Duke of Grief

Chapter 915: Delegate

It was another winter, and this winter, storms and snow hit the entire Principality of Sad Wind.

There was heavy snow outside the window, and Joanna posted it curiously on the glass window. She looked at the snow outside the window. The white piece had covered the whole city. The dreaded frost and cold suddenly struck, almost everyone from'home country Ankang 'Woke up in the dream of beauty.

The heavy snow in this year is more violent than in previous years. It seems that a beast roared behind the cloud. The sound of the roaring wind masked the other sounds. The silence outside the window was not because there were really no other sounds, but because people’s hearing had adapted After the strong wind, the wind was subconsciously blocked, so when they heard it, the world was silent.

Perhaps someone who has observed it carefully may also find a silver ‘silk thread’ flashing in the sky from time to time, because the adult and near-adolescent silver dragon is challenging this heavy snow that represents vastness and despair!

The maid looked at the window solemnly. Cervantes and Ziegler had both left Wind City now. The two of them had no rest time and kept running around the Principality.

The relief supplies were ready before the winter came, but until now, even those materials placed in the warehouse in Wind City have not been able to leave the warehouse completely.

Although with the help of the Silver Dragon clan, most of the silver dragons living in Winder City are young dragons. The young dragons will be driven away by their parents. During this period, the dragons have already had the ability to protect themselves. The care will stop here.

The number of adult dragons in the Principality is very small. In order to help them overcome the difficulties in the Principality and to cultivate the independence of children, the adult dragons take their children who are close to adolescence and are about to leave home to live independently. Joined in this fight with nature.

In this era, on this continent, if you encounter a natural disaster of this scale, no matter how many people are killed or injured, you can only admit that you are unlucky, but Serena does not like this.

The other half of her soul comes from a civilization that is accustomed to fighting the world, and those memories are deeply engraved in her mind, so she has never liked the word ‘confessed life’!

People in other countries will feel unlucky when they encounter this kind of natural disaster, and then what to do, but she won't sit still.

Although it has long been expected that with the advent of the magic wave, extreme weather will also appear, but all of this came too suddenly, and it can even be said-deliberately!

This year's winter blizzard far exceeded her original expectations. According to previous calculations, this winter blizzard should not have such a huge destructive power. This heavy snow fell for three days and three nights until now There is no stopping trend.

Otherwise, disaster relief materials cannot be accumulated in the warehouse until now.

With the construction of roads, the highway network has been completely laid out throughout the Principality. The statistics of some villages have been completed. Each town has a corresponding warehouse for disaster relief materials, and to ensure that these life-saving things will not be corrupted. Almost every year, there will be inspection teams to inspect, and every year the inspection team is deliberately'randomly' selected from the army.

Soldiers come from various towns and villages. They don’t watch their hometown suffer and suffer. This is the case. There are still a few nobles who have even their official positions removed. It is conceivable that if there is no annual inspection, A disaster really happened, just like this year, what kind of suffering the people of this country will suffer.

It is a pity that Ziegler has left Wind City, otherwise it may be more convenient to check...

Boom Boom Boom!

"Please come in."

The city hall has been closed, and all civil servants have been ordered to rest at home and cannot get out of the door. At this time, it was either Edith or Hill that knocked on the door.

"Maid Serena, are you okay with me?"

The food hunter pushed in. Because of the storms of the past few days, all the stores have closed their doors, and she seems to be a little depressed when she can't enjoy the food.

After curiously looking at the little girl floating by the window, Hill turned his gaze back to the maidservant.

After staying at home for three or four days, she suddenly received a letterhead, and the sender is the maidservant. The letter did not specify what to look for in her, but it also indicated at the end of the letter, if Things are going well, they may be able to stop the blizzard.

In order to get the delicious food again, Hill came under the strong wind and heavy snow, stepped on the roof covered with ice, walked through the snow-laden street, and came to the city hall.

In today's weather, even if the town hall is not shut, it is useless. Except for a few extraordinary people, almost no one can go out under the snowstorm.

"Sir Hill, I hope I can entrust you to investigate one thing!" The maid's voice was low and solemn.

The last time I saw her, it was when she invited herself to hunt the plague god...

Hill froze for a moment, pondered for a moment, looked at the face of the food, and nodded reluctantly, "Well, what's the matter?"

The maid's index finger tapped on the table and said softly: "I suspect that someone behind the blizzard is making trouble..."

Hill's eyes widened slowly, and he took a breath.

This blizzard is already equivalent to a natural disaster. If in other places, a lot of people will surely die because of this, and this number is at least in units of ten thousand!

Someone is making trouble in the back? !

"Of course, this is just a guess-according to my original guess, the snowstorm in the early winter cannot be so violent, so I think that either someone is attacking our Principality or a monster from the inner sea has arrived outside the Black Forest. , But the latter possibility is minimal, because the Great Wall system does not give any warning... I will give a few places, if you really find something there, I hope you don’t act rashly, the enemy may be very powerful , Please inform us and take action after getting a response."

The maid used a lightly described tone to describe something that shocked Hill.

Was there really anyone behind this natural disaster? If there are people who are really making trouble behind their backs, what is their purpose?

With her knowledge reserve alone, she can think of several forces that might do this kind of thing in an instant.

Among them, the biggest suspects are undoubtedly the ‘Undead Kingdom’ and the ‘Eye of All-Knowing’. They have such power and sufficient reasons.

"If you really want to go to investigate, then we are willing to provide enough compensation and equipment!" The maid said a word, and then asked seriously: "Then I confirm again, Lord Hill, what is your wish?"

Hill pondered for a while, and she was now entangled.

To be honest, as a ‘ranger~www.NovelMTL.com~ this kind of thing is almost her old business and can become a legend, so the fighting power will certainly not be too weak.

But now, her enemy may be a force that can provoke natural disasters. If this time really came to deal with the Principality of the Winds, then they are undoubtedly well prepared.

In this case, even if she is a legend, she might be killed on the spot because of the other party's trap.

Is it just for ‘gourmet’, is it worth her doing this?

Hill questioned himself like this in the bottom of his heart, and then got the answer-

worth it!

It's not worth it to others, but it's worthy to her!

"... thirty kinds!"

Hill took a deep breath, as if a flame was burning in his eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "I hope there will be thirty more "outland foods" on the market! Maid Serena, can you do it?"

"Is it just 30 kinds?" The maid sighed with relief, and a smile appeared on her face again. "No matter what you investigate,'Thirty kinds' is the most basic reward. If you really investigate something, then I It can even give you'Fifty Species'!"

After hearing this, Hill Zhanyan smiled and nodded, "Enough!"

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