Duke of Grief

Chapter 924: Musou (final)

"Maid Serena, are you not afraid of so many undeads?"

The necromancer who knew it was the leader at first glance smiled hoarsely, "Even if you run away a monarch, but here is our home field, you have left the territory of the Principality of the Winds of Sorrow, you no longer have the ability to fight against the gods power!"

"Don't you doubt it?" Serena asked, jokingly, holding the staff: "You so sure that I came here alone?"

"Duke Cervantes is on the other side, on the border between the Kingdom of Kurt and your Principality." The Necromancer raised his mouth and gave a smile to his already stiff face, "If he suddenly disappears, then it must be Morale will plummet, you will not let him do it."

With that, the Necromancer narrowed his eyes and said slowly, "We have already studied you. Your love for this country is incredible, so we are sure that you will give your life for this country." , Rather let yourself die, but also win the battle on the other side-we concluded that you cannot summon Grand Duke Cervantes, never will!"

"And," the Necromancer turned around, "we can't give you a chance to summon him!"

Serena raised her eyebrows, "Oh? So, your purpose is actually me?"

"Maybe you can change the word--" The Necromancer bowed slightly and said with a smile, "'It's been from the beginning!'"

The smile on his face slowly faded, and Serena frowned slightly, "From the beginning?"

"Yes, from the beginning." The Necromancer opened his arms and exclaimed: "This blizzard that lasted for five days has only been a cover to hide people's eyes from the beginning. In fact, our goal has always been You. Whether it’s the destruction of the camp in the distance, or the two monarchs attacking your principality at the same time, our goal has always been you, Master Serena, we’ve paid so much for this, You should be honored!"

Selena took a deep breath and her voice became low: "In order to kill me, you want to use the civilians of the Principality as a "sacrificial offering"?"

"Yes, this is also our deal with those two monarchs, but from the beginning we thought that the two monarchs could not break the legendary "wall of mourning wind"."

The Necromancer seemed to remember something, and slapped his head, "Ah, that's right! Serena, maidservant, you don't need to continue to uselessly try anymore. We have blocked the space here, even our own. For transmission."

"And..." The Necromancer suddenly grinned and smiled silently, "'Forbidden Enchantment' is about to catch you-we have said so much, just to delay time, you can't escape! "

"Me?" Serena's complexion suddenly became weird. "Did I ever say I'm going to run away?"

The smile on the Necromancer's face froze, but the azure blue enchantment representing "Magic Prohibition" suddenly rose from all around, and several powerful transcendents emerged from the army of undead.

They exude the breath of the undead, but they are not undead. Each of them has the breath of flesh and blood and life.

"I haven't been here since the beginning," Serena's voice suddenly became unreal, which made the Necromancer very uneasy, "What about'escape?'"

Since becoming a "dead soul", the Necromancer thinks that he has lost "fear" and "panic", but now, this feeling has appeared in his mind again-even the few who heard this sentence The transcendental also stopped.

Disturbed by the "Forbidden Demon Enchantment", the figure of "Selena" has gradually become unreal. She narrowed her eyes and smiled.

"No, no...no!"

The Necromancer can hardly accept the fact that they are about to kill the woman, but now...

"You are not a "Phantom", I knew from the beginning that you are not a Phantom! You have the breath of Selena Wind of Sorrow, you are Selena Wind of Sorrow!!!" The Necromancer's eyes widened. , Screaming wildly, "I feel like I can't go wrong, magic can't go wrong!"

"Until now, it was indeed Selena... Mr. Necromancer, you didn't feel wrong."

The projection on his body disappeared, and the spiritual link that could cross time and space was also broken. Cervantes' soul returned to his body. When he saw the Necromancer, he couldn't help laughing.

The corners of his mouth grinned, drawing a gruesome arc, and his fierce gaze gazed at the stunned Necromancer on the spot. Can two souls reveal everything about themselves to each other without reservation?"

Since the moment he appeared, those extraordinary people have tightened their muscles.

They are all fighters, and they are specially selected for this ‘mission’!

Just in case, they are all strong enough. Although none of them are "Legends", almost everyone has the power to become "Legends"...

"Can any of you do it?" Cervantes asked with a tilted head.

Apart from the wind and snow, there was no other sound in this world, and his enemies did not make any sound.

"No!" Cervantes shook his head easily, "No one!"

With that, his smirking eyes fell on those extraordinary warriors. After looking at it for a moment, he suddenly chuckled: "I didn't expect to be a group of old friends...you want to kill Sera, right? ?Your mission goal is Sera, right?"

"It's you..." At this moment, the smile on his face completely disappeared, but he asked softly, "I want to kill my wife, right?"


A low call came suddenly from the altar. They turned around and saw that the Necromancer clenched the staff, shouting steadily: "Kill him! Kill this black dragon! Can't kill That woman must at least kill this black dragon!"

"What you can do-come on!!!"

Looking at his clown-like performance, Cervantes couldn't help laughing.

Laughing, he suddenly waved his right arm and struck out a fighter who flew out.

His attention was re-focused on those who were beyond the ranks, and this time, his face completely lost a smile-or, "All crazy!"

"You want to kill Sera, right?" Cervantes asked with a trembling voice.

The transcendentals ignored it and regarded it as a wind beside their ears. They all bent down and stared at the legendary black dragon that was already on the edge of the rage.

The lower-level undead have no action, because they can no longer make any action.

The Necromancer took a few steps backwards. He stared at the black dragon, his face stiffened with horror.

"Tell me..."

There are black scales slowly appearing on the edge of the greasy face~www.NovelMTL.com~ Cervantes can't control the corners of his high raised mouth, the snow at the feet and the snow in the air are all poured out of the body Melted by the high temperature.


He stepped on one foot and stepped on the melting snow, and at the same time made the alarm in the mind of those extraordinary.

The huge dragon wing suddenly expanded behind him, pulling the hearts of the extraordinary.

"Answer me..."

The trembling voice echoed in the chest cavity, overlapped again, and slowly merged into one, and transformed into a laughter.

Can't wait any longer!

All the extraordinary warriors know that they can no longer wait any longer, otherwise, they will be overwhelmed by the power of the black dragon!

At the same time, the figures of the Transcendence disappeared in place.

Cervantes was furious and roared loudly: "Your waste!!"

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