Duke of Grief

Chapter 953: Abnormal (on)

The first magic locomotive walked off the production line, which is a matter of celebration.

Because this is also the first monstrous machine in the Principality of Sorrowful Wind and even the entire Slo Mendes continent that cannot be participated in during the production process. It can be said that it has created a milestone in the magic machine manufacturing industry, but the workers They didn't pay attention to this matter, they just manipulated the machine tool as usual and carried out production according to the "operation manual".

In addition to feeling that the production machines are getting better and better, and the wages have been increased, the workers who produce this ‘first mass-produced magic locomotive’ have no other feelings.

Although this matter itself will be recorded in the annals of history, they will not be followed in the annals of history.

The car was delivered to the army as soon as it went off the production line, and it was after being mounted on the car.

In fact, the'Magic Locomotive' has already decided at the beginning of its design that this brand-new vehicle will not only be used in terms of'carrying people'. For the Principality of the Winds of Sorrow, this new type of vehicle cannot leave Where the border is too far away, it will be a good choice as a means of transportation.

The powerful power can ensure that it has sufficient carrying capacity and can transport a considerable amount of materials at one time.

The driving speed is fast enough, and it can also carry a large amount of cargo at one time. Although the endurance is relatively weak, in this era, it can already be regarded as a more perfect means of transportation.

Although it is troublesome to drive, as long as after a period of training-using the prototype car that Cervantes used to drive-it is easy to train a group of quite good drivers.

Although riding a horse and riding a horse and driving a vehicle are not a concept, as long as you have these foundations, learning how to drive a magic locomotive will be a relatively easy thing. At least soldiers with driving experience are better than soldiers without corresponding experience. Up, their learning speed is almost half faster.

When the magical locomotive with the carriage was slowly exiting from the warehouse, and the material carrying a car was driving north along the national road, passing businessmen and adventurers bet on the car.

They thought they had been accustomed to the novelty invented by the Duchy of Winds. When a novelty appeared in front of them, they could already accept and adapt to it.

But when this kind of "horseless carriage" appeared in front of them, they realized that they still overestimated their imagination and acceptance.

The driver is not an "admiral lord", and there is a fully enclosed compartment hanging behind the car!

It didn't take long for the news to spread to most of Wind City, and when they confirmed that the'trainer car' in the'training ground' outside the city was still there, they immediately went crazy.

A large number of businessmen poured into the Temple of Fortune and the City Hall, and asked the staff in these two places to prove it.

They want to know, if this "horseless carriage" is sold to the outside world, how much will it be priced, what is the amount of inventory, how efficient is production, how does it run... these things are what they want and need to understand of.

At the same time, the city hall and the Fortune Church have released news that this kind of transportation called "Magic Locomotive" will indeed be sold to the outside world. However, due to process problems, the current cost is still somewhat high, and the inventory is not much, and the endurance capacity Not very good.

However, despite showing so many weaknesses, there are still many businessmen rushing towards it.

In their eyes, this kind of thing will definitely be very popular in the outside world, and even they even want a car...no, a few!

It is a pity that civil servants and priests of the Fortune Church have made it clear that the inventory is not much, and the prices are somewhat inflated, and they cannot run ‘long-distance’. Otherwise, they will have to buy a few cars to grind their teeth.

"The response is pretty good!"

Latinia stretched her waist, a light smile on her face, "I just don't know when those nobles will receive the news."

In order not to expose the purpose, they chose to hire businessmen and adventurers to broadcast the message, so as to create the illusion that they do not intend to sell the magical locomotive to the outside temporarily.

Although I don’t know if those nobles will believe it, but as long as they are convinced that they think so, then the nobles will be unwilling, and scrambling to put gold coins into their hands.

At the same time, their plan has already been launched. The rumor that the "magic wave is coming" has spread in various places. Now the emotions of the civilians are still brewing, and they don’t know when they will burst out...probably in the appearance of monsters frequently. After the neighborhood?

As long as those nobles did not change their course and sent troops to protect their people, the fear and despair would sooner or later erupt.

However, even if some nobles are aware of what they are doing, they are doing things abnormally, but with the degree of information closure in this era, what happened in these individual areas cannot be spread to other places too quickly, and even if it is spread to other places, it does not matter. They were so miserable that they were oppressed by the nobility. As long as they were slightly provoked, they would burst out.

As long as their lives are not guaranteed, they will not give up resistance, because whatever they do is death, but if the resistance can gain a first line of life, they will try everything to try to get the chance of life.

People in this era are desperately alive, they will not want to die, everyone has a responsibility, once they die, the responsibility will be shared with other people, so they will not die, they can not die .

"Now all we need to do is wait and develop..." The maid looked at the file in hand and frowned, "It is difficult to protect a large number of civilians from the disaster caused by the magic wave with the current human technology. In fact , Not to mention'protecting civilians', you have to talk about whether you can protect yourself."

Hearing this, Latiniah suddenly lost her interest and couldn't help sighing.

indeed! If it were not the thoughts brought by Sera that affected the entire Mendes continent, if the magic wave really ushered in, it might be that even behemoths such as the Ogden Empire and the Kurkut Empire would face unbearable blows. Not to mention other countries.

Latina is somewhat unimaginable in the future. Perhaps the entire Sloane Mendes continent will suffer an unbearable and devastating blow.

Now Serena is using the power of magazines such as "Magic" to influence the entire continent. Although this may be difficult, as long as some mages are inspired, under the influence, the technology they invented may save the world. What?

There is never a shortage of smart people in this world, and some people with relatively unique observation points are not necessarily all in a certain mage organization, and they may not necessarily be valued.

Only through communication can knowledge show more value!

It is a pity that ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Until now, a monster is still entrenched in front of them. The name of this monster is called ‘Noble’.

If they block knowledge arbitrarily, they have been influencing the spread of knowledge. What they have done is to prevent the development of the times-now they have reacted, and the existence of the Principality will not affect the noble system. What impact, but the spread of knowledge will!

Once they cannot grasp knowledge, even the knowledge possessed by civilians exceeds their reserves, then their status is in danger.

The spread of knowledge will cause their status to be threatened, so they cannot accept this. Therefore, although they cannot influence the behavior of the Knowledge Church and the Glorious Church, they can use other methods to affect their own leaders, so that the leaders cannot Learning knowledge is enough.

"Latina, take a look at this..."

With a puzzled look, Latinia took the document handed over from the maid, and after a cursory glance, she couldn't help but shrink her pupils.

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