Duke of Grief

Chapter 955: Pre-dinner

  The knight of Lund stood on the city wall, and his sharp eyes swept the troops who entered the city from the national road ahead.

   He wore a pair of black'goggles' that almost covered half of his face. Although he was not used to it at first, he is now able to mark those suspicious characters with the mark function.

   All the functions of this pair of glasses are only ‘auxiliary functions’, which can improve his combat and survivability on the basis of the original, such as real-time measurement of wind speed, object detection, vital signs and other functions have brought him a great increase.

   is already a sharpshooter himself, and even after getting this pair of glasses, he is even more helpless.

  He will not rely on these auxiliary functions, but these auxiliary functions can really bring him enough help.

   It is said that this pair of glasses is very expensive, and the current technology cannot be popularized in the army. Otherwise, the combat effectiveness of their army can be greatly improved.

"The third team from the bottom, the mercenaries are a little weird. Try it out." The Knight Knight pressed the button on the left side of the headset. After the rune was converted, the sound became a specific frequency. The magic wave radiates to the surroundings.

  Only certain equipment can receive the magic wave of this frequency, and in this neighborhood, only the city guards wear the corresponding equipment.

  After the transformation of headphones hidden under the helmet, the command of the Lund Knight was accurately conveyed to everyone's ears, and the city guards exchanged glances and continued to work.

This is a by-product developed in the process of developing the "Internet". Although it seems to be tasteless, the headphones worn by the Lund Knight bear the function of a "signal station" and can receive and transmit the surrounding signals. The only drawback is It is not possible to talk one-to-one, only to use the same public channel.

   But for this era, it has been regarded as an epoch-making equipment. The commander can even carry out many new tactical arrangements around this equipment.

After the first two teams entered the city one after another, the city guards showed a little slackness. After a morning of work, many people will relax their vigilance when it is time to change shifts. This is when the outsiders sneak into the wail The best time for the wind duchy.

   did not choose to enter from other relatively remote roads, but chose to enter from the only direction where the national road was built. It has to be said that if it was not for the pair of glasses, they might really miss that team.

   Hearing the report of "no obvious anomalies" coming from the headset, the Lund knight grabbed the strong bow on hand and was ready to fight.

This is the place where the maid grew up defeating the undead monarch carrying a skull dragon. Because of the fear that there are undead undead nearby, the caravan will hire some mercenaries when it is unavoidable to pass through here, or Bring some adventurers along the way.

   Opposite this road is the Kingdom of Kurt.

Due to the fact that too much has happened to the kingdom opposite in recent days, they have to be vigilant-this is an explanation for the soldiers at the bottom. In fact, the Knights of Lund know very well that a'primitive devil' was born there Three levels of **** may try to promote the birth of another original devil.

   They are not alerting to the Kurt Kingdom, but the devil forces that may exist in the territory of the Kurt Kingdom.

  Under the gate of the city, the city guards looked at the mercenaries with a calm face and couldn't help but asked with a smile: "It's all raw faces, come for the first time?"

"It was originally mixed on the other side, but now I don't know what happened. There are more monsters and Warcraft, and the days are not easy to mix..." The strong man who looked like a mercenary leader leaned against the carriage On the carriage, he sighed, "Did you hear about the "magic tide" on the road? Do you know what's going on?"

   It may be quick to check in other places, but at the border fortress, the inspection speed of the city guards is not so fast.

  Businessmen who often run business between the two countries know it, so they do not show any impatient look, otherwise maybe the city guards may not give them quality inspection records in one breath, can they just run for nothing?

   It is useless even to stuff money. The discipline of these city guards can be said to be unique. Instead, stuffing money will make them doubt whether there is something invisible in the convoy, so they check it more carefully.

  Because of being bored, often at this time, the city guards will chat with the people in the team.

   may be distracting, or may be vigilant about something, or may be inquiring about news, anyway, at this time, the city guards will find someone in the caravan to chat, so as to pass the time of boredom.

"Hey, why don't you know! That's what our people noticed for the first time, don't we still hire someone to spread this thing?" City Guards couldn't help but talk about it, "Our maid The grown-ups are different from those nobles. The nobles will definitely not let us people know this kind of thing. It is often too late to wait for us to know, but the maid grows up differently. She cares about us, who are only cheap. Very important, something important will be published in the newspaper as soon as possible. When you read the newspaper at night, we will know what is going to happen!"

   At this time, the emotion of pride had overflowed, and the mercenary leader looked left and right, and found that the other city guards also straightened their waists, full of energy, and a look of glory.

   "That's really great..." The mercenary head was shocked, and then he asked, "Oh, what is the'newspaper' you said?"

   "You don't even know this?" The city guards glanced at the mercenary's head. There was no contempt in their eyes, and only mercy.

Seeing the mercenary leader nod, the city guard shook his head and sighed: "'Newspaper' is the thing used to publish news. No matter what new news, it will be published in the newspaper. Now we have several newspapers in the Principality, but the most It is also known as the Principality Times. All the big news will be published there. You only need to pay a few hundred Tia subscription fees every month, and you can see a new newspaper every day."

  The mercenary leader became more and more puzzled, "Wait, you said you read the newspaper...you literate? Then what are you doing as a city guard?"

It may have been unexpected that even a mercenary leader was so ignorant that this level was heard, and the city guards sighed again, "Not only me~www.NovelMTL.com~ We here are all literate, except for people in their fifties and With the exception of children under three, almost everyone is literate."

  The mercenary leader's eyes were dull, and it seemed difficult to accept the fact, but at this time, the city guards who entered the carriage and checked the cargo jumped from the carriage. "After the inspection, nothing was found."

"Grynn, open the quality checklist!" The City Guard turned around and shouted back, then took out a badge from his pocket and smiled apologetically at the mercenaries. "I'm sorry, because of the arrival of the magic wave, maybe There will be many cultists who want to take the opportunity to make chaos, so there is a new rule above, please stand well, this is a prop used to detect whether you have contact with dirty things such as evil spirits, demons, and demons..."

   The voice of the mercenaries turned around before a few words, including the mercenary leader.

   Obviously, they are not really so ignorant, they know that every border fortress in the Principality of the Winds of Sadness is guarding several extraordinary knights, so they did not choose to break in, but fled directly.

   However, their choice was wrong from the beginning.

  ——Since they tried to sneak into the Principality of the Winds of Sorrow, their lives have been buried by themselves, and they pushed themselves into the abyss of death!

Several arrows flew out of the city wall, and when people did not respond to what happened, those arrows had already split into two halves in the air, with a rope in the middle to tie the escaped mercenaries. With a sturdy tie, none even managed to escape.

  :. :

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