Duke of Grief

Chapter 902: Night talk

? "Those bugs have not been killed?"

Suddenly learned of a piece of news about ‘a large number of large insects breeding in the territory’, Calvin remembered what had happened before.

In a blink of an eye, it had been so long before Gregorian replaced a pair of steel limbs. If he didn't suddenly see the news, he might not have responded.

Esther, an abyss lord in the bottomless abyss, uses ‘worms’ to cover his actions, collect souls through demonic sacrifices, and shapes a terrible monster.

Although it was not used to deal with their empire, the influence of that incident has not ended yet!

"It is said that some of the nobles were partly released during the annihilation..."

No need for Alisa to continue, Calvin can also imagine what happened.

Although Esteem is dead, the remaining mind-slayers are still active on the continent. Among them, there are many mind-slayers in the Mendes continent, but it does not mean that there is no mind-slayer on the Sloan continent.

The group of monsters that can manipulate the mind is really terrible. If it is not to mobilize the extraordinary, an army will deal with a mind-bending devil and it may be wiped out by the whole army.

They can control the soldiers to kill each other, even brainwash the soldiers, and wait until those soldiers go back, and then control them to suddenly burst and kill the nobles.

During that time, there were occasions within the empire, and even some nobles even lied about the military situation because they feared the existence of the mind-slayers, claiming that they had killed the heart-slayers, but in fact their army just went out for a visit. Just circle.

However, due to the successive deaths of nobles, the nobles of the empire were also irritated. Even if they paid a huge price, they would kill the heart-savers active in the empire.

Later, the mind grabbers almost disappeared. Although it is certain that the mind grabbers still exist on this continent, as long as they don’t come out to do things, then it’s easy to say anything.

They concentrated all their strength on the mind-slayers, and the heart-slayers would naturally resist. They drove the swarms to attack the village and kill humans.

In order to deal with the flayer, the empire wiped out the swarms they controlled.

However, during this process, it may be that a certain "noble" was under the control of the mind-slayer, and some of the bugs were released, leading to the development of the situation to the present level.

"What about the nobleman?" Calvin asked frowning.

Since Alisa has channels to learn about these things, she must know the follow-up things.

"Dead." Expertly spreading a layer of butter on the bread, Alisa said lightly: "Later, it was said that a pile of human bones was found in the underground prison of the castle. After confirmation, they were found to be missing homeless people. Or an adventurer, there is a hole in the head of those bones, and a passage is found under the prison, leading to a cave in a mountain, and the clue is broken here."

The thread broke...

Calvin raised his eyebrows, "The flayer and those bugs escaped?"

"Not only to escape!" Alisa also frowned slightly. "Those bugs multiply, it seems that on the territory near that noble territory, large insects attacked humans again, and occurred in several territories at the same time. , It should be the devil who wants to escape the search."

The room was unusually bright, and even when it was dark, Calvin and Alisa’s dwellings were filled with soft white light.

After many experiments, they finally created this kind of electric lamp that can emit white light.

Calvin's home is located in the inner city, where wires have been laid, so even at night, his home is still bright.

At night, the two couples who are not like husband and wife will talk about these things.

But no matter what he had talked about, Calvin didn't feel palpitations, but the talk of the matter tonight made him a little upset.

"...Maybe you should know."

When Calvin spoke again, he didn't imagine his throat was so dry.

"What?" Eliza looked at her husband with bread in her mouth.

After taking a deep breath, Calvin said, "A few legendary towns have recently emerged from the "Miro" stronghold. Some changes have taken place on the border between our empire and the Black Forest. The main feature is that the "borderline" has changed. ."

"Borderline?" Alisa stunned slightly. In her impression, if it was just an ordinary "advance", then it should not be an important thing.

Every time, the empire will try to attack the Black Forest, and with the help of the Druid, it will try to purify the Black Forest, but unfortunately it has little effect every time.

However, as the experience has become rich, and in recent years there is also the help of the'Manufacturing Department' and the'R&D Department', the casualties have become much smaller, and sometimes they can even be ignored, so the offensive in recent years has also become slightly bolder some.

This change does not attract Calvin's attention, so it should be...backing off? !

"The seals of the gods are disintegrating-do you know this?" Calvin's voice suddenly became deep, and Alisa was caught off guard.

The seals of the gods... literally understandable, but she has never heard of such a thing!

Alisa didn't seem panic. After she married Calvin, she was able to get in touch with many things that she had never been able to, so she was still quite satisfied with the marriage for the time being.

Calvin took a moment to explain to his wife. After listening, Alissa was suspicious, wondering if her husband was deceiving herself.

But thinking of his identity and character, he should not be lying.

In other words, there are indeed things, but she never knew these things!

"The border can't hold it anymore..."

Calvin frowned, sighing helplessly: "Not only those monsters are gradually becoming stronger, but also because there seem to be some "special individuals" that have not appeared in the previous "evolution"-this refers to not " 'Monster', but'Warcraft'!"

"Their power can be passed on, and even more terrifying is that they even gave birth to'wisdom'!" Speaking of this, Calvin's eyes flickered.

He is a mage, so he really wants to study those special individuals.

But as the minister of the R&D department, Caesar XIII's loyal supporter, or as an imperial man or a human being, he believes that those'monsters' must be eliminated!


Unsurprisingly, Ali Sutton suddenly panicked and screamed, "You said'wisdom'?"

She widened her beautiful eyes, her pupils were full of panic, her lips trembling slightly, her hands unconsciously pinched the butter out of the bread and spilled it onto her pajamas.

Alisa can hardly imagine what kind of situation this is!

She used to be a noble girl~www.NovelMTL.com~The difference is that her father’s identity is a little higher, but she is like all noble girls, her task is to learn art, improve literacy, and at a certain time and a certain The nobles who hate or don’t hate are married, and then in a short or long life, they are cheating, watching their husband cheating, but pretending to be deaf and dumb, of course, they can also find an opportunity to cheat, and then spend their own time like this lifetime.

Her father didn't want her to come into contact with the knowledge of'extraordinary', so she, like most noble girls, never touched those things.

Fortunately, she likes her husband now, at least compared with other people of the same age, she feels that her husband is already good enough, and can also let her get in touch with the knowledge that she has never been in touch, but has been curious .

But now it seems that it is not a good thing to know too much...

A group of beasts, born ‘wisdom’?

What a joke! ! !

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