【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"Of course." The two fierce gods said in unison.

After talking, Lin Chen knew the name of the second ghost.

The name of the high level of the fierce **** is Maru, and the name of the middle level of the fierce **** is Matt.

In the horror world, every ghost has its own name, so that it is easy to recognize.

Although there are also cases where they are called ghosts, but that is not common.

Either the other party is an extremely tyrannical existence in this ghost species, which is extremely symbolic, or the other party does not know the other party's real name at all.

Normally, they are called by first name.

Otherwise, it would be very embarrassing if there are many ghosts of the same species meeting together.

"Hi, I'm the candle ghost."

"Hello, I'm also a candle ghost."

"Me too, me too..."

Like this low-level ferocious ghost species, in a large city, there may be more than a dozen people who turn back after shouting.

It's awkward just thinking about it.

As for the names and surnames of ghosts, they are all varied.

There are also ghosts named after their real names like Qiu Ziwen, there are also ghosts with a western feel like Matt and Maru, and there are also names like Mengka in No. 9 Mental Hospital.

Their surnames are not like those in the human world. Except for the super-large families, the surnames of ordinary ghosts have no origin.

"Boss Chen, the current ghost power in this ghost domain has been reduced. Are you planning to go deep into the ghost domain when you come back?" Matt asked.

Lin Chen has already seen Changyin Mountain Ghost Domain, and it is very close to here. In other words, Lin Chen's restaurant is completely at the foot of Changyin Mountain.

And the scope of that ghost domain is the entire Changyin Mountain.

When he saw that Ghost Domain, his heart was shocked. It was dark and terrifying, far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Changyin Mountain stretches for hundreds of miles. According to Bandage Ghost, Changyin Mountain usually towers into the clouds, and on the mountainside, it is surrounded by clouds and mists all the year round.

The road itself is rugged, and there are many beasts and poisonous insects in the forest that can harm evil spirits.

Now the entire Changyin Mountain is surrounded by ghost domains.

Its real danger can be imagined, just the thick and substantial ghost power covering Changyin Mountain, no matter whether it is mental power or vision, it cannot penetrate.

It looks very mysterious and weird.

"Not for the time being. I heard that the ghost power in the ghost domain will have a cycle. In a few days, the ghost power will be weakened a lot. The danger is too high now, so there is no need to enter at this time." Lin Chen said calmly. .

"You are a legendary fierce god, and you have the ability to fight against the strong ones later. Our brothers are just trying their luck here. The only advantage is to try our luck before other strong men come." Matt sighed He took a breath.

"You mean that you plan to go deep into the ghost domain in the near future?" Lin Chen asked in surprise after hearing the implication.

Introduced by the bandage ghost, the restricted area of ​​the ghost domain is extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, you will get lost in it and become an unconscious ghost slave who has no mind and only relies on ghost power to drive the body.

Therefore, most ghosts will enter when the ghost power inside the ghost domain decreases to ensure safety.

As for the cycle, it is generally not too long, usually a cycle of seven days.

It is now the fourth day, and three days later will be the time when the ghost power of Changyin Mountain Ghost Domain will be the lowest, and then will be the day when the strong will gather.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"That's right, Lord Chang Yin still has benevolence and righteousness in his heart, and he controlled the spread of the ghost domain before the army was dissolved. Otherwise, with the power of Lord Chang Yin's peak ghost, not to mention Chang Yin Mountain, at least this small town at the foot of the mountain will definitely not be spared. Yes." Matt said

"Also, we want to give it a try. Although the ghost power behind will become weaker, it will be the stage for the strongest at that time. If we follow behind, we will become cannon fodder." Maru echoed.

Lin Chen laughed. It was not difficult for him to see what the two were thinking, and said directly: "You don't mean to win me over by saying this, and accompany you to the ghost realm, right?"

Seeing Lin Chen's smile, Matt's second ghost trembled in his heart. He knew that the stronger the ghost species, the more moody he would be, but thinking of the ghost's treasure, the second ghost still bit the bullet and said:

"It's not to win you over, it's just that the two of us brothers are telling the truth. Although it is dangerous to enter the Ghost Realm early, the chances will definitely be greater, and if you really want to go, our brothers will take you as the leader. "

What Lin Chen said was that Mate pulled him together and accompanied them to Huangquan. This literal meaning sounds like Lin Chen is helping.

