Duke of Grief

Chapter 971: The sword of judgment comes from the sky!

   At this moment, Grush's thoughts seemed to exceed the time limit. The people and things that had been encountered were skipped one by one in his mind, and the scenes of rushing to watch flowers appeared in front of him.

   is in front of the endless bright light, and the brilliant colors occupy all his vision. He can't see anything else, let alone the arm of the devil king.

   But he could feel that his strength was disappearing from his body, the feeling of weakness was spreading from the wrist muscles to the whole body, and the bones also made a slight creaking sound.

   That is not a spell, but the most common magic pouring!

The imprisonment of time remaining in consciousness was briefly broken, and the thinking continued to turn. At this time, Glush even recalled the days when he was dependent on his mother. He had a brother, but he died of illness, and his father was already The local lord was framed and hanged, and his mother was only his relative...

  After a short while, I recalled the first time I heard the maidservant's speech and was awakened from confusion.

   At that time, he thought that he had shattered the mist that enveloped his eyes, but he didn't expect that the mist that enveloped him was more than just one layer.

The real world is cruel, and his self-righteous "justice" cannot appear in this world, because he does not have the wisdom of Serena maidservant, so a layer of mist gradually appears around him, let him Falling into a deeper confusion.

  He wanted to change the world, but he couldn't change it.

From the beginning, he knew that the world was not good, but the two deities he believed in had always instilled in him the concepts of "only treat people with sincerity, and someone will treat each other with sincerity" and "justice will defeat evil".

   He has always known, but he is also very grateful to these two deities, because they are themselves practitioners of the doctrine, even if they are already very powerful, but did not do anything against the doctrine.

  It is because of the deity's example that only countless people can believe in them...

   Even now, Glush's faith has not been shaken!

   silently clenched the hilt of [Chi Yang], the knuckles were pinched white, and the blazing Holy Light on the long sword was burning, but only to fight against an ordinary magic pouring.

   He knew that he was just a ‘legendary’ who was promoted abruptly. He had not even experienced many battles of the ‘supernatural’ level, and had not carefully experienced the ‘supernatural’ feeling.

   He knew that he couldn't even compare to one of the most common legends, but he was selected by Karl's crown and became a legend with a **** heart and self-confidence.

   He knew that he was facing the most terrible ‘enemies of justice’ in the multiverse. Even under the crown of Karl and Jean Uther, he kept certain taboos against the devil king, and he didn’t even dare to go to war easily.

  He knows everything, but he will not give up!

  From the day he chose to abandon his status as a paladin, he has made up his mind.

  He wants to maintain the ‘just way’, even if no one recognizes him, even if no one trusts him, even if no one believes him, he will continue to stick to it.

   Now, even under the crown of the lord of brilliance and under the crown of the sword of judgment, he is willing to give him trust, so what other concerns do he have?

  Grush knew very well that he was an easy-hearted person, so he did not return to his mother. Even after so many years, he did not even return to Lolandal to see his mother.

   Because he was afraid that as long as he returned to his mother's side, he was likely to stay in her retention...

   He doesn't want to do this. There are too many evils and injustices in this world that need to be eliminated. Even if there are many paladins active on this continent, someone will do it if he doesn't.

   But if everyone thinks so, where else in the world is "justice" and "justice"?

The real world is not good. The benevolent rulers like the maidservant Serena are very few. The vast majority of rulers regard human life as a mustard. Perhaps it is a normal thing in their eyes. , Is'evil'!

   They want not to undertake obligations, but want to enjoy power, who allows this?

  Grushe grinned, desperately showing a terrible twisted smile, and at the same time roared loudly: "King of Devil, I will never allow you to take them away!!!"

   is one of the original devil, one is the devil who is very likely to hold the method of making the original devil, he cannot let the devil king take them away.

   He may die here, he will die here, but even if he died here, he cannot let the devil king take those two demons away!

   Now, he can't lose!

  Courage poured out from the bottom of my heart, squeezing the weapon in his hand, before finally exhausting, Grush successfully split the magic ray in front of him.

Grouch leaned on his long sword, breathing heavily, staring at the giant hand with dark red skin in front of him, watching the giant hand gather slightly, showing the figure of the original devil between his fingers .

   "Paladin, tell me, what is your name?"

   Suddenly, another idea came, and the Devil King asked Grush in an elegant and solemn tone.

  'S tone was still so relaxed and comfortable, but Grush heard the seriousness of this sentence.

Grouch straightened his spine with a long sword in his silence, took a deep breath, and said seriously: "My name is'Grush', there is no surname, and it is the **** of justice in the world of Assatom. hand】!"

   "The Devil King, I will not let you take them away!"

  Grosh's voice passed through the space and passed into the ear of the devil king, causing all the devil monarchs in the multiverse to raise their mouths slightly.

"Palace Grus, you are an admirable person, I know you will not give up easily, persuading you to surrender to me is just insulting you, then I can only use "kill you" to express to you respect."

   The words of the Devil King made Grush hold the hilt again and lifted the long sword flat.

   "So, goodbye, respectable paladin."

  The breath of death condenses at the fingertips of the devil king, and the dull colors are instantly twisted into a singularity.

  Grush didn't even have time to react, darkness occupied all his vision.

   When a darkness flashed, nothing was left on the grass, and even the two corpses that had fallen there disappeared.

   There is a big round hole in the castle wall in front of fingertips~www.NovelMTL.com~ Rays penetrated that wall, not only that, but also killed the servant in Baron Landry’s house.

Duke fell in the room on the second floor and felt the breath. At this time, he should have been touted by the Devil King for a while, but he could not do anything now, and his eyes were already blurred. If he dragged on for a little longer If he does, maybe he will die-not the projection of the main material plane is destroyed, but even the soul is vanished.

   The paladin buried a lot of light in him, and if he was not cured, he would die.

  However, he didn't want to die, so he risked death and sent a request for help to the devil king, hoping that the devil king could save him.

In fact, he did not know the method of making the original devil. Although he did create an original devil, it was made by chance, and even he did not know whether he could make it again. An original devil.

  If a variable is missing during the next experiment, and that variable is just indispensable, so if he cannot create the original devil, he may be convicted by the devil king.

   But he doesn’t want to die...

   "Han... next..." Duke called weakly. He didn't want to die, he wanted to live.

   Then, a white light appeared in front of his eyes, instantly covering his entire body——

   "Ge! Lu! Shi!"

  The sword of judgment comes from the sky!

  :. :

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