Chapter 176 The Arrival of King Mu

This group of fierce gods, when they met Lin Chen, seemed to be much more witty than the previous two fierce gods.

At the very least, they have always maintained the vigilance they have.

"Boss Chen, I don't know if you don't go to the mountains to find inheritance, what's the use of coming to me?"

While speaking, the ghost power in the five ghosts surged, ready to attack or escape at any time.

However, their end is exactly the same as the previous ghosts.

Lin Chen threw out a cloud of lightning, and after only one encounter, they all fell to the ground.

For Lin Chen, the fierce **** who can't even reach the level of legend is no challenge.

Soon, Lin Chen rode the silver wolf and rushed in the next direction.

Outside the territory, the Nine Great Ghost Kings sighed.

Another team gone.

"Is this kid still a ghost? Are you really going to kill all the fierce gods who have entered the domain?"

"What's his intentions! What's the use of some ghost waists? With the characteristics of ghost bodies, even if the waists are cut off, it won't be long before the organs of the body are lost, and the ghost power will be lost. Is there something wrong with this morning? Is it a special hobby?"

In addition to being angry, the ghost kings were a little puzzled, and really couldn't understand Lin Chen's behavior.

In the domain, in the opposite direction to Lin Chen.

Succubus and Dill finally got together. Originally, they were still using compass fragments to find Lin Chen's direction, and wanted to meet Lin Chen.

But at this moment, the two ghosts stopped suddenly, and couldn't help but look at each other, the atmosphere became a little weird.

"Why is he moving so fast? Isn't he afraid of the danger hidden in the mountains?" In the calm, the ghost couldn't help but say.

The corner of Dill's mouth also twitched: "Maybe, the lower part of the mountain can't pose any threat to him. After all, he took a blow from the Thousand Blade Ghost and remained unharmed."

The ghost nodded, but still said with a weird expression: "But what does his course of action mean? He will rush towards us for a while, and run in the opposite direction for a while. Is there something wrong with his compass? "

Dill smiled wryly and said: "It shouldn't be possible. It's probably because he didn't intend to join us. Perhaps, we should have thought that this kind of person would not take the initiative to come to us. It's pride."

The ghost thought about it for a while, and then said: "Since that's the case, we're the only ones going to find him. With the character of Boss Yichen, since he agreed to form a team with us and actually met, he definitely wouldn't drive us away."

Dill nodded, which was also the reason why he had the cheek to force Boss Chen to form a team. Even if it didn't form a **** rush, there would definitely be some fetters.

This has great security for their actions in the domain.

As for the last teammate in the team, Sword Demon.

In fact, it is also an extremely powerful help, but compared with Boss Chen, a fierce **** who can contend against the highest, it still looks much bleak.

Therefore, the second ghost never had the idea of ​​reuniting with the sword ghost first.

In the end, the two ghosts held the fragments of the compass, and after finding the right direction, they galloped away following the guidance of the compass.

The Ghost Domain has just opened, and most of the fierce gods are still at the foot of the mountain. Because of the obstruction of the Yin Beast, their speed is not very fast.

Only the two supreme fierce gods, and several legendary fierce gods who fought all the way, rushed the fastest.

If you end at the top of the mountain.

At present, the one who climbed the highest is Qian Rengui, his strength is extremely powerful, some Yin beasts can't hinder him at all, and the flesh and blood of Yin beasts are everywhere everywhere he passes.

Moreover, he was different from Lin Chen who was running around. His goal was very clear, which was the inheritance treasure on the top of the mountain, without too much delay.

There is contention in the ghost domain, but it is definitely not now.

As for the second one, it is the Clone Ghost. Although the direction and position are different, the speed of the Clone Ghost is only a little slower than that of the Thousand Blade Ghost, and there is no distance between them.

After that, there is a team composed of the three legends of Reggae, Fire Ghost, and Wood Ghost, as well as the water ghost, dark blade ghost and sword ghost Wuxin acting alone.

As for Lin Chen at this time, he didn't climb too high, but led by the silver wolf, he was constantly harvesting the evil spirits from below.

There were a total of 200 fierce gods who entered the domain, and he had captured more than 50 of them at this time.

It was only after capturing the fierce **** at the bottom that he started to run up.

Outside the territory, the faces of the nine ghost kings have completely darkened.

They clearly saw that one of the vicious gods was knocked to the ground under Lin Chen's thunder, and another one had its waist cut and put into pink sacks.

This boss Chen is simply insane.

Totally anti-ghost behavior!

A total of 200 vicious gods entered the domain. At this time, only 20 vicious gods died at the mouth of the Yin Beast, but in the hands of Boss Chen, it was more than doubled!

And with Lin Chen's combat power at this time, apart from the supreme fierce **** who is still uncertain, the legendary fierce **** will die when he encounters one, and he might not even be able to run away!

This made several of the ghost kings secretly anxious.

Especially the ghost king with the sword on his back, and the elder ghost king with Reggae.

At this time, there was a sound of breaking through the air in the distance.

Dozens of figures instantly crossed the sky and landed beside the ghost kings.

For a moment, dozens of oppressive breaths swayed, making the hearts of the nine ghost kings tremble.

Especially after seeing the middle-aged man standing at the top among them, it made them bend down quickly.

"Welcome Lord Mu Wang."

The nine ghost kings said in unison.

These figures are naturally Mu Wang and Water Ghost King.

