Duke of Grief

Chapter 937: Conference of the Gods

After the news was sent back to Wind City, everyone was surprised, and Latina even worse.

As a deity, even if there was no her among the gods who set the seal, but if the'seal of the gods' is broken, other deities should talk about it in the Pantheon.

But now, as if all the gods had reported it, they did not talk about it in the Pantheon, and even the **** of brilliance and the **** of justice did not express any opinion on this...

Things are uncharacteristic, so it must be a bit strange!

Latiniah’s incarnation sitting at the Pantheon’s ‘Assatom’ parliament suddenly opened his eyes and opened his mouth to question the gods around him: “Are you hiding something from me?”

The gods who noticed the movement in the Pantheon turned their eyes one after another. Under the eyes of all eyes, Latinia was still calm, her brows deep, and her suspicious eyes swept from each deity.

"Which of the gods here has no secret? Are you a goddess of wealth? Are you stupid?" The tyrannical **** snorted and pointed to his head. "Is there something wrong with you?"

Since the Church of Wealth entered the city of Wind, the tyrannical **** has not dealt with Latinia. Even without him, the Principality of the mourning wind will be famous sooner or later, but Latinia is after that. The sorrowful wind in the Principality settled in, which made him very uncomfortable.

Just like other evil gods, the tyrannical **** also hides and hides, and has almost no chance of being exposed.

They all have unique hiding techniques, otherwise, the **** of plague could not be hidden for more than 800 years, and the same is true of other evil gods.

They can live for more than 800 years under the chase of the **** of brilliance, the **** of justice, and the **** of cruelty, even if the church under their control has been destroyed several times, but each time they can resurrect, and we can see from here Quite skillful.

It is a pity that no matter how capable, Evil God is ultimately Evil God. Although he does not care about his actions, he and his church are like mice crossing the street. Once he reveals where he is, he will be hunted down by the three great gods.

Latinia narrowed her eyes and snorted coldly, not looking at the annoying evil spirit.

Except for a few deities, other gods have turned their attention here, even the **** of brilliance.

Among the gods who did not respond, there were the Goddess of the Earth and the God of Justice. However, the Goddess of the Earth is no longer in charge. Even the church has been handed over to his daughter, and the word of the God of Justice is probably going to the lower level. Plane to find trouble with those evil races.

In addition, almost all the gods are already here... but they have no other reaction, which is very strange!

Thinking for a moment, Latinia said suddenly, "Only today, the astral whale almost invaded the territory of our principality!"

"Ha! Everyone rejoices!" The tyrannical **** applauded first, and laughed happily.

Other gods also have some doubts. I don’t know why the goddess of wealth suddenly broke out. Do you want to say this to them? But what does this have to do with them?

Most deities are far away from the Black Forest, and they are not very sensitive to these things, but the God of Glory frowned tightly and asked coldly, "Are you sure?"

As soon as he spoke, the other gods looked at it.

Their faces are full of surprises. Is there anything to discuss about this? Is it now that the **** of brilliance is so kind that he has to manage even such trivial matters?

"Ceth personally came forward to drink back the three monsters, otherwise, they must have invaded the Principality!" Latinia nodded, and said in a decisive manner.

"And—" After a pause, Latinia added: "According to the latest measured value, the "magic element concentration" has increased by 0.1% compared to the previous few days!"

"What's Xiao Zha talking about?" Hearing this, the grumpy orc **** slammed the desktop and shouted, "Say something I understand!"

The orcs and gods that clung to their own masters also clamored. The human gods glared at them. The remaining elven gods looked left and right, squeezing their lips tightly, without saying a word.

At this time, the dwarf master who sat with the dwarf gods stood up and shouted with a natural voice: "Quiet! Quiet! You are all noisy, you are quite clear, the goddess of wealth is saying'magic concentration ', not'magic concentration'!"

After he spoke, the gods reacted suddenly.

The orc **** glared over and roared: "I don't understand!"

As a deity, and a **** of the gods, how could he not understand, he just wanted to find a chance to make trouble.

The dwarf lord **** is also grumpy. After hearing this sentence, he directly picked up the hammer and pointed at the orc lord god, shouting angrily: "There is a kind..."

"Stop it!"

The **** of brilliance stood up suddenly and shouted to interrupt the unnecessary quarrel between them.

His majestic gaze swept over every deity, and when he saw the heavy look of the **** of brilliance, even the orc and dwarf lords closed their mouths for the time being.

After a moment of silence, the **** of brilliance sighed: "Don't be noisy! The seals of the gods" are broken--and still without our knowledge!"

The whole council was completely quiet for a while, and then it boiled.

The self-proclaimed ‘elegant’ elf was shocked, Huo Ran stood up and screamed: “Are you sure?!”

The Orc Lord laughed: "If you break it, it will break, and you won't hurt us anyway!"

The dwarf gods and dwarf gods looked at each other, and they both saw surprise in each other's eyes.

how is this possible? The "Seal of the Gods" was designed by them and set together. If the seal is broken, then they should be able to know the news. How could no news be received?

Did they know nothing about it, or did a **** who had not participated at that time tell them?

No, it's too weird to say...but this is what the **** of brilliance said...

"You guys, be prepared for the shock!"

The **** of brilliance turned his cold eyes to those evil gods and warned coldly: "Especially you, I know you will definitely move your mind, but as long as you dare to do it at this time, I dare to order people to destroy you again. Church-at all costs!"

The tyrannical **** sneered, closed his eyes, and consciousness left the Pantheon.

Other evil gods also left with their own thoughts.

Now that the gods of brilliance are so serious, it shows that the problem is indeed serious.

"Without the seal as the last barrier~www.NovelMTL.com~ The speed of the diffusion of magic elements will certainly accelerate, and the magic concentration of the entire world will increase as a result. The monsters in Hessen will walk out of the Black Forest, all over the mainland. There will also be frequent beast alienation, space gaps, and no one wants to escape this disaster!" After the evil gods left, the **** of glory looked at other deities, "And you don’t forget, this world is Although the most terrifying monsters are in the "inland sea" area, there are also a group of monsters in the deep sea area. Not to mention, the dragon has fled the southern continent, and the monsters there have been left unattended, let alone humans, Not even your orcs can be better!"

The orc lord pouted his lips. Although he did not want to admit it, this was the truth.

This is a disaster for the entire Sloane Mendes continent. In the future, it will become a disaster for the entire Assatom world. As long as their orcs still live in this world, they cannot escape.

"Anyway, I hope there will be no war recently!"

After all, the **** of brilliance closed his eyes and his consciousness returned to Lolandal.

The gods looked at each other, and they all closed their eyes one after another... Remember this website, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or Baidu input "", you can enter this site

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