Duke of Grief

Chapter 987: "That Taring, has been lying since 1!"

"Seth, I thought about it!"

Suddenly, the maid got up at the table and startled Cervantes.

He stared at the maid standing behind the desk in a daze, wondering what she suddenly'thought'.

The maid did not speak immediately, but thought, and after verifying her idea again, she looked at the black dragon, with an extremely serious look, and said one word at a time: "That tower spirit is lying, we Cheated!"

"Why, what?" Cervantes looked confused, blinked, and asked in surprise, "We're deceived?"

The maid took a deep breath and asked, "Remember what the first question that Tarling asked you after waking up?"

Cervantes frowned and thought back, "It seems that ‘how long has the empire lost the war, otherwise, a dragon like you will never be here’..."

"But in fact, it should have known that the arcane empire lost that war before you arrived!"

The maid's words made Cervantes froze again, but looking at her serious face, he whispered, "Why?"

"Ceth, what do you think'geological change' means for ordinary people?" The maid walked to the mourning wind on the wall and pointed to the location of the institute. The ordinary people are quite stupid. You have personally experienced it. I believe you should be very clear about this."

Cervantes nodded slightly, he had a similar experience, but not after inheriting this territory, but before that.

Those people will only follow the crowd, but they are quite stubborn in some things, especially those who live to the age of 50 or 60, compared with other young people, they have more insight, but some ideas are already in their minds. Reagan was so entrenched that even if he died, he was not willing to accept things contrary to his thoughts.

"This mine was developed after we carried out the "mining reform", and the surrounding villages have been resettled, so I am very clear. However, during this period, no one blocked our development of the mineral veins. Seth, do you know why this is?" Then, the maid looked at the black dragon, her eyes burning.

"It's because..." Cervantes thought for a moment, then suddenly realized, "Because they have no corresponding taboos in the development of the'mine vein'!"

In an era when this kind of news is particularly closed, people are generally quite stupid. A legend can be circulated in the village or even the town for hundreds of thousands of years.

Serena only mentioned a little, and Cervantes immediately thought of this.

Here was within the range of the arcane empire's radiation, and the war naturally spread to this place. After the war, in order to search for the "remnants" of the arcane empire, Mendes and even Sloe, even the southern continent were searched Go all over.

If that research institute only appeared in the main material plane after the war and caused geological changes, it should have been found long ago.

Just like the relics of many arcane empire now, except for some deeply hidden research institutes, many relics were discovered at that time.

At that time, even the Eye of All-knowing and the Dragon Hunting Religion did not dare to show their heads, so that many research institutes at that time were smashed by angry troops and completely ruined.

Because of that war, many of the veins that were hidden in the earth were exposed, but it can be seen from the veins of that mine or the "shallow veins" that there was not much influence in that war.

In this case, if the geological changes there occur after the ‘post-war’, no matter what the time span is, as long as there are changes, people living nearby will be affected.

You know, the period when the Arcane Empire ruled the Mendes continent is the most populous period in the continent so far. Even after a fierce war, the population is quite large.

At that time, people lived in almost every corner of the mainland, and geological changes in a region could affect at least the scope of a duke.

If geological changes occur soon after the war, it may attract those who have not recovered from their hatred for the arcane empire, and if geological changes occur hundreds of years after the war, they may It is worshiped by a nearby village as a "miracle" to worship, or thought to be a devil's spell.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for the research institute to appear on the main material plane after ‘postwar’, and the most likely time for it to appear on the main material plane is in ‘wartime’!

At this time, there will be two possibilities-

First, the tower spirit thought that the arcane empire was invincible, so he assuredly killed those arcanists and took out their brains to make a'human brain matrix', and stopped the research institute For other energy sources, most of the resources are used for'calculation'.

Second, the tower spirit knew long ago that the arcane empire would lose the war, so he would kill those arcanists. Everything else was just preparations to cover up the existence of the research institute. .

At this time, they can learn from the attitudes of the three Masters of the Eye of All-knowing to the tower spirit and the “answer” of the question. The Eye of All-knowing, or “Arcane Empire”, is quite concerned about the calculation result. .

However, the people of the Eye of All-knowing did not go to get the ‘answer’ before they found that research institute, that is to say, the Eye of All-knowing did not actually understand the specific location of that research institute.

This is worth thinking about. Why did the Arcane Empire take this matter so seriously, but did not tell the Eye of Omniscience about the location of that institute?

If the time for ‘open teleportation’ is agreed with each other, the eye of omniscience can use the ‘teleportation’ to deliver materials, so that the tower spirit will not be necessary to kill those arcanists.

Therefore, the first one may not be possible. If this is the case, then the tower spirit is not necessary to do so!

The maid nodded her head and said in a cold voice: "That tower spirit should have known for a long time that the arcane empire will lose that war, it is not based on where you appear to judge that the arcane empire has lost, but it Lied from the beginning!"

The tower spirit knew that the arcane empire would lose, so he would join the upper layers of the arcane empire and wipe out everything about the research institute.

Otherwise, this situation will not occur now!

"It is loyal to the arcane empire, but its previous actions are quite suspicious. It seems to want to trap our thinking in a circle~www.NovelMTL.com~ Let us ignore some very small clues..." As she said, the maid sighed, "But it didn't understand the truth,'do more and more wrong', its words are too many! If there is no such words, maybe I may not even think of these!"

Hearing this, Cervantes breathed in wonder and asked, "So why did that Tarin deceive us? Wasn't the three boxes detected before? That's for storing information, but All three boxes are here with us. Is it possible that it can communicate in advance with the omnipotent eye and carry out some blinding actions? But if that is the case, shouldn't the emitted signals be caught by us?"

"I don't know why it deceived us, even if we were a group of'intruders' at that time, but this calculation was meaningless to a group of intruders." The maid frowned and shook Shaking his head, "But now we can know that it hasn't told us the truth from the beginning, so it may have given the'calculation result' to the eye of omniscience."

Heilong breathed, "Is this possible?"

"I don't know, but from the current situation, the most likely one is this!" After all, Serena sighed heavily again.

... m.

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