Duke of Grief

Chapter 960: process

Gregory walked to Calvin with a few pieces of information. After sitting down beside him, he didn't hear him speak for a long time. He looked at it with some doubt, and found that Calvin had no focus in his eyes looking forward. Pick and ask softly, "What are you thinking?"

  Calvin woke up as if dreaming, his blurred eyes instantly regained focus, turned his head in panic, and moved his body to the other side a bit.

  Until he confirmed the identity of the voice master, he was relieved, "It turns out to be you..."

  Put the document on the table, the mechanical structure of Gregory's left eye slightly rotates, "What are you thinking?"

   Calvin opened his mouth, hesitated for a moment, and then sighed rather helplessly: "It's something in the college..."

   "Academy? What happened to the academy?" Gregory frowned slightly.

Raising his hand and scratching the back of his head, Calvin took a breath awkwardly, and his voice suddenly lowered: "It's my student... I found that it seems that a student likes me, and Alisa also because of this Things, often go to the college."

  Gregory stood still and calmly asked, "Just because of this?"

   "Yes, because of this..." Because of this, Calvin felt embarrassed.

His marriage is not controlled by himself, but Alisa feels very good to him. If there is no accident, maybe he will be very happy to marry Alisa in his life. At the same time, he also believes that Alisa is also Think of it this way — it’s not that he is bragging about himself. In fact, he is really many times better than the noble children of the imperial capital.

   And he doesn't want to find a lover, that doesn't make any sense to him. He prefers to study magic and machinery. If he needs to solve desires, his wife can help him.

   "Student." Gregory suddenly raised his arms. "It should be a female student, otherwise you won't be so entangled. Maybe her grades are pretty good, maybe even the best. Is that true?"

   "Yes." Calvin was not surprised by this, because the conditions he gave earlier were enough for Gregorian to guess these things.

"That student is called "Dela", is the daughter of a businessman, has a lot of talent and mind, and has strong leadership skills. The most important thing is that she is very enthusiastic about learning and can drive other students to study together. People who are behind schedule will also give some counseling.” At this point, Calvin sighed depressively. “That’s why I didn’t dare to teach her easily, I know what she wants, she There is a strong purpose in doing things, but due to her age, she may not have noticed this... A good student like her is rare, I can’t even imagine, if I give up this student, my future What other students think of me."

At present, there are only two classes in the "Academy", one is the "Mechanic Class" and the other is the "Mage Class". This is a class that is temporarily held to fill the vacancy of the R&D Department and the Manufacturing Department. After the college is officially completed, These people will also become the predecessors of the freshmen, and tutor new students.

  Gregory Mo chin, if he meets this kind of student, he may also be as tangled as Calvin.

   This is simply a perfect talent. After the college is completed, she can play a greater role.

   "Did you think about how to solve it?"

   Calvin looked suspiciously and found that Gregorian was still a cold face, but somehow, he seemed to have heard some smiles in that sentence just now?

   shook his head and sighed, Calvin propped up the table with both hands, leaned back, "If you think about how to solve it, I won't be scared by you just now...I thought it was Alisa just now!"

   Hearing Calvin's words, Gregory had a moment when his expression became a little more complicated.

   Once the unfettered super magi has become ‘inner fear’ now? This is not funny...

   glanced across the table, Calvin leaned in again, "What is this?"

After hearing that, Gregory finally remembered the business, took the information and handed it to Calvin, and said as he read it: "The progress of the research and development is now quite good. If there is no accident, the next one We will be able to see the prototype in a month."

Looking at the information in his hand, Calvin pouted. If Gregory hadn't designed the two most troublesome systems from the beginning, maybe he could use other reasons to let the persistent guy give up this. Unrealistic ideas.

"The supporting weapons have also been designed. To be honest, some of Gregorian’s ideas are quite good. Now we have made some calculations. If we produce according to that specification, we may be able to make a comparison. Artillery is also a powerful weapon."

  Throwing those troubles away, Calvin suddenly became excited, and the lost emotions were swept away.

   "Can it replace the same number of battlefield mages?" Gregory asked.

Hearing this, Calvin frowned and shook his head, "I'm afraid it's unlikely, the mage is more flexible, and the weapon is nothing more than an offensive equipment, although it can develop other functions, But now we don’t need these, and there are some difficulties."

  Gregory nodded with regret, and the situation was similar to what he speculated, but after all, there were still some regrets. It would be great if those battlefield mages could be transferred to the R&D department.

  After a period of training, they will soon be able to familiarize themselves with their work and promote the development of many projects.

  Unfortunately, although the R&D department needs these masters very much, the frontline needs them even more.

"But..." Calvin's index finger knocked on the table, recalling what his subordinates had said to him, "According to your design, these huge humanoid combat machines should have a strong ability to attack, because of design problems, their The movement will be very stiff, so they can be equipped with thicker armor, and if it is a combination of steam power and magic power, the weight-bearing capacity may be much stronger than expected. The heat energy emitted can be stored for two times. Using this will greatly increase the endurance ability, that is to say, this weapon not only has the ability to'rush into the beast for beheading'~www.NovelMTL.com~may also be able to fight with other soldiers!"

   "Is it?" Gregory was a little surprised. He didn't think about this when he designed it.

   They already had some clues about the secondary utilization of heat energy. Now I am afraid that it is the first time to invest in research.

  According to Calvin, it might be that the huge humanoid machine he designed would be more powerful than expected.

"I am a battlefield mage and have learned some military knowledge." Calvin looked at his head seriously. "Compared with the original intention, I tend to'cooperate with combat' so that I can maximize the use of this weapon. The real power."

"Imagine that the soldier’s load-bearing ability is not strong, but if it is carried by a carriage and a pack horse, it will be somewhat inconvenient, but if it is this huge humanoid machine, it has a strong load-bearing ability and can carry more soldiers. The weapons and equipment carried can develop many tactics accordingly."

   listened to Calvin's explanation, Gregory suddenly realized.

   If this is the case, then the potential of this weapon will far exceed expectations.

   "So, report this to the military?" After thinking for a while, Gregory said lightly: "We need more money, don't we?"

Calvin froze for a moment, then his eyes were shining, and his palm flicked, "Yeah! That's it, we need more funding! You wait, I will write a report to the military immediately. This funding, I ...Oh no, we are going to make up!"

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