Facing the salute of the nine ghost kings, King Mu just nodded his head slightly, and then ignored it, but set his eyes on Changyin Mountain in the distance.

After discovering that the ghost power wall of Huangquan was indeed so thin that it could be seen clearly, King Mu asked, "Old Yan, which ghost are you talking about?"

Facing King Mu, Yan Lao's originally stooped body bent even lower now, which represented his respect and loyalty to King Mu.

He walked up to King Mu, pointed at Lin Chen who was riding a silver wolf in the field, and said, "It's this ghost."

Even though they were separated by miles, with the eyesight of King Mu, the ghost king, and all the ghost kings present, they locked their eyes on Lin Chen in just an instant.

"Water Ghost King, is that him?" King Mu asked.

The nine ghost kings who were present were a little confused, so they looked at the water ghost king in surprise.

I don't know how this waist-stealing ghost in the ghost domain is related to such a big man as the Water Ghost King.

"I'm not sure, but his face looks quite similar to the image he had when he entered the Devil's Ghost Restaurant." Water Ghost King hesitated.

At this moment, Lin Chen in the domain met another group of fierce gods, and directly cast the thunder method.

Seeing the extremely familiar white lightning, the corners of Water Ghost King's eyes twitched, took a deep breath, and concluded: "It's him, that's right, only he can perform this kind of lightning technique."

Seeing the color of white thunder and lightning, Mu Wang also showed a trace of surprise in his eyes, and then saw the scene of Lin Chen in the domain taking the waistcoat ghost, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

"His strength has reached such a level, are you sure he is just the fierce **** who broke through half a month ago?" King Mu asked slowly after staring at him for a while.


Without waiting for the Water Ghost King to answer.

The nine ghost kings who were present before were all shocked.

They have already understood that King Mu's coming here has a great relationship with Chen, and it seems that he has known about Chen's existence for a long time.

But they were still shocked by King Mu's words.

After breaking through the fierce **** for fifteen days, you can crush the legendary fierce god!

It's hard to imagine, who is he? Could it be a ghost of the world! ?

The hearts of the ghosts were beating wildly.

"It is true that the fierce **** who broke through fifteen days ago, in fact, his cultivation speed cannot be regarded by common sense at all. After all, as far as I know, it only took him less than a month to condense the ghost power from Tsing Yi to the fierce god. .” The Water Ghost King said slowly.

He seemed calm, but his heart was beating for a while.

Originally, he thought that it would take at least a year for Lin Chen to completely dominate the realm of Fierce God.

After all, the improvement of the ferocious **** is far from what Tsing Yi and Hong Yi can compare.

A year is an overestimate.

As a result, how many days have passed? When I returned to the horror world, I had already reached this point before I could recover.

This is really unimaginable!

"Lord Mu Wang, you seem to know something about Chen?" Among the nine evil spirits, only Yan Lao dared to ask. As an old man of Mucheng Mansion, he has the qualifications.

King Mu nodded, and ordered a certain ghost king to tell the ghosts present about Uncle Chen and Man Wanzhi.

When they heard that Man Wan and Boss Chen were human beings, the nine ghost kings were so shocked that their jaws almost dropped.

The horror in my heart was like a world turned upside down.

I finally understood why this Chen Sha ghost killed so happily. It turned out that this Chen was not a ghost at all, but a human being, so naturally he would not be merciless in killing.

"Lord Water Ghost King, the old man believes in the judgment of the Water Ghost King whether there are thousands of people, but Chen has been in contact with us many times, and there is no trace of human breath in him. On this point, the old man I have doubts." Yan Lao said slowly in an aged voice.

"Yan Lao, Chen has the ability to hide from the world and change his appearance. It is normal to be able to hide it from you. His appearance, voice, height and shape have already changed many times, and after the changes, they are completely natural, and there is no abnormality at all. Therefore, It's not surprising that he has the ability to simulate the breath of ghosts." Facing Yan Lao, the Water Ghost King respected him and explained in detail.

Hearing that, the corners of the ghost kings' eyes twitched again.

Not only powerful, but also good at disguising, and has a very high interest in ghosts, and has a conscienceless habit of stealing waist, just like a ghost in the ghost world!

There was still some doubt in Yan Lao's eyes, and he pondered: "The old man looks at his ghost body, it doesn't look like a fake, fifteen days... isn't fifteen days ago the time when the ghost was born? Will he have a relationship with the ghost? connected?"

The ghost of the world.

The first place on the Fierce God Potential he has never shown up, since the Fierce God Potential List is recorded, there will be no mistakes!

This is probably the most powerful ghost species since ancient times.

Although the only clue is the postscript.

"I'm sorry I'm too young, I can't tell if it's a human or a ghost."

If they read this sentence before, they were a little confused, but comparing it with Lin Chen at this time, they felt that there was a great connection between them.

As soon as the words Hunshigui came out, in the hearts of all the ghost kings, it was like a huge boulder smashed into the lake, causing violent fluctuations.

If the ghost is a human being, then this will definitely be a huge shock to the horror world.

The eyes of the ghosts present were flickering, only a few ghost kings such as Mu Wang and Shui Ghost King were still calm.

After a long time, King Mu spoke slowly, and said, "You are wrong, he cannot be a ghost."

All the ghosts were startled when they heard the words, and quickly looked at King Mu.

(end of this chapter)

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