But Matt immediately stated that with Lin Chen as the leader, the results seemed to be the same, but the positions occupied by the two parties were completely opposite in the voice.

"No need, I don't want to go to Huangquan just yet." In the end, Lin Chen rejected them.

For him, it doesn't make much sense to enter the Ghost Realm now, the stage of the strongest is very suitable for him.

With different strengths, attitudes and thoughts on issues will also be different.

Seeing this, Brother Matt had to force a laugh for a while, and finally left the bar silently.

Lin Chen rubbed his chin and looked at the two ghosts, Matt and Brother. The strength of these two brothers, if they really want to enter the ghost realm, they may not even have bones left.

Although the two brothers look exactly like the kind of desperadoes in the human world.

But entering the ghost domain at this stage is definitely close to death.

They must not be allowed to seek their own death!

Lin Chen suddenly showed kindness.

A decision was made quickly, if Matt and Matt's second ghost really wanted to go deep into the ghost domain, then Lin Chen would immediately stop them and send them to a better and more promising place.

Maybe there is still a fixed salary there, and it will no longer be like before, just to fight for some treasures!

Of course, if they haven't entered the ghost domain in the near future, they are lying to themselves, and they must not let it go easily...

The ghosts in the restaurant come in and out.

Some just came here from the outside, and some went out from the inside to investigate the situation.

These are basically the existence of red clothes, Lin Chen is too lazy to pay attention.

In fact, the Changyin Mountain Ghost Realm is basically not something that red clothes can get involved with. Those who are willing to come are either outlaws who come to fight with their lives, or the subordinates of a powerful and vicious **** who come to scout for news.

Changyin Mountain Ghost Domain, the real home ground, is exclusively for the fierce gods.

As for the existence of the ghost king, he is not among those who can enter the Changyin Mountain ghost domain.

The ghost domain can become a restricted area because it has an extremely powerful rule, that is, only ghosts with two levels below the master of the ghost domain can enter.

Otherwise, it will either be obliterated, or it will cause Huangquan to self-destruct and spread thousands of miles.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

That's why the existence of Huangquan was listed as a forbidden zone by various countries, which is extremely headache.

Therefore, most of the ghost kings who can come are the protectors of the evil gods of the younger generation.

"Speaking of which, Changyin Mountain Ghost Realm can only be regarded as a matter of our Yue Kingdom. At present, there is another huge event in the entire horror world, that is, a new species of ghosts has appeared in the Supreme Fierce God." In the restaurant, there was a red-clothed ghost opened the mouth.

Lin Chen also looked over, there is no doubt that this guy is probably himself.

"Supreme Fierce God, are you talking about the Lord Hunshigui?" Someone said immediately.

"That's right. So far, there has been no trace of the ghost's appearance except for his name on the stele. It is said that some big forces are crazy about looking for him."

"It's not just a big power. Isn't that former supreme and extreme ghost all over the world looking for this **** to compete?"

Hearing this, Lin Chen shook his head speechlessly.

This time, apart from Blue Star, the major forces in the horror world also started looking for him.


"Actually, besides Mr. Extreme Ghost, who used to be the tenth highest, the clone ghost is also looking for it. It is said that the clone ghost is the highest one who was squeezed out of the list, and he is very upset with this ghost!"

"It's useless not to be angry. Even if he was the tenth, but facing the number one evil spirit who overwhelms the ghost, what can he do after he finds it? Is he going to die?" Someone teased.

"Not necessarily, even if it is not the opponent of the ghost, the strength of the clone ghost should not be underestimated. His master is the Lord Water Ghost King! There are many methods!"

Hearing this, Lin Chen was taken aback, and quickly answered, "Are you talking about the water ghost king who went deep into the human world?"

Lin Chen didn't know if what the other party was talking about was the same ghost as he was thinking. After all, the world of horror is huge, and how many water ghosts there are still unknown, so he could only ask like this.

