Duke of Grief

Chapter 913: Outlook (below)

Joanna grunted and looked to the other side. Since she was able to leave the crystal ball, she followed her dad all over the city. Now she really wants to see it, but the scope of the lock restricts her pace .

Cervantes stood on the bank of the surging river with his arms around him. It seemed that even the river in front of him was affected by the magic tide. The calm of the past was gone forever.

For people who used to be, such a river might cause them to suffer a lot of losses that should not happen, but now, they are just too much!

The turbulent river water will impact the hydropower station built on the river or the river bank. After the conversion of the generator, it will bring more electricity to people, and even without the need to build a dam, it can already meet the daily electricity consumption of several cities.

However, this only meets the daily needs of the'now'-just like the road being built across the river, their conquest of the wilderness is not high enough, and they need to continue to increase their efforts, not only to make this Principality into The true "all directions", we must vigorously lay the circuit network, and strive to make all the cities have power before the magic wave reaches the top.

Due to the mountainous terrain in the Principality and the large drop, it is not difficult to build a dam, but it is still difficult to meet future needs if hydropower is used alone.

Although this is a magical world, some basic laws cannot be violated.

The advent of the magic wave will lead to a large number of extraordinary things, which means that the "world" will undergo huge changes, not everything can adapt to this change, some old things will disappear, and new things will appear, the only Thankfully, the coming of the magic wave is not due to the damage of the crystal wall. The world itself is difficult to repair such a huge loophole, so they do not need to experience the pain of the magic environment gradually diluted after experiencing a magic wave. .

However, even if a large number of extraordinary things appear, it does not mean that the world can successfully become a'transcendent civilization'.

The current Assatom world has embarked on a road of civilization that combines mechanical and transcendent under the deliberate guidance of Serra. In this environment, it is difficult for powerful transcendents to continue to control mortals who gradually have power, Social development, which had already been stagnant, also started again.

This is destined to be a difficult road. The mortals who have the power will no longer be subordinate to the mortal. The resources that originally belonged to the supernatural will also be divided by the mortals. They will not concentrate on the development of a certain aspect, although many potential A bad ending will not be a'top-heavy' situation, but the shortcomings of this road itself are also obvious.

There is not enough electricity, and the maid does not intend to use ‘fire power generation’, because these pollutions will cause the magic environment to change, and the magic will not disappear out of thin air, but it will be distorted.

Therefore, with the advent of the magic tide, the future Principality of the Winds of Sorrow must take the road of "combining magic energy with electric energy".

Because of this, Sera will try to introduce their technology from the elven clan, and use other technologies to fill their current technical vacancies.

Looking at the big river in front of him, Cervantes thought for a long time. He didn't recover until Joanna pulled his dragon's horn a little impatiently.

"Right, do you want to go to the R&D area?" Cervantes suddenly thought of something and asked.

Joanna tilted her head for a moment and nodded her head, "Go!"

Hearing this answer, Cervantes grinned, "Then you have to catch it!"

After confirming that Joanna was grasping with her natural spiritual power, the black dragon bent her knees and the entire dragon bounced from the ground, spreading her wings and flying into the sky under Joanna's anticipating gaze.

Even though the R&D area is not far away, Corvantes still soared in the air for a while, letting the laughter of the righteous girl fill the whole sky before falling.

In this world of extraordinary power, locomotives do not need any sophisticated mechanical structure at all. After all, they are not manufacturing products that can be put into commercial use. At least in a short period of time, ‘magic locomotives’ cannot be put into commercial use.

Cervantes took Joanna into a research institute, because the protection of the R&D area is basically in a ``custodial'' state, so the arrival of the two of them did not trigger an alarm.

The last time he saw an oak tree in the Black Forest, he ran again and brought back the seeds of the oak tree. After several years of cultivation and research, the researchers finally found out Pneumatic tires used, and after that, the cords that have been idle for a long time finally come in handy.

Crawlers are also being studied, but they are prepared for mining ore, so you can hold back the pace, but the ‘Magic Locomotive’ needs to be completed as soon as possible.

"Good afternoon, everyone!"

Cervantes, who pushed in, scared the researchers, but when they knew who was coming, they were relieved.

"Master Lord, good afternoon!" With the arrival of Cervantes, the otherwise dull research institute became pleasant.


Just when Cervantes was about to ask about the progress of the research, he suddenly felt that the dragon horns were torn and looked around, but he was surprised to find that two black dragon horns appeared on Joanna's head sometime.

Before he had time to say anything, he saw Joanna reach out and pull back, pulling a black dragon tail from behind and hugging it in her arms-the same paragraph as Cervantes!


After a few glances, Cervantes reached out and hugged her off her shoulders, held it in front of her and took a few glances.

Joanna flicked the tip of her tail in her arms and hummed, raising her tone and asked, "Are you powerful?"

Cervantes' face was filled with a happy smile. It turned out that she was sitting on her shoulder while writing on the road just to write pictures to do this!

"Great! Joanna is the best!" Cervantes boasted indifferently.

In the eyes of others, he is holding a ball of air and talking about something, and looks like a full-fledged mental patient... Although he is like this, there are still several researchers who look at each other, Silently opened the'magic horizon'.

Cervantes put Joanna in her arms, let her sit on her arms, walked over and asked, "How is the progress of the research?"

The unbelieving researchers turned off the magic vision with sweat and sweat. They looked at each other in a panic. Finally, they stood alone and gritted their teeth. "Lord, our research is very smooth!"

Their answer did not satisfy Cervantes. He emptied his eyes. "Why did you just look so afraid of being scolded by me?"

"This, this..."

The person who stood up suddenly sweated a lot, how should he answer? Say you already know that thing?

...No no no, this is absolutely not to be said! Never say it!

When he was in a dilemma and felt that Lord Lord’s eyes were getting worse and worse, there was someone behind him who stood up bravely and gritted his teeth: "Master Lord, I’m sorry! Actually, we have a few parameters to calculate It is wrong and needs to be readjusted, but considering the year-end award ~www.NovelMTL.com~ so we have not been able to answer you faithfully! We have not been able to make the research smoothly enter the "experimental stage" before the winter comes, we deceived you, sorry! "

After hearing this, Cervantes suddenly realized, and then chuckled: "I thought it was a big deal. It turned out to be just this... Okay, it's OK to enter the "experimental stage". It's okay to postpone a bit. Then, Are you confident to push the research into the experimental stage before the end of winter?"

The researchers were stunned immediately, shouting in unison with excitement: "Yes!"

"Work hard!" Cervantes smiled and patted the'courageous' researcher who stood up and answered the question faithfully, and turned to leave the institute.

Before he was ready to push the door away, he turned his head suddenly, making the researchers feel tight.

"By the way, your year-end bonus is halved!" Cervantes pouted, "as your punishment for'dishonestness'!"

Hearing this sentence, they felt a little nervous, not knowing whether Lord Lord really saw that they were “dishonest”.

But then, their Black Duke really left the institute...

Everyone looked at each other with relief.

It’s okay to halve the year-end prize, as long as it’s not that they knew the ‘that thing’ was exposed.

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