Duke of Grief

Chapter 958: Encirclement

   "Donald, what do you think I am thinking about now?" With a document in his hand, Rurno sighed helplessly.

   Donald shook his head, "I don't know, teacher..."

   "I feel..." I glanced at the document again, and Rurno sighed again. "Our previous efforts have been in vain."

"No, teacher, how is this possible?" Donald Mueller suddenly panicked. "The aircraft we made and the "Magic Locomotive" invented by [Xinghai Zhou] are not the same type of transportation. How could it be in vain? "

   But what made this somewhat chubby middle-aged mage unexpected was that his teacher suddenly looked sullen and snorted: "Look, you know what I'm talking about, but I'm confused!"

   Donald froze for a moment, his mouth whizzing, but his head was shrunk, he couldn't say a word.

"I know that you are a noble, this habit can't be shaken off." Rurno shook his head. "But when facing me, I hope you can be more sincere. I am your teacher, and I also There are not many years of life, and there are not many things that can teach you."

   raised the corner of his mouth, Donald smirked twice, and rubbed his hands nervously.

"In the end, although airplanes and magic locomotives are two types of transportation, compared to flying in the sky, people are more trusting to run on the ground, and nobles will not choose to give their lives to a group. I don’t know what’s in the hands of people.” Rurno put the file down and bent his index finger and knocked, “If there is no such thing, maybe our plane may really come into the sight of the nobles, but now No. If no aristocrat pays, the association alone will not be able to manufacture many aircraft, and even if it is manufactured, it cannot be put into use."

The premise of    aircraft design is to set up charging points in several territories, in order to ensure that the aircraft can fly to all parts of the empire.

  Although according to the current information, the magical locomotive of the Principality of Grief Wind has the same shortcomings of "poor endurance", the problem is that driving is not so difficult.

  If you let some drivers who know how to control the carriage to learn, maybe the learning speed can be accelerated a lot, after all, the carriage and the magic locomotive are both cars, and they are common in some places.

  Although the flight speed of the aircraft is quite fast, it needs a certain place to be able to land and take off, which limits the use.

   They could not reduce the size of the aircraft again on the basis of the existing one. The current size is already the limit. If you reduce the size a little further, the magic circle and runes will be nowhere to be placed.

   No matter the cost or flexibility, magic locomotives are superior, and their aircraft can be said to be'completely defeated'.

   It's just that because the magical locomotive has not been officially sold, and the magic wave is coming, the ground will become much more dangerous, so they still have a chance.

  ——As long as they can ‘pick up’ the nobles before the magic tide affects the imperial territory, at least they have to greatly reduce their strength, otherwise, the aircraft will not be accepted by those nobles.

   In fact, Rurno has long noticed that someone secretly spreading the news that'the magic wave is coming'!

   Because of this, his approach is so bold.

If nothing unexpected, the source of the news should be the mourning wind Principality and the Church of Wealth, because in the words of the bards, adventurers and businessmen, the danger of the “magic wave” is constantly emphasized and the civilians are told If the magic wave arrives, maybe the noble master will not protect them.

  Want to survive under the impact of the magic wave, they had only two options, either to become stronger or to seek help from the church.

  It can be seen from this that this may be that some churches are secretly spreading messages to enhance their influence, but it is more likely that the maidservant of the principality of the mourning wind issued a reminder to the civilian population.

   Nobility is not credible. Since more than two hundred years ago, Rurno has rarely seen nobles send troops to protect their rulers. If they do not touch their interests, they will never choose to send troops.

  For this reason, he did not want to see that after his death, these decaying nobles still rule the land he loves.

   In the propaganda of those people, if the civilians are going to seek help, the first choice should be those big churches, because only the big churches have enough power to protect them.

From these places, it can be seen that this may not be the small church disseminating the news. Otherwise, the words of those who spread the news should be "to seek the help of the small church, because the big church does not have so much energy and power to disperse." .

   Therefore, Rurno believes that it is very likely that the maidservant did this.

   A few days ago, he had informed the Elven King that they were about to take the next action. This action requires the cooperation of the elven clan. If the plan is successful, they will be able to clean a group of nobles with elf blood on their hands again.

   This was also the plan that he had already made when he talked to the elven king. If there is no accident, there are not many nobles in the empire that have elven slaves.

   Even the nobles who once owned them should now kill and bury their elf slaves in a place that no one knows, because they don’t want to be the object of ‘criticism’.

  Although there are no elf slaves in the empire, they can make a group of elf slaves!

   This plan was a dirty conspiracy from the beginning. Ruerno didn't care about dirtying his hands. Anyway, he loved only this empire, not the people who ruled the country, not the nobles who were eating into the country!

   He is dying, so he is not afraid of anything.

The gradually circulated news helped him invisibly. At this time, he could unite a group of nobles to make them behave better to civilians, and also use the power of bards and merchants to These rumors spread to the aristocratic territory that is about to fall into the abyss, and then they can mobilize the power of the people to deal directly with those nobles.

  As long as Xu Yi benefits, the aristocracy has nothing to do, even if it will require them to ‘tax cuts’ to civilians!

In the conversation with the maidservant, Ruhrno also realized that the'era of farming' is about to pass, the'era of magical industry' is coming, land is no longer such an important thing, more people can create More wealth-as long as he tells the nobles this view, they will understand what they should do.

The nobility is short-sighted, UU reads www.uukanshu.com, but in this era, they are a group of hyenas who are more cunning and insidious than anyone else. They have enough intelligence to understand Rurno’s speech and understand that they should do something afterwards. what.

  If you have to lose some of the benefits to get more benefits, the nobles will do that, and will be willing...

   Donald stood anxiously, he didn't know why the teacher suddenly fell silent, perhaps after thinking about the countermeasures, so he did not dare to disturb.


   Suddenly heard the teacher's call, Donald subconsciously straightened his waist, "Yes, teacher!"

Ruerno’s turbid eyes seemed to have a magical expression, "Go and sort out the materials related to "Magic Tide". I am going to contact other legendary mages to see if I can publish an article with Xinghai Monthly. "

  Despite some doubts, Donald did.

   Watching his students walk out of the room, Ruerno's mouth slightly raised, his eyes narrowed.

  According to his knowledge, many nobles have the habit of reading "Xinghai Monthly"-yes, they have developed a habit, and they are still complaining about why the issue is only issued once a month.

  As long as they use the "Xinghai Monthly" to let them know the impact of the magic wave on the world, maybe they will be shaken.

   Don't need much, as long as they are shaken enough!

  .. m.

  Recommend the City God Lao Shi Xinshu:

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