"He is the only one who can go deep into the human world, kill a four-star human being, and escape. Only by doing such glorious deeds can he become the king among the same ghost species." The ghost asked Lin Chen. He quickly answered honestly.

It really is him!

Lin Chen thought about it, he didn't expect to hear the news of this old enemy when he first came to Thriller World, and the disciple of this old enemy seemed to be very hostile to him, which is a bit of a coincidence.

"Although the water ghost king is a legendary fierce god, in the field of ghost king level, his strength is not necessarily weaker than the ghost king who has achieved the highest level of fierce god. His black water ghost domain can definitely be called the real king."

Seeing that Lin Chen stopped talking, the red-clothed men started discussing again.

But what he said made Lin Chen suddenly come to his senses.

It's no wonder that this old guy won't fall behind in one hit, and found opportunities to attack him many times, and his strength is really strong enough.

And if he can compete with the supreme ghost species, it is estimated that if he releases Huangquan, something big will happen to him.

After condensing the Ghost Domain, Lin Chen realized the true horror of the Ghost King. Within the scope of the ghost king, he can be called a god.

But thinking of this, Lin Chen couldn't help being puzzled. After all, Shui Gui's killing intent towards him in the human world was undisguised, but he didn't use the killer move of Huang Quan, which is really puzzling.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Including Chen De and the others, they were also a little weird.

Human players don't have a ghost domain, but after reaching four stars, their life skills will be sublimated, and their power will be greatly improved. In theory, they can compete with the ghost domain of ghosts of the same level.

However, the natal skills of the six masters at that time did not show such powerful power at all.

Lin Chen's eyes flickered, and he always felt that there was something weird about it.

Perhaps, the water ghost is afraid of being in the human world and dare not delay too long and waste ghost power, while the six masters are also worried about affecting the civilians down the mountain, so they control their power.

That's why we're all a little bit tied up.

But no matter what, it is true that the Water Ghost King has a grudge against him, Lin Chen can't let him go, even if it wasn't for the vortex caused by Changyin Mountain, he might have gone all over the world to find trouble for the Water Ghost King .

Even though he is not as good as the opponent in terms of realm, with Lin Chen's means, there are many methods that can be used.

He only needs to use his housekeeping skills to kidnap one or two important people around the water ghost king, and the water ghost king will also jump in a hurry.

Lin Chen and ghosts never talk about morality, especially ghosts who have offended him.

"Brothers, misfortune comes out of your mouth. Be careful, Master Clone Ghost, but he is rushing here. As far as I know, the stronger you are, the less you like others talking about you behind your back."

An unharmonious voice sounded, with a reminder.

When all the ghosts heard the words, they immediately fell silent and stopped talking.

Lin Chen frowned.

That's great!

Doppelgänger, right? waiting! Some people died, but not completely dead...

After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly got up from the bed. If you want to read the latest chapters, please download the iRead Novels app, and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The website has not updated the latest chapter content, and the iRead Novel APP has updated the latest chapter content.

He took a big gulp of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, puzzled, all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more at a loss.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my own body...how could there be no injuries at all.

With doubts, Shi Yu quickly swept his gaze across the room, and finally settled on a mirror by the bedside.

The mirror reflected his current appearance, he was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he was very handsome.

But the problem is, it's not him! Download the iRead novel app, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Read the latest chapters for free without ads

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

But now, no matter how you look at it, this appearance is only the age of a high school student...

This change left Shi Yu in a daze for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was a success...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a question of whether to have surgery or not, but a fairy art.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be... that he crossed over by himself?

In addition to the mirror on the bedside which was obviously placed in a bad feng shui position, Shi Yu also found three books beside it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look, the title instantly silenced him.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"Necessary Beast Breeding Handbook for Novice Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Animals"

"Guidelines for Evaluation of Alien Beast Ear Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The titles of the first two books are quite normal, what's the matter with you in the last one?


Shi Yu's eyes were serious, and he stretched out his hand, but soon his arm stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book to see what it was, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large amount of memories flooded in like a flood.

Icefield City.

Pet breeding base.

Trainee pet keeper. The website is about to close down, download the iRead app to provide you with the tricks of the **** who loves to eat a lot of melons Twenty years ago, I entered the horror game


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