Duke of Grief

Chapter 930: Announce the news (below)

The news about Joanna was announced the next day according to the scheduled plan... Yes, according to Latnea’s plan.

This time Cervantes had no angry thoughts. He kept thinking if Joanna was the daughter of Latina and Serra, what kind of relationship was Latina with him? Is it his rival? Or his wife?

Originally a good scandal, this time has completely become the triangle love in the courtyard of the deep palace, what is this matter!

"To be honest, what the **** are you thinking about, Latina?" Cervantes was not angry, but the maid was angry.

She glared angrily at the goddess who sat in front of her obediently, and wished to take all the information about the news on the goddess' face—if Joanna was not watching, she would indeed do so.

Joanna sat next to the maid, trying to sit next to her biological mother, but was pulled back by her godmother.

She looked up at her godmother suspiciously, not knowing why ‘mother’ had a bad face on ‘mother’.

Latnia pulled her dress anxiously and said with a smile: "Hey, if I talk about how Joanna was born, wouldn't I be a mitotic asexual creature... "

As soon as she heard this, Serena almost passed out. She gritted her teeth and asked, "You don't want to corrupt your own reputation, so come and ruin my reputation? You are a deity, you can change gender at will, even if you take this What does it matter if things go out?"

"That won't work!"

Latinia suddenly looked sullen, "When I became a deity, the **** of brilliance came to me, he looked for them almost at all times when he became a god! He said something that made me feel very reasonable, 'If even the **** you have been accustomed to for many years can't persist, what can you persist?'"

"No matter how the gods of other worlds do it, at least in our world, when we refer to gods, we need to distinguish between genders!"

Looking at the stern expression in Latinia, the maid was expressionless, her arms were embracing, she leaned back, leaned back on the sofa, and at the same time she raised her leg and asked, "So? What did you say? Does it have anything to do with this matter now?"

Latina's face was stiff, and after being cautiously thought out in a sentence, she laughed and explained carefully: "Actually, in the beginning, I just wanted to make a joke with Seth, but I didn't think of my previous brain. With a draw, the news was really released..."

The maid raised her eyebrows. "So what do you do now?"

"Uh..." Latnea said for a moment, frowning at Xiu Mei, thinking for a moment, and tentatively asked: "Otherwise...Sera, why do you just recognize it?"

"Oh!" The maid raised her lips, smiling, but asked, "What do you say?"

Latini Adam immediately took a breath and shook his head heavily, "I don't think this will work!"

"So?" The maid raised her tone.

"But if I go to clarify now, do they still believe me?" Latinia squeezed a few tears seriously, pretending to be a pitiful look.

Cervantes, holding his hands, sat happily on the sidelines and watched the excitement, as if he didn't see Latinia's eyes.

"Well..." The maid's tone suddenly softened, making Latina's heart jump. "You take Joanna to go shopping. Of course, I now have a way to make the spirit appear temporarily in front of people. Do you think How is this?"

Latinia wanted to shake her head and wanted to say "not very good", but she was a little uneasy when she saw the smiling expression on the maid's face.

After thinking about it, Latinia stretched out her hand, took one of the maid's hands, and said affectionately, "Otherwise, I'll admit it..."

The maid, in turn, squeezed Latina's hand tightly, and the voice was equally soft, "Seth, it's my husband, you should understand!"

Although it didn't hurt, Latiniah took her hands away sadly, knowing that she wouldn't play this joke anymore.

Focusing on her daughter, Latina's heart moved, and she immediately frowned, "That's right, even if I took Joanna out, I couldn't tell what she was like now!"

The maid smiled and turned to look at Joanna, and asked softly, "Joanna, can you put away the dragon horns and tail?"

Joanna didn't speak, but held her little tail in silence, deflated her mouth, and looked at her'mother' in tears.

Serena stretched her face, and the two mothers and daughters looked at each other silently.

"...Forget it!" The maid sighed, still unable to stretch to the end, leaned aside, and leaned on Cervantes' arm. "Just so, don't explain, what they say. Just go for it! No matter what they say, it won’t affect us!"

Although the criticism was killed, she really couldn't help it.

She lived ‘two lifetimes’, had children for the first time, and was so cute, how could she be so cruel?

Latinia smiled excitedly, but after noticing the maid's eyes, her smile faded quickly again.

No, I can't laugh now! Can't laugh yet!

"What are you going to do?" The maid asked suddenly, although she didn't have a head or a tail, but Latina also understood what she wanted to say.

Latinia frowned, and she had a headache when she talked about it.

"What can I do?" She sighed, "Since it is my daughter, a natural demigod, then she must be a **** in the future, but she is still too young, and I have nothing to do with her. Good priesthood..."

As a "child of God" born from the server of "Faith Network", there is really no clergy in the world of Assatom and Joanna can have enough compatibility.

Joanna is not like the goddess of agriculture. Although the goddess of agriculture is also split from the goddess of the earth, she has a priesthood of "harvest harvest" since she was born, and the priesthood of agriculture is a combination of several priesthoods including "harvest harvest". A new priesthood formed afterwards.

"Don't you still have a "network" priest?" Cervantes, who was sitting quietly, said abruptly.

Only then did Latinia think of it, she had specifically talked to him about it a few years ago!

Because until now, the ‘Internet’ priesthood is still being conceived, so she didn’t remember for a moment...

"...Is this appropriate?"

Despite this, Latiniah turned her attention to Joanna.

Joanna looked at her elders with some doubt, not knowing why they suddenly turned to look at themselves.

What is "priesthood"? Can it be eaten?

The tip of the tail in his arms moved, and Joanna tilted her head.

Looking at her appearance, the maid took a deep breath, and after sitting up straight, hugged her in her arms, and glared at Latinia, who also wanted to reach out and hug her daughter, and made her sit back awkwardly~www .NovelMTL.com~ It will take some time to strip away the priesthood..."

It took some time to calm down the inner throbbing, but when she saw her daughter holding her little tail, she couldn't help but get excited.

Latinia swallowed hard, and while staring at Joanna tightly, said: "And during this period, I need protection, otherwise, if something goes wrong, I may be irreversibly hurt! "

"I lent Seth to you." The maid patted the Black Dragon's shoulder, and Cervantes nodded immediately, and after a few seconds it reacted and froze.

"That's it!" Latina stood up with a smile, reaching out to Joanna, "Come, mom take you to go shopping, okay?"

Cervantes gave Joanna a quick glance and sighed.

Come on, the triangular sadomasochism in the deep palace compound cannot escape!

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