Duke of Grief

Chapter 778: firm

"...Everything is fine, don't read it." Bishop Pelonandi read the entire letterhead sent by Grush and handed it to Grush's mother, who also tearfully Next, after thanking again and again, he left the room.

Looking at the mother's lonely back, Bishop Pelonandi couldn't help but sigh.

As a priesthood, he devoted his life to the King of Light and had no time to marry and have children, but he could also understand how sad and happy the mother’s heart was.

Happy for her son to have the achievements she has today and a clear path. Although she does not quite understand what this means for Grush, as a mother, she is still willing to support her son to go Do what you want.

However, in any case, it is still a pity that the old man is not accompanied by his son...

A few years later, if Grush did not choose to leave, but returned to Lolandal with them, he should be married and have children now, and like everyone else, he spent his life in a mess.

Without their own ideas and noble beliefs, like ordinary living beings, spending a lifetime in ordinary days is the affiliation of most priests.

It is like playing a certain role. The ordinary role of the priesthood is the status quo of most priests. However, if they are to be enlightened, it will be more difficult than even open. The wisdom of the people is even more difficult!

The church school of the Glorious Church covers the entire southern part of the empire, and is also involved in several other areas.

It may be a difficult thing to turn on the wisdom of the people, but in the context of royal support, it only takes a few decades and can be completed in more than a hundred years.

However, when they become conscious, will they abandon the family for their own ideals like Grush, which is another question...

Grushe is a kind person who is willing to work hard for the ‘justice’ that everyone deserves. Although he has fallen into confusion in recent days, he can always wake up.

He is a kind person, but he is not a good son. ‘Public’ and ‘Private’ are too clear to be able to accompany her when his only relative misses him most.

With his strength, it did not take too long to return from the Mendes continent to the Ogden Empire. Taking a ship, half a year was enough for him to return to Greenland.

He is very kind, but at the same time, his heart is also very cruel!

Stepping out of the prayer room, the old Bishop Pelonandi narrowed his eyes and looked up at the sky.

Spring has arrived, and the day has finally cleared up, I hope to have a good harvest this year...


Nowadays, communication has finally developed, but only the conversation between the followers and the followers has led to many problems that have not been solved.

Grus can only send letterhead to his mother through the inclusion of letterhead in the goods and through the transaction between the Principality of the Winds and the Glorious Church.

After going out for several years, he missed his mother very much. After his father died, she raised him with one hand, which was the first time he had left his mother for so long.

In the past two decades, he has never left his family for such a long time. If he did not choose to leave at that time, it may be that he is now married and has children and is accompanied by his mother...

However, time is irreversible, and it is impossible to look back on the road that has already been traveled, not to mention that he did not regret his choice at all.

Only occasionally in the middle of the night, when he was lying alone in the bed, he was a little confused and sad. In addition, his heart was still firm.

Winter, spring, summer, and now it is autumn, he has been in this principality, this city for a long time, and has been a judge for some time.

During this time, he does not seem to understand what ‘true justice’ is, and some are ‘relatively speaking’.

He was able to be selfless, not to be bribed by his family members, and he would not be sentenced to severe punishment for the perpetrators because of the crying of the victim’s family.

In his eyes, if the sentence is sentenced according to the law, the prisoner will already be able to get the corresponding punishment, and there is no need to increase the penalty.

During this period, he received a lot of gratitude, but there was also resentment in addition to the prisoners and their families.

This seems to have caused him to fall into a dead end-even the laws of the most impartial country in the world have not been able to impart justice to all people so far. So, does "real justice" really exist in this world?

... originally, he did not drink.

"Mr. Ziegler, does "real justice" really exist in this world?" Grouch asked the red dragon sitting next to him by pouring a glass of wine into his stomach.

Wine seems to have a magical power that can make people forget their worries, open their hearts, and confide their worries to others.

Ziegler also likes to drink alcohol, but he drinks red wine. A small amount of tasting can stimulate his mind and make his brain more clear. However, if Grush asked him to drink, he would occasionally drink hard liquor.

"You ask this, I don't know!" Ziegler shook the glass in his hand, and the transparent liquid in the glass exuded a strong'scent', which rose and fell as the body of the glass shook.

People who do not drink alcohol may be a little disgusted, but those who like to drink will be greeted by this smell of greedy insects, and they will always have a drink, and then they will be out of control.

"I'm just a mage, and I'm still an evil red dragon. How can I think about this?"

He lifted the glass and touched the glass next to him, watching him pour the whole glass into his mouth again. Ziegler's mouth was slightly curled and he took a sip.

For humans, this cup seems to have flames burning the tongue and stomach, but for the dragon, this weight is not enough to make them drunk, but the taste is really good.

The red dragon narrowed its eyes, but Grush poured himself a glass of wine again, silently.

They have always been like this, drinking and talking, but often Grush is talking and Ziegler is listening.

"I feel like doing this ~www.NovelMTL.com~ doesn't really make much sense..."

This time, instead of pouring the liquor into his mouth, Grusche lifted the glass and placed it under the light, looking at the colorful light refracted, his eyes blurred.

He has never been drunk, and he cannot be drunk!

As a legend, it was impossible for him to get drunk with this alcohol, he was just confused.

From the last winter to this autumn, nearly a year has passed. He feels that he has not done anything in this year. Not only is he not closer to the ‘Justice’, but he is farther away.

"I won't say anything like ‘ask my heart’ useless words..."

After a pause, Ziegler chuckled, "I ask you, what do you want to do now?"

Glancing at the Red Dragon, Grus whispered: "I want to get closer to the way of justice..."

Ziegler interrupted him, "too broad, more specific!"

Grush was silent, and then said, "I want to save..."

"Save what?" Ziegler took a corner of his mouth and took a sip of hard liquor.

Grush said in a deep voice: "Save those who are being plagued by'injustice'!"

"So what should you do?" Ziegler asked again.

Suddenly, Grus was like a deflated ball, "I don't know..."

Ziegler smiled and shook his head. "Can you, like Serena, let the nobility of the whole country succumb?"

"No." Grush stunned obviously, and answered truthfully.

Ziegler lifted his chin, "What can you do?"

Grus thought for a moment, "...kill!"

"Then what are you waiting for?" Ziegler put the glass on the table and looked at Grush with a smile. "Anyway, can't you do anything else?"

Grush... lost in thought.

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