big one!"

Lin Chen's eyes lit up, and he immediately patted Silver Wolf's head regardless of their fight.

The silver wolf immediately understood. At this time, it had a great tacit understanding with Lin Chen. It shook its body and broke through the fog and walked into the field.

At this time, Reggae and the others looked excited, and it seemed that it was a very lucky thing for them to meet five mental ghosts.

But when they saw Lin Chen entering, their expressions immediately darkened.

Reggae unleashed a piece of lightning, forcing back the angry Xinligui who had been using some kind of strange swordsmanship, and asked Lin Chen:

"Chen, what are you doing here?"

His face was full of vigilance, and he was no longer as kind as he was in the restaurant at that time.

"I'll come and see you." Lin Chen replied casually with a smile.

Reggae said: "If you want to join our team~www.wuxiamtl.com~ we welcome you at any time. If you just want to reminisce about the old days, we can leave the ghost domain and drink to our heart's content, but here is a ghost domain full of danger and contention. We don't have much to say."

Although he said so, thick black lightning was being released around his body, and he was obviously already in the process of preparing for battle.

The fire ghost controlled a huge fire mang to swallow a heart ghost into his stomach, his face beamed with joy, and at the same time he said to Lin Chen, "Chen, if you didn't come to be an ally, please leave!"

Compared with the politeness when they were outside, the three ghosts at this time were actually very resistant.

This made Lin Chen a little surprised.

Could it be that something about me has leaked out?

Outside the domain, Kaiyu Ghost King, who noticed this scene, was almost dying of anxiety.

How did you come across this evil star so quickly?

Reggae was cultivated by the family after spending a lot of effort. If anything happened, he could hardly absolve himself of the blame.

"Brothers, you really make me sad." Lin Chen said sadly, but with a smile on his face, he didn't care about the threat of the three ghosts at all: "Outside, you are very polite to me. "

(end of this chapter)

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