Duke of Grief

Chapter 904: trial

?"So, Mr. Corendos..."

The former noble child, now the deputy chief of the Wind City Police Department, Yusel, flicked his helmet and pouted, "What is your real name? Now we should be qualified to know your name?"

Across a glass wall, Erici stared at the frivolous man sitting opposite him. He looked very young, and he was still a'mortal', but he was able to arrest him by means of tricks. shame.

"...You just continue to call me'Collendos'!" Erici snorted, not intending to say his name.

"Okay, Mr. Corundos." Yousel glanced at the information on the table at random, looked at the recorder sitting on the side, and looked back at Erici, "Can you tell us, you What do you want to do when you come to our principality?"

He clasped his hands, raised one leg, leaned back, and looked relaxed.

Erici's hands were handcuffed to the table, and in this position, he could see everything Ericsy did at a glance.

Breathing gently, Erici frowned and began to think.

Yousel seemed to see through Ericy’s mental activity, shrugging his shoulders, and helplessly smiled: "You can think slowly, we are not in a hurry."

Hearing this, Ericy's face was uncertain.

He was a little difficult to imagine that what this young man had learned, could actually see through his thoughts at a glance.

"...Can you tell me, how did you count me?" Elisi asked after thinking about it.

Unexpectedly, he would speak so quickly. Yousel tilted her head and chuckled, "You should have seen the scene at that time, we didn't do anything, did we?"

Of course he knew, but he was not reconciled!

Although he looks rude, his heart is very delicate, otherwise it is impossible to sneak into Wind City. When he was arrested, he had already figured out everything.

At that time, the young man didn't do anything, but used some actions to mislead him, everything was made up by his own brain, but in fact... the opposite young man did nothing!

"When did you find me?" Erici asked unwillingly.

"Just when you checked your pass for the first time." Yousel smiled again and pointed to her badge.

This action... is the second time, there is a problem with that badge!

Ericis reacted subconsciously, but at the next moment, he was wondering whether the young man was deceiving him or trying to lead him to the next misunderstanding.

Yousel didn't speak, just smiled at the middle-aged strong man in front of him. His face was rough and strong, and he was easily suspected in this special period.

Ericy's eyes flickered, "Then? You have poisoned the ice drink? Why didn't I notice it at all?"

"Ice Drink..." Yousel looked strange and looked at the recorder next to him, then they couldn't help laughing.

Ericy frowned and glared, "What's so funny?"

After smiling enough, Yousel still squinted her eyes and asked jokingly: "Don't you know that eating too much ice may cause diarrhea?"

Erici was stunned for a moment, then blushed.

It turned out that it was all because of his own mistakes?

If he hadn’t eaten his stomach, maybe he wouldn’t be arrested?

At this moment, Yousel suddenly asked: "So, Mr. Corendos, can we answer our questions?"

He held a pencil in his hand and turned it, his face full of playful colors, "Next, no matter what you ask, we will not answer until you are willing to answer our questions. By the way, We won’t starve you, it’s about half starved!”

Erici's eyes twitched, and with his knowledge of the law of the Principality of the Winds, the young man should be telling the truth.

"Every unidentified person is treated as a spy." This is the reason why the Principality of Sorrow and Wind can be so safe and peaceful.

"I'm...a spy!"

Although very unwilling, Erici did not want to die so unclearly.

Now that the Principality has entered a state of martial law, no one knows whether they will treat all'unidentified people' as cultists at this time. If they were executed as cultists, he would have died too much. Wronged.

"Not a cultist..." Youselton was disappointed and murmured with a sigh.

Hearing this, Erici was relieved.

At least now he already knows that this young man really just wanted to characterize him as a "cultist".

"Spy, a transcendent spy..."

Using the pencil in his hand, Yousel couldn't help but glance at the middle-aged strong man for a few more times. His eyes made Ericsy whisper in his heart, not knowing what he was calculating.

Ever since he was arrested here, Erici could not believe what the young man showed on the surface, whether it was facial expressions or words, who knew if he was planning to deceive himself again?

"Where did you come from?" Yousel asked.

"Kurkut Empire!" Erici replied immediately.

"Oh, this..." Yousel nodded and closed her mouth, looking at the strong man in silence.

Ericy looked at him blankly, not intending to answer the questions in his mind with expressions or movements.

"Where did you come from?" Yousel asked again.

"Kurkut Empire!" Erici replied again.

Staring at the strong man for a few seconds, Ussel turned to the recorder and said, "Remember!"

and many more! Even if this is answered?

Ericy's tight face almost collapsed, but he remembered what the young man had done before, and quickly tightened his face again.

"According to our country's laws...Mr. Corondos, you are doing well, and because there is no news of any spying, the crime can be relieved a lot, and you can go home after a few years."

I don't know why Yousel suddenly said this, and Ericy was stunned for a moment.

Yousel knocked **** the table with the end of the pencil, looking serious. "But, I don't want to let you leave so quickly. You are a spy. Letting you leave is not a good thing for our country!"

Ericy frowned slightly, "So?"

"But I can't help it!" Yousel suddenly shrugged her shoulders and said helplessly: "We govern the country according to law, because you didn't make any mistakes, so we can only imprison you for a few years, and then let you go back."

At this point, Ericy was confused.

"Oh, by the way, if someone comes to "claim" you, you may be able to leave our Principality immediately, but you will not be able to step into our country for another half of your life, what do you think?" Yousel induced with a smile: "To inform Is your superior?"

"I..." Erici opened his mouth, but did not know what to say.

Then he found that ~www.NovelMTL.com~ seems to have been led by the young man. Since the conversation just now, this young man has been inducing his ‘ideas’.

As a spy, he has exposed his identity, because he knows that in this principality, with his previous actions, he is ‘not going to die’.

But as a spy, he was imprisoned in a country's prison for several years, can he go back?

As a transcendent and a spy, he knows many secrets...

Seeing Ericy fall silent, Yousel laughed.

It seems that the things that the maid grew up teaching them are really good. An experienced spy, a spy who knows how to keep his life and secrets, was actually turned around by him.

Sure enough, this kind of life is more interesting!

He really shouldn't listen to his father's words, trying to restore what'noble glory'.

That's too boring!

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