Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 141 Cheating?

Get the immortal gate items in advance? Is there such a thing? Qingyang couldn't help wondering: "The Immortal Knocking Conference will start in more than a month. The immortal gate hasn't come yet, and it's even more unclear what tasks will be issued. How can I get the task items in advance?"

Lu Dingshan smiled and said: "You don't know this, right? There is really no way to know the immortal gate task items in advance, but we can use the tasks they issued in previous years to infer. Yuling Mountain has a limited variety of output. Since the Immortal Knocking Conference is held in Yuling City, the task items will definitely not be out of the scope of Yuling Mountain. The Immortal Knocking Conference has been held for so many years, and I don't know how many times the tasks have been repeated. If we can find an item that appears more frequently in the immortal gate tasks in advance, maybe it's a blind cat meeting a mouse."

After listening to Lu Dingshan's explanation, Qingyang finally understood that this is just like the scholars predicting the questions in the exam. If they haven't reviewed well before, they will prepare the answers to the questions with a higher probability of appearing in advance. If these questions happen to appear during the exam, they may pass the exam. Even if they don't appear in the end, there will be no loss. Anyway, they didn't have much hope before.

"Isn't this cheating?" Qingyang asked.

Lu Dingshan said: "How can it be considered cheating? To put it bluntly, the so-called immortal gate mission is actually that the immortal gate needs something, but they don't have the energy to get it, so they use the name of the Immortal Knocking Conference to let us casual cultivators help them find it. Whoever finds it may be able to join the immortal gate. The mission items are extremely rare. If they are auctioned, they are not much inferior to the Immortal Knocking Order. It is equivalent to spending money to buy a quota."

When they were in the secret place, the fairy master Xiying of Lingxi Valley explained the three conditions. The first one is that you need good qualifications, the second one is to have connections, that is, the Immortal Knocking Order, and the third one is that you need to have ability. Only with ability can you get the mission items of the immortal gate.

According to Lu Dingshan, whether you have ability is secondary. Having ability does not necessarily mean you can find the mission items. If you have financial resources, many things will be easy to handle. Whether it is going to the auction to bid for the Immortal Knocking Order or buying the mission items from the cultivators, joining the immortal gate is no longer difficult. It seems that whether it is the secular world or the immortal world, financial resources are the first priority.

Qingyang asked, "Does the Immortal Sect have no restrictions in this regard?"

Lu Dingshan shook his head and said, "The purpose of the Immortal Sect is to get the mission items, so of course there can be no more restrictions. However, there is relative fairness, that is, each mission of the Immortal Sect is kept secret, and it will only be announced when the Immortal Knocking Conference begins, without giving us the opportunity to prepare in advance, so everyone can only take a gamble."

Qingyang has been in the martial arts world for many years, and knows that it is impossible to have absolute fairness. Some people have spiritual roots, while others do not; and those who have spiritual roots, some have excellent qualifications, while others have mixed spiritual roots; with the same mixed spiritual roots, some people can join the Immortal Sect without any effort, while others work hard but cannot find a chance, so there has never been fairness in this world.

The casual cultivators can prepare in advance, so can't those Yulingcheng families? Maybe those wealthy families have already prepared one copy of each commonly used mission item in advance, just waiting for the Immortal Knocking Conference to begin.

The fact that the Immortal Sect announced the Immortal Sect mission only after the Immortal Knocking Conference began was very generous to casual cultivators. As for whether they could do it, it all depended on their abilities and luck. If you were lucky, and you happened to have the mission item, there was nothing to be jealous of if you joined the Immortal Sect directly, because luck itself was also a kind of immortal path.

Seeing Qingyang thinking, Lu Dingshan said, "These news are not worth much. As long as you are willing to spend time, you can find out. It's just a waste of time, and you might miss some important opportunities. I don't have many friends in Yuling City. It's fate that we can drink together, so I told you this in advance."

After listening to Lu Dingshan's words, Qingyang thought about it. He didn't have the qualifications, and he couldn't get the Immortal Knocking Order. It seemed that he could only pin his hopes on the Immortal Sect mission. However, the Immortal Knocking Conference was getting closer and closer, and all the cultivators were looking for the mission items. How could they be so easy to find?

The method that Lu Dingshan just mentioned to explore Yuling Mountain could be tried. Although the chance of getting the mission items was lower when a large group of people acted together, it was always a chance, wasn't it? It's better than waiting here and doing nothing, right? The only thing to consider is how to ensure safety.

After thinking for a while, Qingyang asked: "Daoyou Lu, have you formed your team? Can I be included?"

Although Lu Dingshan drank a lot of spirit wine, he was not drunk. He hesitated and said: "This... I just had this idea now, and it has not been formally organized yet. Daoyou Qingyang's cultivation level of the fifth level of Kaimai Realm is too low. I am worried that others will not agree to take you."

If you have a low cultivation level, you will be discriminated against everywhere. Going into the mountains to find items for the immortal gate mission is almost the most likely opportunity for Qingyang, which should not be missed. Qingyang said: "Although I only have the cultivation level of the fifth level of Kaimai Realm, I don't need special care from others. What's wrong with taking me with you after you form a team?"

As the saying goes, you will be grateful to others for taking you. Lu Dingshan had just drunk Qingyang's spirit wine, so it was not easy to refuse directly. He could only say: "Well, I will try my best to discuss with others to see if I can take you with me, but I can't guarantee it, so don't hold too much hope."

Although Lu Dingshan agreed with his mouth, he did not give up any hope in his heart. The team they wanted to organize should at least be in the late stage of opening the pulse realm. Qingyang's cultivation level at the fifth level of opening the pulse realm was really too low. Yes, imposing it will only hinder things. Not only will it not help much, but it will also take away a lot of benefits. No one can agree with it.

Lu Dingshan had talked to this point, Qingyang could only nod his head and said: "I understand this truth, as long as Fellow Daoist Lu does his best."

Then the two of them drank and chatted, and quickly drank up a jar of Baihua Wine. At the wine table, they not only decided to form a team to go to the depths of Yuling Mountain, but also agreed on a time to attend the auction together the day after tomorrow. At the end, Qingyang was drunk, and Lu Dingshan was also drunk, and it was difficult to speak, so Qingyang still relied on Qingyang to send him back to the room.

Qingyang used half a jar of Baihua Wine to get some important news. It was well worth the money. It seems that we can't always work behind closed doors in the future. When we have time, we should go out more and communicate more with other casual cultivators. Communicate, and you might get useful news at some point.

~~~~~~Thank you for the reward from fellow Taoist I Love Sheep Sheep!

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