Duke of Grief

Chapter 825: Pai An

? "It's almost a year since I knew it..."

Looking at the main entrance of the Master College not far away, Cervantes yawned against the wall.

In full view, the Master College was built in a pile of buildings under construction, and even the construction workers did not know what they were building.

This trick was used very smoothly. Before the reaction of almost everyone, the Master College was established in this way.

Although after hearing this news, magistrates from all over the mainland sent letterheads to show their ‘resolute opposition’ attitude, but at this stage the Principality lacks nothing, but instead the commodities produced by the Principality are widely welcomed by the outside world.

They do not have "Legend" as the backstage, and none of the Legendary Masters expressed their opposition to this matter.

Cervantes, who knows the inside story, knows that this Master College and the Norman College of Masters are a "test field" for legendary masters.

Because they all know that the profession of ‘Mage’ is not just a clear meaning, not just a ‘user of magic’, but also a ‘researcher of the world’.

Unfortunately, in this era, many mages are dedicated to the pursuit of ‘magic’, instead of studying the truth of this world, just because studying the truth of the world can enable them to obtain more powerful magic, nothing more.

They have embarked on a crooked road, but all legendary mages do not know whether this road is a crooked road, so they are just watching and watching, rather than choosing to support it.

However, choosing not to stand is already a kind of support. As long as there is no legendary mage to "oppose", then those mage organizations will not dare to really shoot. After all, standing behind the Principality of Sad Wind, but several legends and one Deity.

The Master College in front of us has been running for almost a year, and everything is going according to plan.

A few of the better students have been able to learn how to release a spell in advance. According to this situation, it is estimated that a ‘Master’s License’ will be established in the future.

Only a licensed mage can use the law legally, but a licensed mage who uses the spell in the Principality of the Principality needs to make a report afterwards. If the reason is lawful and legitimate, he can be found not guilty. Otherwise, he needs to be sentenced according to the consequences. .

This is also an inevitable trend of social development. If the mage can cast the law at will, who will be responsible for the accident?

Crouching by the wall, Cervantes felt bored.

The current Wind City is too peaceful. Although the thief has not disappeared, he can't commit his appearance. The "cult worship" that once prevailed in the country has completely disappeared.

Whether it is because the cult believes that this country is not easy to provoke, or because people live a prosperous life, they no longer need to worry about life, and they no longer need these things...

In short, Cervantes has a complex mood of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with the Principality’s current situation.

Or... go into the college and have a look?

Suddenly such a thought came to mind, Cervantes had even begun to think about how to sneak into the Master College without even thinking about it.

It’s not fun to go in and walk around in a fair and decent way. Of course, it’s exciting to play!

Cervantes ran to the edge of the fence, and while the guards and the fence didn't pay attention, one turned and jumped in.

Behind the fence is a forest. After passing through the forest, you can reach the student dormitory. The opposite direction to the student dormitory is the teaching building.

This malicious design style at a glance knows that it is from the hands of Serra. If he is allowed to design, he will definitely set the cafeteria directly opposite the student dormitory!

No one knows that he has sneaked in yet, so should he play more exciting?

The black dragon stood there thinking for two seconds, then took out a badge, rubbed his finger against the surface of the badge, and Cervantes buckled it on his chest.

Then he took out the mirror again and looked at the guy in the mirror with a black scarf on his face and grinned.

He cannot use magic himself, but he can use magical wonders!

With his sneaking skills, it is absolutely fine to disguise a rogue who sneaks into the academy, and he can even use the excuse ‘to test their emergency measures’.

After all, who made him a black dragon in a chaotic camp...

Strolling through this vast college, with his feet in the shadows, Cervantes almost merged his body into the shadows.

It is still class time, the campus is very quiet, and the traditional masters are a group of otakus, and will not easily go out for activities.

The whole body was wrapped in a black ‘night-walking suit’ and his face was covered with a black cloth. Cervantes, with only a pair of eyes, walked quietly into the teaching building.

After changing his appearance with magic, Cervantes is only as tall as the average adult male, which is conducive to sneaking.

Since more than ten minutes ago, he has not found any monitoring on this campus, which is a bit detrimental to management, which deducts points.

"One oxygen atom plus two hydrogen atoms is equal to hydrogen oxide, which is what we often say'water'. We have taught this before, but why do we have to teach this now? It's like I taught you' Like the trick, the master apprentice at this stage has not been able to distinguish the "water element" in the atmosphere-this "water" is a concept, an image, rather than referring to the exact "water" substance, I have already said Three times, I don’t want to continue to emphasize..."

In a quiet classroom, a teacher as a teacher teaches knowledge on the podium, and the students below are thirsty for knowledge, and no one even wants to make a sound that may interfere with teaching.

Now the teacher seems to be teaching how to use this knowledge to create a'water molecule'.

The water element can make up hydrogen and oxygen atoms, as well as other chemical elements, so magic cannot be used to make ‘safe drinking water’.

But because of this knowledge, the wizards can now use magic to make water.

"For magic, you now only need to "know what it is", and "know why it is" will be faced in the future. I will explain to you the principle of this magic, but you don't need to know how magic is formed. All you have to do now is to follow the steps, read the mantra, suggest yourself, and then cast the spell, don’t do extra things!

If it wasn’t for his own eyes, Cervantes really didn’t believe that a ‘simple’ teaching task could actually force a wise wizard into this.

The reason why the mage would emphasize this again and again is that I have experienced many unknown bumps.

Looking up at the time, Cervantes chose to temporarily shift his position to look at the time. It is almost get out of class now, but he hasn't played enough yet.

Although there is still some time until noon, the cafeteria is probably already preparing lunch~www.NovelMTL.com~ Otherwise, it will definitely be too busy.

Cervantes ran to the cafeteria. According to Selana's malicious design, the cafeteria and the teaching building are diagonally distributed. To get there, you need to pass through a football field and a gymnasium.

Although she said that this was for the physical consideration of the master apprentices, it is not a good thing for young people to sit all day, but they also need to be active.

Before going to the cafeteria, Cervantes stopped.

"Border? Isn't there a Great Wall?"

The mind link was suddenly activated, which made him somewhat unexpected, he has not played enough yet.

But the subsequent words had to make his look dignified.

"According to the news from the Great Wall, the astral whale appeared near the border, which means that monsters in the Atoso Mountains should also appear in the outer area, and after them... monsters from the Inland Sea may also be Out!"

This is not good news...

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