Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 329 The bee colony grows

Because there are a lot of spiritual flowers to eat, the ability of the alcoholic bees has been released to the maximum extent. In addition, Qingyang occasionally feeds them some monkey spiritual wine, and the strength of the six purple-backed alcoholic bees has been greatly improved. Judging from the breath of the alcoholic bees, if the alcoholic bees before were equivalent to the cultivators in the early stage of Qi Refining, now they are almost equivalent to the cultivators in the middle stage of Qi Refining.

As the king of the alcoholic bee colony, the blue-backed alcoholic bee cannot do without spiritual pollen and spiritual nectar. Although the alcoholic queen bee rarely goes out, it consumes the most spiritual pollen, spiritual nectar and even monkey spiritual wine. However, the blue-backed alcoholic bee is equivalent to a foundation-building cultivator, and it is not so easy to advance. Although it eats a lot, the change is not so obvious. Qingyang carefully felt it, and the breath of the queen bee was equivalent to the upgrade from the first level of foundation-building to the second level.

The biggest change is the entire alcoholic bee colony. Because of the large amount of spiritual pollen and spiritual nectar supply, the entire bee colony has grown a lot. Now the number of alcoholic bees has exceeded more than 100, and their strengths are strong and weak. Among them, several alcoholic bees that experienced the battle in Nanling Mountain Village have rapidly improved their strength after recovering from their injuries. Although they are still ordinary alcoholic bees, it can be predicted that they will evolve into purple-backed alcoholic bees in a short time.

The beehive under the wine pavilion in the Drunken Immortal Gourd has also grown several times, making the wine pavilion look a little small. In order to avoid future troubles, Qingyang cooperated with the alcoholic bees and moved the beehive to a mountain spiritual fruit tree not far away.

This fruit tree is the largest one that Qingyang transplanted from the back mountain of Yehoupo to the Drunken Immortal Gourd. Perhaps because the Monkey King often irrigates it with the water from the pond next to it, this spiritual fruit tree is more lush than when it grows outside, and the fruits it produces are much larger than before.

It's not just this one, the other several transplanted spiritual fruit trees are growing more and more vigorously, and they have produced a lot of wild spiritual fruits. Not only that, some of the seeds of the spiritual fruit trees planted here have also survived. After the careful care of the Iron Arm Monkey in the past few years, the fruit trees have grown to more than one person tall, but they have not yet reached the stage of flowering and fruiting. However, it can be predicted that it will not be long before these spiritual fruit trees grow up and this place will become a spiritual fruit garden.

A lot of spiritual fruits have been produced, and the Iron Arm Monkey has tried to use the spiritual fruits here to brew monkey spiritual wine. In the past, the Monkey King brewed monkey spiritual wine because his parents had seen Wuyou Sanren brewing spiritual wine. They simply relied on the instinctive imitation of the demon monkey, and the spiritual wine produced can be imagined.

Now Qingyang has obtained the true teachings of Wuyou Sanren's brewing skills. Under Qingyang's guidance, the Iron Arm Monkey's brewing skills have been greatly improved, and the quality of the brewed monkey spiritual wine is much higher, but the output is a bit small, only enough for Qingyang to taste it occasionally.

The Iron Arm Monkey's injury had long been healed, but Qingyang was not convenient to let him out, so he had been living in the Drunken Immortal Gourd. The food was basically the wild fruits and spiritual fruits transplanted into the Drunken Immortal Gourd. Occasionally, Qingyang would give him some spiritual pollen or spiritual nectar, and sometimes he would feed him the miscellaneous elixirs that Qingyang himself did not like.

Perhaps it was because the Iron Arm Monkey's qualifications were limited, or perhaps it was because his age affected the absorption of spiritual materials. After a few years, the Iron Arm Monkey's strength had not improved much.

The spiritual materials and spiritual flowers that Qingyang planted in the Drunken Immortal Gourd five years ago had grown to two or three feet high at this time. Although it was still early to mature, some of them had reached the time to bloom. The large area of ​​green was interspersed with several budding flowers, which added a lot of color to the entire Drunken Immortal Gourd space.

The four seeds that Qingyang had planted a long time ago had changed less. After five years, they had only grown from more than three feet high to nearly five feet.

The branches of the Wannianhong tree became thicker, and the red flowers on the tree bloomed more and more luxuriantly. Over the years, Qingyang collected a lot of Wannianhong petals and nectar.

When he was free, Qingyang went to the alchemy academy of the sect, inquired about the formula of the longevity pill, and tried to refine the pill with the petals and nectar of the Wannianhong. Perhaps because the level of the longevity pill was relatively high, Qingyang failed many times in the process of trying, and also wasted a lot of materials.

But later, he finally succeeded. Although the success rate is less than half, the success rate will be gradually improved with more attempts in the future. After that, Qingyang worked hard and refined all the remaining materials into pills, and finally got a total of more than a dozen longevity pills.

Qingyang gave the longevity pill to the iron-armed monkey to try, and it seemed to have some effect, so Qingyang solemnly preserved the remaining longevity pills, and these pills have greater uses.

The peach tree is also much taller than before, and its branches are thicker. There are not many leaves on the peach tree, but each one is green and lush, revealing a sense of spirituality.

Qingyang has seen many spiritual trees in the farming courtyard over the years. The grades are high and low. The low ones can only be used as firewood for alchemy and refining within the sect. The high ones can be refined into magic tools and spiritual tools. The particularly precious ones are even prepared for the new golden elixir elders in the sect to refine magic tools in the future. But after looking around, it seems that none of them are as high as the grade of the peach tree in the Drunken Immortal Gourd.

Sometimes Qingyang can't help but wonder, such a good peach tree, will it be used as a magic weapon material in the future, or will it be raised into a spiritual fruit tree and picked peaches to eat when it grows up? Maybe both are possible. The grade of this peach tree is so high that maybe just cutting off a branch can be refined into a magic weapon, and the rest can continue to grow?

Then Qingyang shook his head and stopped his random thoughts. The road to becoming an immortal was so difficult, and he didn't know if he could get there. The peach tree grows so slowly. Maybe when you die of old age, you won't be able to see the day it blooms and bears fruit, so don't think too much about it.

Next to the grapevine, Qingyang built a shelf with slender bamboo poles. The five-foot-tall grapevine could no longer support his body and was now wrapped around the bamboo pole and climbing up.

There were less than twenty leaves on the slender grape vine. Qingyang picked a grape leaf and put it into his mouth to taste. It tasted sweet and sour and delicious. After reaching the mouth, a clear stream oozed from the leaves, with a trace of spiritual energy. I didn't expect that these grape leaves are also good things, but it's a pity that I can't eat more of them, otherwise the grape vines will be bald.

Finally, Qingyang came to the edge of the gourd vine again. After not seeing him for a while, two flower buds grew on the gourd vine. They were white and tender, which was very pleasing to the eye.

Looking at this bud, Qingyang couldn't help but feel happy. The energy he spent on the four seeds over the years was finally not in vain. Today he finally saw the results. He just didn't know what kind of gourd could grow from it and whether he could make money. Pay back your own efforts.

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