Duke of Grief

Chapter 992: staggered

Walker squeezed the letter from his aunt and looked at it word by word, his frowns slowly soothing.

Finally, he was relieved, this time his aunt didn't send a letter to teach him...

But he was also very strange, why did Aunt Cornelia send such a letter, did she know something?

Regarding the recent events and the "transmitter" claims, Walker gradually became confused.

"Let me catch those communicators, but don't hang them, even if their claims offend the dignity of the nobility, they can't do this kind of thing..." Walker muttered softly and took a breath.

"If I remember correctly, those communicators should say, "Nobles cannot protect civilians, so go to major churches for help"..."

Walker pursed his lips. With these things, he seemed to think of something.

They were talking about'going to major churches for help', but originally he thought this matter should have nothing to do with the noble church. After all, the noble church and their nobles are on the same side, so the civilians should not trust the noble church, and The people behind this have subverted the traditions of this world.

Although that system is still trapped in that Principality until now, the number of countries affected by it has gradually increased.

It is undeniable that such a system has a certain degree of advancement. Aunt Cornelia had told him about this in the family letter sent before, but at that time his father managed Aunt Cornelia. Territory, he knows not too many things.

But now some powerful countries, such as the Kurkut Empire, have already made some changes under this influence.

Their nobles would not agree with that kind of system, but they should not deny that they have a certain advanced nature, and they should learn without affecting their own domination.

The Principality of Sorrowful Wind and the maidservant are said not to deal with most of the nobility, especially with the noble church, so Walker had never thought that things developed under the influence of the maidservant could be related to the noble church. What is the connection...

But now it turns out that he was wrong, the noble church may have been involved in this matter.

Every word in the letter implied this matter, and the meaning of Aunt Cornelia was already clear.

But since the aristocratic church is also involved in this matter, then he has nothing to worry about. Can Aunt Cornelia still be able to harm them?

If Aunt Cornelia wanted to hurt them, it would be impossible to trust them, and it would be impossible for them to give their father and son management for so many years.

Because my uncle died prematurely, my aunt didn’t have a child who could inherit the family’s business. The will was locked in a box in the family long ago. If the aunt died, then the family’s territory and title would be handed over. On his hand.

Walker believes that if it were not because he was too young, the aunt might have given the title and territory to him.

Aunt won't hurt him, Walker is so convinced, so he folded the family letter again and put it away.

After waiting for a while, he called the attendants outside to explain the matter, and repeatedly emphasized that they still maintained the elegance of the nobility, and they could not dispose of them at will because of their offenses.

Only in this way will the servant explain the matter completely and tell the city guard his will.

Otherwise, he will certainly perfunctory and give this matter to the City Guard at will, letting them deal with it at will.

Walker knows these things well, but he will not point out this matter. As an aristocrat, and different from today's "decayed" era, the glorious aristocracy, he still maintains the final elegance, will not Do something that embarrasses the attendant and himself.

The attendants are not a group of people who can drink at will. They have the same identity as themselves, unlike the slaves who have given their lives to themselves-they are different!

After doing all this, Walker picked up the latest issue of Xinghai Monthly.

The nobility should be knowledgeable, and now the civilians are gradually reading and literacy. In order to maintain his image of knowledge, he must also study harder.

If he wants to become a qualified noble, he must make the territory prosperous under his men, because this is Aunt Cornelia who educated him from an early age.

In this era, population has become an important resource-although it was the same in the previous era, but a very small amount of work could not meet the surplus population, but now it is different. Factory operations can quickly digest these surplus'productivity' .

"Maybe I should start a local school and encourage civilians to learn..."


"Latina, is there anything you want from me?"

The incarnation of the noble goddess sitting in the Pantheon gently fanned with a scented folding fan, a correct sitting posture and an ‘elegant’ tone, all of which showed her nobility.

Latinia stared at the noble goddess and asked seriously: "Fei Wenli, has Sela contacted you long ago?"

The slightly swaying wrist paused, and the noble goddess glanced at Latina, "What if I say "Yes"?"

"What did she tell you?" Latina asked frowning.

From the believer's report, she discovered some things, which all pointed to the noble church, and these things will be related to their plans.

If it were not for Serena's previous contact with the noble goddess, this kind of thing should not happen.

Many people know that the relationship between her and the aristocratic goddess is not very good, the relationship between the aristocratic church and the wealth church is not much better, and there are so many connections, so that some people think they have a good relationship.

But this is not the case. All along, as long as there is something she participates in, the noble goddess either does not participate, or stands opposite her.

But now, there is evidence to show that not only other deities participated in the plan, but also the noble goddess ‘Fei Wenli’.

The noble goddess raised her eyebrows, "Does it have anything to do with you? Since you never knew the conversation between her and me, then it's because she didn't want to tell you, why would you ask me?"

Wen Yan said that although she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, Latinia temporarily suppressed her bad emotions. Shen Sheng said: "Then you know, are we going to deal with the'noble' now?"

Folding the fan in one hand, the noble goddess sneered at Latinia, "Know, what about it?"

"Are you crazy?" Latinia frowned and asked in a low voice~www.NovelMTL.com~ This matter is not what she expected. If the noble goddess does not know the reason of the matter, it is impossible to join this plan.

Vivien Leigh is such a cautious deity. Since he has already participated in this project, he must have known everything.

"The current nobility is not the nobility I want. The changes that have happened to me in recent years have made me determined to change. If I don't make changes, even if I don't die, it will become like myself." Said The aristocratic goddess sneered, "You don't understand these things with the help of the maidservant. Without her help, sooner or later you will be reduced to me, but whoever makes you lucky? Not me?"

Having said that, she didn't plan to continue to take Li La Tigna, closed her eyes and sent the consciousness back to the body.

Latinia didn't feel a little bit annoyed by the words of the noble goddess, because her mind was no longer there.

Vivien said ‘good luck’... what does it mean?

... m.

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