Duke of Grief

Chapter 500: Dragon Migration (middle)

"Cervantes, it's all right..."

Doig stood on the top of a mountain, overlooking the dark shadows in the distant sky. The shield-shaped badge that could be used to communicate with Cervantes was pinched in her hands with two fingers.

The relics of this arcane empire played their original role. The runes engraved on the coat of arms gleamed with light, and flickered with the magic power.

"I think you should know that God's Sin has not escaped the seal, just because the "Great Volcano" erupted."

Although it is only an understatement, the amount of information contained in it is very large. Doig said it easily, but he did not think so.

The "big volcano" erupted, and the "big volcano" that could not have erupted even erupted-if it was not because the Golden Dragon Clan and the Red Dragon Clan would alternately extract the fire elements in the volcano, this time the volcano erupted even Can destroy the entire southern continent.

Cervantes was not born in the southern continent, so he was not clear, but Doig was very clear.

In the southern continent, except for a few powerful monsters, there are only the evil spirits and the "big volcano", but in order to ensure that the living environment is not affected, even the Golden Dragon Clan and the Red Dragon Clan are the most hostile. During the period, it will also rotate according to the agreement.

Only by extracting and discharging the fire elements from the big volcano will the big volcano remain silent forever.

While extracting fire elements, Golden Dragon and Red Dragon will also strengthen the earth structure under the volcano, appease the veins, and use various methods to stop the eruption of the volcano.

It stands to reason that a large volcano is impossible to erupt!

"Okay, that's it..."

After speaking, Doig took away the shield badge, spread his wings, and fluttered.

After she took a deep breath, the dragon roared suddenly: "Roar!"

There was a gust of wind due to the flapping of his wings. Suddenly, sand and rocks flew on the mountain peaks, and the yellow leaves scattered around.

After a moment of stagnation in the air, Doig greeted the shadow in the distance, but this time she did not go to fights, but to ask about the volcano.

She always felt that this matter was not that simple.

Cervantes watched the dim light on the badge in his hand dim, sat on the sofa and sighed, then looked up to the maid and the goddess of wealth.

"Have you all heard?" Cervantes shook the badge in his hand. "The southern continent is no longer suitable for living creatures because of the "Great Volcano" eruption. We already know this, but now there is another There is a problem..."

"Why did the "Great Volcano" erupt."

The maid embraced her hands and leaned on the back of the chair, catching Cervantes' words.

Recently, government affairs have not been too heavy. After all, the City Hall has been running for so long, and the preparations for the official establishment of the country have reached the final stage, and various departments have basically been established. There are fewer things that need to be handled manually by the maid.

In the past, it was a heavy workload, and it took several days to get busy. Now it only takes half a day to finish all the work.

The maid should have more time to conceive the future of the tragic wind, or study magic, but now the problem is coming again.

Thousands of dragons will flood in Sloan Mendes-Cervantes said that there are already about five hundred dragons in the Continent of Slow Mendes, but now, the southern continent is not suitable. The dragon race survives, then next, more than 2,000 giant dragons that once'occupied' an entire continent will flood this continent.

The nearly five hundred dragons in the Slo Mendes continent mentioned by Cervantes naturally include those dragons in the dark area. Under the continent, in the deeper area than the bottom of the inland sea, there There is an underground cavity hidden in the dark.

In the dark area, there are countless species. After absorbing the magic power, the fluorescent moss that emits shimmer to the surroundings is the only light source there. Only the life with [Dark Vision] can survive there.

The drow elf who invaded from a foreign country but was abandoned here is not the only alien species in the dark region. Most of the foreign invaders who have been defeated by the life of the Assatom world retreat into the dark underground cavity. Competing with the underground life that originally lived there, after many years, a unique ecological circle and underground society naturally formed there.

There were no particularly obvious entrances and exits in dark areas on the surface. If you want to go to dark areas, using teleportation magic is the best way.

However, after the foreign invaders were defeated and retreated into the dark area, they used a monster called "macrophagous" to open the underground cave closest to the dark area. After that, the surface and the dark area were officially Connected, and the dark area has also become a retreat for the defeated or the fugitive.

Cervantes himself did not know whether he was right. After all, he was inherently not very sensitive to numbers, which is commonly known as ‘do not know the number’.

However, he was able to confirm that the number of giant dragons in the Sloane Mendes continent would only be more than ‘four hundred’, and never less.

Even if there is some diversion in the dark area, and not all of the more than two thousand dragons are adult dragons, but the existence of ‘at least extraordinary’ dragons is a threat in itself.

As long as they are fighting, they will definitely affect other races. After all, this is not the southern continent and it is not empty. On the contrary, it is very'crowded'. Although there are many unmanned areas that are still unexplored, the dragon's active area is also not It will just be in no man's land.

The activities of those behemoths will inevitably affect all races, which has been determined from the moment they entered the Sloane Mendes continent.

Even if these two thousand or more dragons are evenly distributed across the Sloane Mendes continent, the sad wind leader will certainly be affected, especially the current business of the sad wind leader, if the business road is caused by the harassment of the dragon If there are fewer and fewer businessmen, then the business in the turbulent development stage will be greatly hit.

At the same time, the goddess of wealth and the church of wealth will also be affected, which is why the three of them will gather here.

The face of the goddess of wealth is not very good-looking, because the impact of this matter on her is too great!

It has been ‘peace’ for hundreds of years, during which the Mendes continent, with only armed conflicts and no major wars, seems to be in chaos-if those dragons sincerely want to make trouble.

Both Sloane and Mendes have her temples and churches. Although she is still the goddess of wealth and trade, as long as Slo Mendes is in chaos, she will be affected. And it's a big influence.

Any kind of change in order will be accompanied by pain. www.NovelMTL.com The titles of several nobles cut off the heads of several nobles.

This is still under the situation that the maid has absolute power. If she does not hold the power of the "knight" and the army, it is impossible for the sad wind leader to change so smoothly.

Changes involving a continent and several races are even more terrifying. The maid can’t even imagine how long the turbulence will last if the gods don’t stop.

"This question lags behind in discussion. Let's discuss the countermeasures afterwards. This kind of big event that affects a continent, even if it is mediated by the gods, is not so easy to eliminate."

The maid shook her head and left the previous question behind, and began to discuss the countermeasures with the dragons and gods in front of her.

But even so, that problem is still deeply rooted in their three hearts, and can even become a shadow in their hearts—

"Great Volcano", why did it erupt?

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